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by Mona Gujral on Sep 15, 2022

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The purpose of this community is to share, listen, learn and be supportive just like friends and family to share your personal experiences, coping strategies and exchange firsthand information.Please note.This is peer support group community. This is not therapy.This is not professionally facilitated community.

🧠 Mental Health
Stress Management

Is it normal to cry alone at night??

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answered 75 days ago

you may be crying alone at night as the grief is deep. crying helps healing. it can be theropatic if you can release your pent up emotions. if bothers you please seek professional guidance.

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mam, when will you come for live? I need to talk.. @HappinessCoach_Babbar
at what time will you come life today mam?
okay mam! see you at 9!
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السلام عليكم يا يا اخوات و امهات انا قابلت حد علي برنامج هاتفي اسمه muzz البرنامج ده للناس اللي بتدور علي شريك لحياتها. بعد فطرة كلمت حد بره الاب دا و قالي ان كل الولاد اللي عليه كذبين او مش عندهم ثقافت الزواج لاكن هما بيستخدموا الاب دا عشان يسطاده بنات. لاكن انا لاحظت ان في شباب بتسال علي تفاصيل و مش بتطلب الارتبات. و حاليا انا بقالي اسبوع بتكلم مع واحد بييحب الصفر زيي. المهم اني اعرف من الكلام معاه حجات كتير عنه. و طلب صورتي بعد م شافها علي الاب و بعت واحدة في عباية. و هو بعتلي ٣ صور لي. قال انه بييصلي و هو اصلا بيحسسني انه جد، انا عارفة ان دا متواقع بالنسبا لناس كتير بس انا بشتاق للكلام مع حد او اني اسمع حد و هو الوحيد اللي بيراسلني او بيكلمني من غير غضب او كراهية كراهية. الموضوع اللي بسال فيه هو اللي انا بعمله دا في مصلحتي؟ حرام علية ان ادور علي حد بالمواصفات اللي انا عيزاها؟ انا كنت واخدة الموضوع جد. بس انا برده مش بثق كويس في حد. اللي حسيته من كلامي معاه انه بيكلمني علي اني طيبة، بس مش في نفس الوقت بيحترم حدودي. انا عقلي بيخوفني من الناس و كل ما اراجع نفسي مش بحس ان هو اتخطي حد مديتهولوش. انا هكون صريحة هو بيعاكسني شوية و انا برد بي هزار و كلمته فالموضوع و اتفقنا ان نيتنا هزار عيال، حتي لو كان ايه. فا هو اتفق و بصراحة مش عارفة ابطل كلام او احط حدود في مكانها احسن من كدا. حتي بحس اني مش واثقة من نفسي. اللي ممكن يكلمني فالموضوع دا و يتناقش معايا او يساعدني افكر ازاي ان اخت او ام بجد انا مش قايلة عليه لحد. الحمد لله انا حسة ان الدنيا ماشية بي حدود و لسة بنتعرف علي بعد حبة حبة بس بنتكلم كل يوم...اللي هو زي ما هو قال احنا مش مشيين مع بعد بس أكتر من صحاب. ممكن اي اسالة ارد عادي انا اقضل اني اتعامل صح. انا مش عايزة اخصر احترامي قصاد نفسي بجد بس شخصيتي مش قوية ولا عندي خبرة فالمشي مع الولاد. انا بس ديرت التعامع الناس اللي اعرفهم فعلا اصغر و بتقل و حسيت ان الاب ممكن يجيب جدوي و دخلت بنية ان الاقي حد جاد عايز يدخل البيت من بابه. الولد مش طالب مني حاجة بس انا معرفش عنه اي حجات اساسية. عرفت اسمه الثناءي امبارح بس و ادهولي و هو مش متطمن. معرفش هو بيفقر بقلق زيي ولا لا. لاكن هو مش بيطلب مني اي حاجة و كمان عايز يخرج يتكلم معايا و نشرب قهوة. قاللي في عرابيته بس. اعمل ايه؟
اهلا وسهلا عزيزتى 🥰 الحدود والقيم إلى بنتخطها هى اللى بتوصل شعور الندم والذنب أو الخزى والاحراج من حقك تختار شريك حياتك وتسعى لده بطرق مريحه ومش ضدد مبادئك الابلكيشن فيه من الغموض والمعلومات الغير واضحه وغير الواقعية من حقك تحبى وتتحبى ويكون ف إطار مريح و إطار شرعى ورسمى وقانون وجزء احنا مش بنحب بعض انما احنا أعمق من أصدقاء ده كلام مموه وغير واضح شكل وحدود ومعالم العلاقه ف اسئله محتاجه اسالهالك ونتناقش فيها اكتر علشان نوصل للاجابه وحلول ف تفاصيل كتير ورا ده اشجعك تتواصلى معايا ف اللايف ونتكلم ف جلسه فردى انا موجوده كل يوم ماعدا يوم الإثنين الساعه ٦م ٨م ١٠م منتظره حضورك دمتى بكل خير وصحه وسلامه
ايه الحطاوات الل ممكن امشي عليها يا دكتورة؟ @drMahaIsmail
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mam active aa jaoooo waiting for youu
your manifestation comes true my dear ❤️💚💗✨🧘🫅
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What is the most memorable lesson you've learned from your mother?
Patience.....Yes I am well experienced in that. 25 Years of her experience made me to message you now.
Finally got something where i can express my inner feelings... The lesson which i learnt from my mother is to be strong in any situation in life.. She is the most strongest person i have seen ever.
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I have gone through my child's death because of premature delivery. My husband is blaming me for that and taking a divorce from me. My all inlaws are against me. After marriage my husband and in laws started mentally torturing me .Nowadays I am dealing with lots of depression and stress. I am suffering sleepless nights. Please help me. How can I overcome the depression and stress caused by my husband blaming me for our child's premature death and my in-laws' mental torture, while dealing with sleepless nights and the threat of divorce?
I'm deeply sorry to hear about the immense pain and suffering you're experiencing. t’s crucial to prioritize your mental health and well-being during this incredibly time.Establish a strong support system by reaching out to friends or family members who can offer emotional support, and consult with a lawyer to understand your rights regarding the divorce and potential legal support against the mental torture.Set clear boundaries by limiting contact with people contributing to this stress and create a comforting space for yourself, focus on future,small achievable goals.Prioritize self-care by creating a calming bedtime routine to improve your sleep quality,Incorporate mindfulness meditation and relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises to manage stress.Journaling your thoughts and feelings can be therapeutic, and practicing daily gratitude can help shift your focus towards positive aspects of your life. Pl remember healing takes time and you deserve compassion. Stay strong
First of all, please inform your family about what all is happening to you in your husband's home.. please don't hide anything. Mental stress is always fatal for the baby in the womb. How insanely toxic are the people who were troubling you even during the time of pregnancy. Also, your first focus should be you now. Please dont lose yourself in pleasing others. Make your husband understand in the presence of your Folks. And take a final decision. Never settle in the home where you fail to get basic respect. Life is not just about a toxic marriage.
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My parents are looking for matches for me and I am ok with it. however I think a dating period is necessary to understand each other. How long should this period be?
It depends on your flow and compatibility in a relationship. There's no fixed time but a few months probably mught be good to get used to each other's compatibility
I really doubt they'll agree to wait for long so maybe 7-8 months is reasonable
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What do you appreciate most about your mother?
please help #https://youtube.com/@Shradhalovesu?si=YJ-wPTiRcdY4YcWO
She always tried her best, her best to hide her pain and look for her husband and her children.
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So sad I went for a movie with my son and when I came home I had my husband not eating food and calling me names. Just because I went out for a movie with my son . Does it happen with u - how do u deal with it
It's okay to go and enjoy with your children especially when your partner doesn't have time. You don't have to restrict yourself just because your partner doesn't have time for you!
He might also wanted to go with you both and must be calling you names out of jealousy as he missed all the fun with his family 🥰
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What age is the best to move in with your partner? Is 19 okay? I really wanna experience it-
If you are financially independent and can afford to live with him, then you can certainly move in!
I feel like after 20 is cool
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My school classmates forced me to send my pictures on our group chat as we had not seen each other since long, but when I did post them, they started telling me how much I have changed and how much weight I have gained. This has made me feel terrible about myself but I don’t want it to effect me. What do I do??
Ofcourse you must have gained weight since you met them last,and I am assuming it was many years back. If you were conscious about yourself, you would not have send the pics, the fact is rhat you are not liking their opinions about yourself. Have that clarity, and don't let others opinions affect you negatively....be confident as what you are.
don't be afraid of judgements or criticism from others but be mindful that you don't do the same to yourself... be your best friend 😍❤️ Appreciate yourself often . shower yourself with unconditional love then what others say won't have an negative effect on you...and you have your power back

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