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by Mona Gujral on Sep 15, 2022

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The purpose of this community is to share, listen, learn and be supportive just like friends and family to share your personal experiences, coping strategies and exchange firsthand information.Please note.This is peer support group community. This is not therapy.This is not professionally facilitated community.

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I just feel very low. being a single parent and working for 9 hours a day. I seem to attract negativity. no matter what I do I get treated badly. I am not that harsh . I really feel like giving up but I don't hv that choice. can anyone suggest or help....

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Mehndi/Hennaanswered 171 days ago

@ss1972 its not easy being a single working woman.. i can totally imagine your plight.. if you feel that you are attracting negativity then pause and see if you are feeling negative inside your mind. Personally i have seen when i have negative thoughts i have negative experiences everything starts going wrong. Our mind is very powerful, try not to indulge in negativity in your head and you will see how you start attracting positive experiences 🤗💜

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answered 171 days ago

You can try counselling or therapy as a single working mother maybe all you need is someone who can understand your challenges and help you to get back to your best self

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answered 169 days ago

even I m also on same page but I feel if I will busy or keep doing work I can distract myself from negativity but when I have no work then I feel very low

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answered 168 days ago

simple math ..+ +=+, + -=-, - -=+ if you have negative feelings then gain more positivity..more sun exposure...keep urself attach to lord Krishna.. I am not saying be religious..just try once ..Give urself to him honestly... do good things without thinking what ppl will say.

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Networkinganswered 167 days ago

What if you start being kind to yourself first? Like once a day jot down 5 things you are grateful for about You. Gratitude kills judgments but first we need to start with ourselves. Besides this, you can try saying this : ‘All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory.’ This is the Access Consciousness mantra which I use everyday and it helps change the energy of whatever is going on in my life.

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خطب وسابنى عشان أهله مش موافقين عليا طب أنا عملتلهم ايه 💔
اهلا جميله 🥰 واصل ليا وجعك وألمك سلامتك الموضوع واضح أن ليه جوانب كتير مش واضحه ياعنى هل انت عارفه من بدرى أن أهله مش موافقين عليك وايه سبب الرفض هل كان واضح ليك اختلاف الأفكار أو التمسك وهو طبيعه شخصيته ايه وكذلك انت ف محتاجه نتكلم اكتر من خلال اللايف واسئلك ونوصل لنتيجه تساعد ف دخولى ف علاقات تانيه بشكل فعال غير مؤذى بالنسبالك دمتى بخير وود واستقرار 🥰 منتظراك حابه اساعدك
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What is the most memorable lesson you've learned from your mother?
Patience.....Yes I am well experienced in that. 25 Years of her experience made me to message you now.
Finally got something where i can express my inner feelings... The lesson which i learnt from my mother is to be strong in any situation in life.. She is the most strongest person i have seen ever.
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My parents are looking for matches for me and I am ok with it. however I think a dating period is necessary to understand each other. How long should this period be?
It depends on your flow and compatibility in a relationship. There's no fixed time but a few months probably mught be good to get used to each other's compatibility
I really doubt they'll agree to wait for long so maybe 7-8 months is reasonable
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What do you appreciate most about your mother?
please help #https://youtube.com/@Shradhalovesu?si=YJ-wPTiRcdY4YcWO
She always tried her best, her best to hide her pain and look for her husband and her children.

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