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by SoulTherapyWithHarleenBagga on Oct 4, 2022

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Take a journey with me to unlock your true potential. To find who you are, build yourself in your most pristine form. Take a deep dive with me to understand your behaviors and attitudes, learn to control your thoughts. Build self confidence, clarity and learn to communicate succinctly. Create the building blocks of self awareness, learning and development. Learn to listen to your instincts and find uninhibited growth. Learn to create goals and achieve the same unabashed. Learn to understand yourself in the context of your relationships, personal and professional. Find how to center yourself and deal with undue stress and anxiety. Contact me for behavioral therapy, counseling, wellness coaching or just mentoring to get where you want to be. For positive thoughts, inspiration, mindfulness, life's hacks and tips, subscribe Facebook/ Instagram/ YouTube @soultherapywithharleenbagga Format includes counseling, therapy, coaching, mentoring, couple /family counseling. Skill development for both personal and team. Executive & leadership coaching. Mid-level managers to senior management. Subscribe @ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SoulTherapywithHarleenBagga YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/SoulTherapywithHarleenBagga Instagram https://www.instagram.com/soultherapywithharleenbagga/ Website https://www.harleenbagga.com Author to "Why Relationships Fail? Tips to make connections that last." https://amzn.eu/d/4LRZHLh

🏁 Coaching
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Personality development

Hii, @SoulTherapyWithHarleenBagga How can I practice mindfulness techniques and meditation to cultivate awareness of my thoughts and emotions without judgment? I overthink the theme; I don't want to overthink it. And at the end, I start judging myself, thinking that I am a wrong person. It really affects my mental health. Please help me out. What should I do?

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answered 208 days ago

Start with short, guided meditation sessions. Focus on your breath, observe your thoughts without judgment, and gently bring your attention back to your breath when you notice yourself overthinking. Practice self-compassion and remind yourself that it's okay to have thoughts and emotions. Gradually increase the duration of your meditation sessions as you become more comfortable with the practice.

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I'm sorry you're feeling this way. Here are a few suggestions that might help: 1. **Reach Out for Support**: Talk to someone you trust about how you're feeling. 2. **Seek Professional Help**: A psychologist or therapist can provide strategies to cope. 3. **Self-Care**: Engage in activities that you enjoy and that help you relax. 4. **Stay Active**: Physical activity can boost your mood and energy levels. 5. **Limit Stress**: Identify and manage sources of stress. 6. **Routine**: Establish a daily routine for normalcy and control. 7. **Avoid isolation If you're comfortable, share more about what’s troubling you for more tailored advice. Be kind to yourself during tough times.
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Hey! I completely understand your feeling of being lonely..because we all do feel like this at some point of our day..but then it vanishes when we find out loved ones around. But in your case i think you should discover the roots to your these feelings. You can connect with me on my live session or can DM me for further details.
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I am tired, loosing hopes, feeling demotivate, want to breath happily, feeling like want to go somewhere in mountains to breath freely, want to be free soul
Hi.. once I was also thinking like that... but now am happy leading my life with the community I have chosen... I am keeping myself busy and getting lots of wishes and blessings daily .. I can refer u too but if u r interested..
You can definitely plan a trip and can go to jammu kashmir ❤️😘

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