by simran1111 on Aug 5, 2023
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11 posts
I love my partner, but I am not satisfied with my sexual life. What should I do? And how should I communicate this to my partner? @DrNikita_DSexologist

・answered 350 days ago
I can understand how Communicating your desires and concerns, especially when it comes to sex can be super challenging! I would however strongly encourage that you follow a couple of tips: 1. Try engaging into some self exploration too if you haven’t done that. Knowing your own body, your likes and dislikes is very important before you can communicate it to a partner! 2. While communicating, use “I” statements. For example: starting your sentences with “I feel…”, “I think…”, “I need…”, etc. This way the focus will be on your needs and it will reduce any chances of your partner feeling that they’re being blamed or embarrassed. It will also show assertiveness from your end. Do make sure that you include your partner’s viewpoints and consent into consideration too. For example: “I feel if you do this, it will make me feel amazing. Let me know if this is something you are willing to try as well”.

・answered 350 days ago
You should use a way that One of my patients visited our clinic long ago had done. When I asked her about their problem, she tell me in a Shayarana andaj - ये समंदर में नहा के चले गये, और लेहरे तो प्यासी ही रेह गयी| Her husband was stunned by her reply. For the first time its been declared in front of him. But then after counseling of both and necessary treatment, they lived happily ever after. If you want to You can tell him in same way. He will understand it. Or you can make him understand by explaining it to him. Communication is the key dear. Nobody else can do it except you. So talk. You can tell him about your expectations as a partner. Are you trying any other forms of sex- like oral, anal, etc. If not then start doing it and make him aware that there are some other things which could be more pleasurable other than penetrative sex. Make him also experience them and want to be innovative in sex life. He will also like it and will be ready to do different things.

・answered 350 days ago
It's is okay to feel like this. You have right to speak. You can do one thing that is firstly try to convey it to your partner. May be he will figure it out for you.
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