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by Kavya_r on Nov 10, 2023

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🌶 Sexual Wellness

I'm reaching out because I'm feeling a bit worried about my feminine health. Lately, I've been experiencing some unusual vaginal discharge and discomfort. I'm not super familiar with STIs, so I was hoping to get some general information. What exactly are STIs? How common are they? I've been seeing some conflicting information online, and I'd really appreciate hearing from others who may have gone through something similar.

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answered 356 days ago

STI means Sexually transmitted Infections. It can transfer from one partner to other through penetrative or non- penetrative sex(like oral/anal also). If you are having sex especially with multiple partners, you can get infected. So use contraception whenever possible to avoid it. There are some times when you might see normal whitish or watery discharge through vagina- like just before or after menses, around ovulation or when you are very aroused. But when this is not the condition, you have profuse discharge, like curdy white or watery or yellowish, along with symptoms like itching/ irritation/pain/discomfort/Burning, also with some pain in lower abdomen then it could be because of infection. If you have these symptoms,then you have to consult a gynecologist/Sexologist for its treatment. Remember, Not all infection/STI are fetal like HIV/AIDS, but they can detoriate health of your reproductive system. So timely & right management is the key to recovery. Don't hesitate to seek help.

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answered 350 days ago

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are infections that can be transmitted through sexual contact, including vaginal, anal, and oral sex.

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answered 350 days ago

Some STIs, like syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis, are curable, while others, such as hepatitis B, herpes simplex virus (HSV), HIV, and human papillomavirus (HPV), are incurable.

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Yes, these are some symptoms, but there are possibilities that you might not have any symptoms for some days still you have STI. In some cases symptoms appear after window period just like in HIV infection. Some infection may remain silent and will make trouble to your partner/when you become weak on immunity level, they will start appearing. Women may experience the following symptoms also: Burning or itching in the vagina A discharge or odor from the vagina Pain around the pelvis Bleeding from the vagina that is not normal Pain deep inside during sex Sores, bumps or blisters in the vagina, anus, or mouth Burning and pain with urine or with bowel movements Having to go to the bathroom often warts/skin tags around genitals Some STI can give you cancer also like HPV infection. So never underestimate STI. whenever you have any of these symptoms, always consult with gynec or Sexologist. Get yourself tested If you have multiple partners always use precautions(condom/ female condom).
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I'm not sure but I think it is not a good sign. mostly every women gets white discharge. you should consult a gynecologist
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does pcod affect sex life?
Hi there, Yes, PCOS is likely to affect your sex life, as it may lower your libido. This is probably attributed to mood swings, weight gain ( sometimes), irregular periods, absence of ovulation which can affect the way you perceive sex. You may not feel like engaging in an act because of the hormonal roller-coaster your body has been experiencing. Hence, you as Doc Frank mentioned, you need to have an open conversation with your husband, and explain things to him, accordingly. If this doesn't help, it's best to see a therapist who would help you in understanding your emotions better :) he/she can explain the same to your husband as well. I hope this helps:) take care.
Yes, it can. PCOS can affect self confidence, libido and your mood. Based on your physical changes and hormonal fluctuations, you may not feel inclined to having sexual relations as often as you used to. It may also affect what your feel your partner thinks of you. It is best to talk this out with your partner to understand what may work out for the both of you. Additionally, taking steps to manage symptoms can help bring back some confidence which can also improve your sex life.
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Hi this is Dr.SimiNayani an Ayurvedic Doctor the root cause has to be treated like you have mentioned PCOD the hormonal imbalances causes by this does effect the sexual drive. Do join my community and live session for getting the soultions.
Hello Parinita! Hello, I am Shruti Shingvi. I am a nutritionist with a masters in nutrition and dietetics. I understand what you are going through and low sex drive is one of the symptoms that many people with PCOS experience. The reason might be either hormonal imbalance that needs correction or negative body image that might subconsciously reduce your interactions. Please connect with me if you need any further help.
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ultrasound karwaye phle usse pta chalega and plz koi uterus remove karne ke liye bole to mat kijiye ga ye problem time ke sath theek ho jaati hai Mane bhi ye problem jhali hai if you are comfortable then talk to me
Hi there, I hope you are well. It's best to consult a gynecologist at this stage because you may need to go through some blood tests and only then the cause can be ascertained. Hence, please visit a doctor at the earliest:) Take care.
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mai abhi pcod ho gya h iske liyee kyaa kya krna chahiyee
Hello this is Dr Siminayani Bams MD Ayurveda, Pcod is a lifestyle disorder and can be corrected from the root level and can be reversed by using Ayurvedic diet principles, medicines and treatments. Do follow my community @Ayurveda with Siminayani and get answers to all your questions
Hello Dear, Pcod becoming very common problems now a days It is due to hormonal changes and improper lifestyle habits. It can be controlled and cure through proper lifestyle modifications and dietary changes. For details contact 7020545193 Dr Chawla

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