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by SwastiGenztherapist on Oct 12, 2022

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Hi everyone! In this community, we talk about our experiences and give ideas to deal with anxiety. This is a place to feel safe and supported. We talk about our feelings and thoughts, share advice, and offer encouragement to one another. We also discuss different ways for managing anxiety and maintaining mental well-being. Join the community and let's create a supportive and understanding environment where we can help each other find peace of mind<3

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how do I handle the guilt of not wanting to be a mother and having kids of my own??? In this society where everyone expects women to be a mother

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New Mothersanswered 28 days ago

Try knowing your reasons , discuss with more woman who decided on this decision and try having open communication with your husband/co parent, your willingness is top most priority

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Eating Disordersanswered 26 days ago

Hi there, I hope you are well. -Wanting to have kids or not wanting to have any is a personal choice and decision :) - You can have several reasons to not have kids. - However, I'd suggest you to sit down and have a conversation with yourself and your partner over the same. - Does he have similar views as well ? or he wants kids ? - Try to come to a conclusion based on the same. - Let it be a joint/mutual decision. - Talk to your friends or individuals you've taken a similar decision. - The society will expect you to do too many things, however, not everything can be considered as important as they may feel it is. - Take a sound decision, and stick by the same, sometimes we may change our decision/decisions because we feel the need to do so. - However, there's no pressure at all! - If you want to live your life in a certain manner, then, go ahead ✨✨ - All the best.

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Financial Independenceanswered 14 days ago

Hi. It’s totally normal to not want kids. It’s a personal choice and that’s completely okay. Try talking to people who have made a similar decision, if is said that if you aren’t fitting in, then choose people who don’t fit in as well and then you can not fit it together! 😃 Also, have a conversation about this with your partner.

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اهلا وسهلا بيكي ♥️ معاكي سيلڤيا معالج نفسي وعضو اتحاد المعالجين النفسيين العرب تقدري تشرفيني فال community بتاعتي the healing journey محتاجة تعرفي هو شخصيته ايه هل شايل جواه ومش متكلم؟هل نفسه يقولك جمل وساكت؟ لو حابة نتكلم سوا انا وانتي تعالي نعمل call انهاردة الساعه ٧ او ٩ او١٠مساء افهمك اكتر وانتي تعبري اكتر دومتي جميله♥️
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hi mam I have 3 girls I want baby boy mam,in my prediction I have baby boy or not when I will get government job
or marriage ko lekr keshi hogi arrange ya love
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اختي مكتوب كتابها وكنا انا وهي نازلين نشتري حجات للفرح خطيبها قالها لا متنزليش قالتله انا عرفت بابا ووافق قالها غصب عنك وعن ابوكي مش هتنزلي انا جوزك وانا الي اقول تنزلي ولا لا راح بابا قال لاختي المفروض تعيدي النظر في موضوع الجواز
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انا اكبر من اختي وهي عايزه تتجوز وانا مش موافقه ومستحيل اوافق لازم انا الاول
اهلاً بيكي يا جميله🌸 انا متفهمه مشاعرك جدا لكن في نفس الوقت هل انت واحده بالك من المشاعر الي انت بتخبيها ورا القرار دا محتاجين نتكلم مع بعض اكتر علشان نفهم المشاعر الي متخبيه وساعتها نقدر نتعامل معاها هتلاقيني معاكي يوميا الساعه ٨، ١٠، ١١ علشان نتكلم اكتر وكمان خلي بالك ان دا نصيب سواء انت الأولي أو هي المهم بأنك تلاقي الشخص الي هيكون متفهمة وأنتي حاسه بالراحه معاه وتكوني في علاقه صحيه وآمنه هستناكي نتكلم اكتر في تفاصيل كتير مع بعض وساعتها هتلاقي نفسك ممكن تاخدي قرار تاني يريحك وتكوني متقبلاه اتمنالك يوم لطيف ☺️
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ماما وبابا منفىصلين وماما عايزه تتجوز وانا رافضه اعمل اي
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ازيكم يا بنات عاملين ايه انا مخطوبه بقالي سنتين و كاتبين الكتاب وفرحنا الشهر الجاي بتكلم مع خطيبي في موضوع الخلفه مصمم اننا نأجل وانا الموضوع عندي مرفوض تماما انا نفسي في عيال خصوصا ان انا عندي ٢٧ و عايزه يبقى عيالي قريبين مني في السن شويه مش قادره اتقبل الفكره اصلا هو مضغطش عليا وقالي نوصل لحل لكن انا حتى لو اتأجلت شهرين ده بالنسبالي كتير وشايفه ان الطفل مش هيزودنا حاجه ده طفل لسه وهو شايف انه مسؤوليه كبيره ولازم نأمنله مستقبله كل شويه بعيط عشان بفكر اسيبه لاننا بقالنا سنين مع بعض وبين ان سنه او ٢ كتير عليا تأجيل بحب الأطفال اوي ونفسي ابقى ام حد عنده فكره أقنعه ازاي او اتكلم معاه اقول ايه عشان انا تعبانه وكلامي مش مترت
اهلا جميله كوتو 🥰 نورتينى واصل ليا لخبطه وتوتر وقلق ومشاعر خوف وإحباط وربما اكتر هونى على نفسك يا جميله 🥰 ترتيبات الجواز لواحدها موتره وضاغطه ضيفى عليها الصيف والجو الحر اللى بياثر ع قراراتنا ضيفى عليها تخوفات ومن ضمنها موضوع الخلفه والخوف أن سنك بقى كبير واحتياجك الشديد للخلفه كل دى مؤشرات بتقول أن ف تخوف معين عندك من الطفوله سواء(تأخير حد ف اسرتك ع الخلفه ،مشاكل ف الحمل ، أو مرض معين ، خرافات عن الانوثه ، والامومه الخ من المشاكل اللى بتكون ماثره ع قرار الحمل والخلفيه كمان محتاجه اضيف أن التوتر بياثر ع هرمونات الجسم وبالتالى بتأثر ع القدره ع الحمل وان الوقت الطبيعى أن تروحى لدكتور نسا وتدور ع الحمل بسرعه ف أواخر الثلاثين وحتى مش شرط كمان وف تفاصيل كتير محتاجه اسالك فيها اكتر علشان ااقدر اساعدك واشجعك ع الحضور اللايف ولا تتسرعى ف أخذ قرار بالانفصال عن زوجك منتظراك ف اللايف دمتى بود
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كنا بعدنا فتره أنا وهو ورجع صالحني وبعدها بتاني يوم طلب رقم بابا وبسأله عايزه فايه مش راضي يقولي بيقولي معرفش وانه في حد عايزه وليا يومين بتحايل عليه اعرف عايزه فايه مش راضي يقولي 😭
اهلا بيكي حاولي تهدي من نفسك وتقللي من قلقك وتوترك من خلال ممارسة تمارين التنفس العميق ومتضغطيش عليه خليه يشغر بحرية المساحه الشخصية الخاصه ومتشغليش بالك بأفكار او توقعات سلبية .🥰
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I am a working mother and my schedule gets too overwhelming. I barely get time to eat on some days. But eventually I have come to realize that this pattern is taking a toll on my mental and physical health. and Now i want to move towards indulging in some self-care each days despite of all the work. How can I start doing that?
Hello Anonymous, I am krisha sanghvi, a counselling psychologist here to help! It's completely understandable to feel overwhelmed as a working mother. You're doing an incredible job managing so much. To start incorporating self-care, try setting aside 10 minutes each day for activities you enjoy, such as reading a book, taking a short walk, or practicing deep breathing exercises. Preparing healthy snacks in advance can also help ensure you’re nourished. If you would like to talk and understand it more, join my live session.
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mam meri sadhi kb tak hogi
Mam aap mere live mei aaiye aapko iska jawab mil jaaega

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I am a mother and an educator in charter schools and ABC Youth Foundation. I host several podcast it's a huge passion of mine and I also produce I strongly feel that empathy is the glue of humanity and without it what do we have for understanding one another and being kind toward one another is what keeps Us human it's what makes it work and without it what can possibly get better you must hold on to that and remember and show it where it's needed so that people can know what it is and be able to show that same to others connecting and growing with others is within the foundations of empathy that's how the world gets better so we can understand we don't have to directly know one another we must be that change and it starts with us, we must be the change we want to see!more

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"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them." – Maya Angelou. Welcome! My name is Niharika Bisht and I have been a clinical psychologist for over a year with a strong foundational practice of over 2000 hours in evidence based therapy, in English and Hindi, which are always client centered, putting YOU as the priority. My compassion comes with the caliber of providing the tools for you to navigate their struggles and challenges. I would love to be a catalyst for an impact whether you're dealing with event-based or long-term depression, social or personal anxiety, neurological disorders such as autism or epilepsy, or relationship issues involving friends or in-laws. Building a therapeutic relationship on trust, empathy, and respect is my priority. Together, we'll explore your strengths, address challenges, and build resilience. I'm here to help you find clarity, develop healthy coping strategies, and create meaningful change. I fiercely look forward for you to join me in a live session so that we can understand how we can go forward together, gain new perspectives and be the best version of ourselves we always knew we could, please remember you're not alone and you alone are capable.Hope to see you soon.more

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