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by Therapist_Doaa on Apr 5, 2024

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Therapy Secret Club ملاذٌ آمن للمشاركة والتعافي في عالمٍ مليء بالضغوطات والتحديات، ينشد الكثيرون مساحة آمنة للتعبير عن مشاعرهم ومخاوفهم دون خوف من الأحكام. أنا هنا معاكم دعاء حسين أخصائي ومعالج نفسي وباحثة دكتوراه في علم النفس الإكلينيكى متخصصة في علاج الاضرابات النفسية زي القلق والاكتئاب والوسواس القهري واضرابات الشخصية مع 10 سنوات من الخبرة الإكلينيكية ساعدت أكثر من 2000 شخص علي تجاوز معاناتهم والتعافي وتحقيق الأهداف والسواء النفسي. 🌺💜

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Networkingcommented 75 days ago

حبيبتي يا د سيلڤيا ❤️

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New Motherscommented 75 days ago

لانك اشطر دكتور 💪🏻♥️

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Constipation in pregnancy can be common and uncomfortable, both at the same time. It can be accompanied by bloating, abdominal pain, back ache, headache, general tiredness, and even piles. ✅What is pregnancy constipation? Pregnancy constipation is when you are unable to pass stools or you experience pain and difficulty while passing stools. This can lead to increased straining with little to no results or even a sensation to poop all the time. ✅When does it begin ? Pregnancy constipation can set in during the 8th week of gestation, and for some it may get better, while for others it may remain until the third trimester. ✅What causes pregnancy constipation? While, we are very quick to put the blame on hormones ,especially progesterone because it causes muscles in the bowel which move stools further towards the intestine and out, to relax thereby slowing down gastric emptying. However, there can be various other reasons including - 🌸Your growing womb 🌸 Inadequate hydration 🌸Low fibre intake 🌸Reduced activity 🌸Iron supplements ✅How can you relieve constipation during pregnancy? 👉 Include complex carbohydrate rich foods to your diet ( wheat, oats, ragi, barley, nuts, and seeds). 👉 Add fresh fruits and vegetables to the diet. 👉 Have porridges, soups, and smoothies rather than consuming heavy meals. 👉Have prunes early morning with a glass of lukewarm water. 👉 Drink enough water, coconut water, buttermilk, etc 👉Have iron rich foods like spinach, nuts, seeds, beans, ragi, etc to decrease dependency on supplements. 👉Keep yourself active, talk to your doctor regarding it. 👉Don't skip prenatal supplements, rather talk to your doctor for a different one. 👉Talk to your doctor regarding stool softeners, and laxatives, if needed. 👉Avoid processed or packaged foods.
Most needed video🤞☺️
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Abimler kedosu emanet olarak bıraktı, bize de iftara yemek düstü sjsjdjsjs offf bu sapsikler bu kadar tatlı olmak zorunda mıymış acabaaa😍😍😝😝 biri de ayak ucumda şu anda.. beni kabir azabı çektirircezine uyutacak yine belli oldu☹️
Yaaa yerimmm
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It’s so tough to abort a child …. You do go through so much sadness…. How to deal with …. I have 2 kids and can’t have the 3rd one …. But it’s so much guilt and sadness I am going through … how to deal with it
You don't worry ..... this sadness won't last long...... Sometimes we have to take hard calls for the betterment of our future!!! Try to keep yourself busy both physically and mentally and you will soon come over it.
It is often the societal expectations of us that lead to these feelings. When we consider what's important to us, we can source out solutions that work for us. While it is difficult, I would still recommend consulting with a healthcare professional, a psychologist/psychiatrist to deal with mental health struggles you feel. If you wish to get an abortion, and have not been able to check in with your gynecologist.
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Bal böceğime doğum günü hediyesi olarak bunu alacağız😍🥹 eminim çok beğenecek zira 37 numarası olsa ben bile kendime alırdım😁🙄
Yaaa çok guzeeeel
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Kuzumu sabah kreşe yolladık. Biz daha eve girer girmez kreşten aradılar, Nil kustu dediler. Geri gidip aldık. Birkaç kez daha kustu ama sonrasında bişeyi yoktu. Sadece 1 haftadır iştahsız😔 gaita ve idrar verdik, sonucunu bekliyoruz. Böyle olunca çok geriliyorum. Allahım kimseyi evladıyla sınamasın😞🙏🏻 #kreş #4yaş #hastalık
Ama ben yerim onuu
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I am blogger. Please follow my blog .My nlog url is
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Hello my First post here How are you all ? hope you all doing well n safe
Yes. we are very well. Sure you'll enjoy hanging out with all of us here.
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I am a 34 year female and me and my husband are trying to conceive however I don't want to leave excercise to do that but my husband says it's difficult to conceive if I am working out. also he wants a baby but I don't but he is very much looking forward to have one. I am so badly stuck in between of what I want and what he wants what should I do?how do I tell him what I want I am afraid of hurting him.
You don't have to leave exercising to conceive. This is a misconception. Yes, excessive exercise without a nutritious diet might impact your menstrual cycles, but regular exercise is a must for healthy menstrual cycles. As for not wanting a child right now, it is best to openly communicate your desires with your husband. You might also want to evaluate when you wish to have a child or not have children at all and discuss this with your partner as well. Having a child if you are not ready can make you resent the process and also be resentful to your husband. Which makes open communication about this crucial.
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Doğururken Neden Bağırırız Kadının tamamen dışardan öğrendiği doğum algısıdır, doğumda bağırma. Doğuma bakış açısı, her dönemde kültürel yapıdan fazlasıyla etkilenmiştir. Özellikle Anadolu da kadınlar kendilerini ifade etmek için doğurganlığı ve doğumu fazlasıyla kullanmıştır. Eşiyle birlikte yapabildiği tek paylaşımın sexs olması, çocuk sayısının gücü temsil etmesi ,kadını kuluçka makinasına çevirmiştir. Gebelik boyunca kendisine verilen değerin artması, doğum eyleminde ki çığlık gösterisi ile taçlandırılarak, kadının doğum anı savaş meydanına çevrilmiştir. Elbette ki doğum bedenen ve ruhen çok büyük bir eylem. Hatta bana sorarsanız ruhani bir ayin olarak tanımlarım. Ama bir çok kadın doğumda sesini etraftakiler duyacak kadar yükselterek acılar içinde kıvrandığını göstermiş ve ilgiyi üzerine çekmeyi başarmıştır. Öğrenilmiş bir davranış olarak kadınlar bağırarak doğurulacağını düşünmüş ve doğumdan korkmuştur. Sadece kendileri değil gelecek nesli de korkutmuştur. Hatta bu korku ilerleyen zamanda kadınların birçoğunu sezaryen doğuma teşfik etmiştir. Bu gün Türkiye de sezaryen doğumların bu kadar artmasında doğum algısının dizi, filmlerde bile bu algıyla işlenmesi yatar. Oysaki anatomik olarak pelvik kaslar çene kaslarına bağlı olduğu için kadın bağırarak bebeğini itemez, ısrarla bağırmaya devam ediyorsa müdahaleler başlar (kristal manevrası, epizyotomi, vakum…) gibi. Sıfır sesiz olması da beklenmiyor kadınlardan; inleme, tıslama, puflama gibi vücut sesleri elbette olacak. Ama avazınız çıktığı kadar bağırmak değil. Sonuç olarak doğum anında bağırdığınızda süreç için hiçbir faydası olmadığı gibi aksine doğumun seyri doğal akışından tamamen sapar. Birde bu yetmez gibi doğum sonu ekstra bir boğaz ağrısı yaşarsınız.
Benim için çok aydınlatıcı bir yazı oldu 💜

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Hello people! I am Dr. Samadrita Saha; PhD, M.A. (CU); Consultant Psychologist, Parenting Coach. I have worked with more than 10,000+ clients till now to heal and make their life better in terms of getting a better perspective of life, promoting intra-personal relationship & self-care. My expertise includes anxiety management, stress management, coping depression, low self-esteem issues & self-confidence issues, familial relationship challenges, and trauma. I am also seasoned in pre-marital counselling, gediatric or old age counseling and postpartum depression counseling. I believe "healing starts when you feel heard!" Therefore, my therapeutic approach is all about giving you the non-judgemental, unbiased, empathetic safe space to share. I have been practicing for the last 13 years and I take a person-centered approach and love doing therapy with individuals and their families to help them navigate and cope with challenges in their life. I am a working mother of a toddler, I really feel empathetic to the kind of challenges mothers go through and I am here to help you deal & cope with all the challenges of parenting. I use conscious breath work, meditative approaches and a lot of energy work in my therapeutic sessions. I speak English, Hindi & Bengali.more




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