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by elisaindo on Jul 31, 2023

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Untuk kamu yang mau tahu apa aja yang ada di Bandung, yuk join komuniti ini! Di sini kita akan sharing mulai dari kulinernya, tempat liburan, sampai acara yang ada di Kota Kembang ini 🌸

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Kenapa kesejukan kota Bandung berkurang?

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answered 106 days ago

Kurangnya ruang terbuka hijau dan peningkatan aktivitas manusia

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جوزي دايما بيقرني بغري دايما بيحسسني ان اقل الستات في حياته ومبقتش عارفه اراضيه اعمل اي
اهلا جميلتى واصل ليا من كلامك بخذلان أو احباط أو افكار كتير محبطه وخاصه لما اتقارن بحد تانى المقارنه ظالمه فى حد ذاتها اشجعك تتابعى اللايفات ١١ ص ١ظ ٣ظ ربما يكون ف بعض المشكلات الخاصه بالغرفه الخاصه بيكم ونتكلم فيه بشكل اوضح ف اللايف حابه اساعدك نورتينى بدعيلك دومتى بخير وصحه وسلامه وسعاده
اهلا وسهلا بيكي ♥️ معاكي سيلڤيا معالج نفسي وعضو اتحاد المعالجين النفسيين العرب تقدري تشرفيني فال community بتاعتي the healing journey انا متفقي معاكي المقارنة من ابشع الحاجات اللي بتاذينا سواء فصغرنا او فكبرنا بس احب اوريكي حاجة الامهات زمان ممكن يقارنوا كطريقة تشجيع فاسالي نفسك هل دا نمط اهلي فانا حساسة منه او هل جوزي بيعمل زي ماما؟! ممكن كمان تشوفي بيحب ايه وجربي تعمليه او تواجهيه ممكن تقول بتحب ايه مش تقارنني بحد لانه دا مش لطيف وحط نفسك مكاني واهلا بيكي لو حبيتي معمل جلسة ونناقش الفكرة سوا ونشوف اصل المعتقد ايه ♥️
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What are the four types of cohabitation?
Sharing a place can be with anyone! Romantic partner, friend, roommate, whoever you want! Maybe you need a roommate to split rent, or want to live with your best friend. Cohabitation is flexible.
First type : Trial cohabitation , here couples have future plans of getting married Second type : permanent cohabitation, where no plans of marriage are there Third type : post divorce cohabitation, where partners who got divorced may choose to live with new partner Lastly convenience and economic cohabitation where people choose to live in together because of necessity of work and educational purposes .
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هو عادي خطيبي يجلنا فاضي؟ هو تقريبا من اول مااتخطبنا دخل البيت اول مرتين بس بزياره وبعد كدا خلاص فاضي تماما *مع العلم انا مش مستنيه زيارته اصلا وبابا ربنا يخليهولنا بيجيب بتلات اربع اصناف فاكهه علشانه وبنبقي عاملين صنفين اكل وتلاته وبعمل حلويات وكده* بس انا بتكلم ف حته انه في عيلتنا بجد الموضوع مش عادي وعيب ندخل علي ناس فاضين وهو حالته الماديه كويسه ولما بنخرج بيصرف ومش بخيل اطلاقا معايا !
اهلا بيكي يا حلوة❤️ انا مقدرة خوفك من انه يطلع بخيل لأن البخل صفة صعية جدا في التعامل وخاصة في الجواز بس خليني اسألك هل هو في بيته واهله متعودين على انهم بيجيبوا فاكهة او حاجة وهم مروحين او رايحين لبعض؟ لأن في ناس بيشوفوا ده حاجة مهمة (زيك انت وعيلتك) وفي ناس مش متعودة على ده او شايفة انه مش اساسي تاني سؤال... هل لما بيجي بيبقى بيتعامل بجشع؟ بياكل كتير مثلا او بيتعامل بقلة ذوق واستنطاع زي ما بنقول ولا بيكون محرج او بياكل عالقد او لما يتعزم عليه كمان.. هل بيخرجك ويحاسبلك ويحاول يخرج مع اهلك ويجيب حاجات مخصوصة ليهم كهدايا في غير الزيارات ولا دايما ايده فاضية؟ هل اصلا بقى بيعبر عن مشاعره وبيهتم بيكي في العلاقة ولا مش بيقدر مشاعرك وبخيل في مشاعره؟ كل دي اسئلة محتاجين نفكر في اجابتها عشان نقدر نفهم هو بخيل ولا لا تعالي نتكلم اكتر في مكالمة على اللايڤ او جلسة شخصية من الساعة ١٢-٥ على ال community بتاعتي "نفسيتك بالدنيا" دمتي جميلة❤️
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What is the difference between live in and cohabitation?
It’s the same thing!
I think it means same thing
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Apa 'unpopular opinion' yang kamu ketahui tentang Bandung?
tiap 3 meter sekali ada cafe! pokoknya gak pernah kehabisan ide buat nongki
Macet 😭😭😭 tapi cantik sih arsitekturalnya 😍
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Kenapa orang introvert sering dijauhi oleh orang sekitar?
Kadang orang introvert dijauhi karena keliatannya cuek atau nggak antusias. Padahal mereka cuma butuh waktu sendiri buat ngereset energi. Jadi, nggak semuanya ngerti gimana cara mereka berteman.
Karena mereka cenderung lebih suka sendiri, jadi orang-orang mungkin pikir mereka enggak ramah atau susah deket.
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اعالج الفوبيا ازاي ؟ عندي رهاب من المرتفعات ماثر عليا ومش عارفه اروح اماكن كثيره بسببو
اهلا وسهلا بك 🥰 رهاب المرتفعات هو الخوف من المرتفعات. على عكس الرهاب المحدد مثل رهاب الهواء وهو الخوف من الطيران ممكن أن يسبب الرهاب من المرتفعات الخوف من العديد من الأشياء التي تتعلق بالبعد عن الأرض. وتختلف بالاعتماد على شدة الرهاب. حيث يمكن أن يخشى الشخص الوجود على أرضية مرتفعة. طبعا بسبب حادث معين هو اللى اثر ف ده ليه اعراض جسميه ونفسيه التدخل من خلال الجلسات النفسية زى العلاج السلوكى و المعرفى السلوكى بسلسله من الجلسات المتتتابعه وف بعض الحالات تحتاج لتدخل دوائى من الطبيب النفسى اقترح عليك تدخلى وقت اللايف ونتكلم اكتر ف الأعراض والأسباب واقدر احدد معاك ممكن يكون ايه من التمارين العلاجيه تساعدك نورتينى دمتى بخير وود 🥰
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Apa fakta kota Bandung yang tidak banyak diketahui?
Bandung dikenal dengan sebutan "Kota Kembang" karena pada awalnya kota ini dikelilingi oleh kebun bunga yang indah.
Kota Bandung merupakan kota dengan lalu lintas angkutan umum yang cukup teratur, termasuk angkutan kota (angkot) dan bus kota dengan rute yang terorganisir.
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Hey @vijaylaxmi I'm a new immigrant struggling to adapt to life in a new country. How can I overcome culture shock and find a sense of belonging?
You don't need to think. You can handle things with time. You don't need to put extra efforts
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I'm considering moving to a new city for a fresh start but i am scared of the unknown. How can I make this transition smoother and less daunting? @Amanvir
Sweetheart.. Think about the reason why you decided to shift and Kickstart. Thats your driving force.keep that always close to your heart and mind. FEAR of unknown is natural. Meditate. Take the strength from anything or anyone you truly consider is more powerful than you. Believe in yourself and convert your fears into excitement of exploring newness.. Just like opening a Gift Box ✨😊

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🌊🌈 Mumbai - I call it the "Sea City" which is worth "see"ing 🌊🌈 Priti Vilekar, coto City Ambassador @Mumbai Vibes, which will familiarize you with the beauty of Mumbai, its resilient nature, and most importantly what is it all about❣️❣️ 😇 Lets know Mumbai better 😇 👀 A city where people come with dreams in their eyes and hope in their hearts ♥️ 💲A city that is the financial capital of India, but tops the list for Asia’s largest slum 🤷‍♀️ ❤️A city with so large a heart that it encompasses people from all walks of life, embraces different cultures, and celebrates them🥳 😐 A city where affordability definitely acts like a speed breaker, but sees lakhs and lakhs of people navigating their way to try their luck 🚶‍♀️🚶🧍‍♀️👭🧎 🏥A city that offers advanced medical care, excellent job opportunities, education, and much more💪 🚊A city that has the lifeline of public transport be it railways, BEST, Metro, Cabs, Rickshaws, and very soon the coastal road🛺 😋A city that satiates the taste buds of its residents through famous five-star hotels as well as tapris (small roadside thelas or joints)😎 🤪A city that has a language of its own, “Kasa kai bara aahe, I am Mumbai”🤫 🎲A city that rolls the dice in different ways, but people are ready to gamble🎯more

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👋 Hi everyone, this is Padma Singh! I am thrilled to be a part of the vibrant community of Vizag Digital Queens 👑 in my city. As a fitness expert and content creator, I find immense joy in helping others lead a healthy lifestyle and express themselves creatively. Living in the beautiful port city of Vizag, I have witnessed its remarkable growth, particularly in the field of information technology. It's incredible to see how this city has transformed and embraced the digital era. However, my passion extends beyond fitness and content creation. I strongly believe in empowering women in Vizag to be career-oriented and financially independent. It is through economic independence that women can truly find strength and confidence. I aspire to be the voice of Vizag women, advocating for their rights and inspiring them to stand up for themselves. Join me in this journey as we embark on empowering women in Vizag. Let's encourage each other to chase our dreams, break barriers, and create a more inclusive and equal society. Together, as Vizag Digital Queens 👑, we can make a positive impact and bring about lasting change. Let's celebrate our city and the remarkable women who call it home! 🎉💪 #VizagDigitalQueens #WomenEmpowerment #StrongerTogethermore

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Hello folks, What kind of picturization do you have towards Bangalore? Do you want to explore each and every corner of the garden City and be updated of the events happening in Bangalore. Here is a city community to give you an eye view of the city.more

MUMBAI TRIBE community profile picture
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🌆🌟 Welcome to the vibrant world of suburban Mumbai, where tradition blends seamlessly with modernity which is known for its unique energy and ever-evolving spirit. The Dreams from the City Of Dreams, the Maya of the Maya Nagri are precisely what make up the essence and never-say-die spirit of Mumbai and Mumbaikars. Mumbai originally is made up of the 7 Islands but all the land in- between and all that Mumbai has extended into makes Mumbai beguiling. 🌊 🏖 ⛰️ 🛒 🛍 ✨️ Mumbai, with its dynamic, cosmopolitan, and resilient spirit, offers a fast-paced, vibrant, and glamorous lifestyle. It is a multifaceted city that thrives amidst chaos, exudes majesty, and promotes inclusivity. Come, let's forge meaningful connections, build lifelong friendships, and create cherished memories with individuals who share your love for Mumbai. 👥💫 Join the Mumbai Tribe Community and embark on an incredible journey filled with enriching experiences, connections, and a true sense of belonging in the diverse and vibrant suburbs of Mumbai!🌉🌃 RJ Astro Vaisy and Priyanka Patira, coto city ambassadors for Mumbai welcome you to Mumbai Tribe. 🌊more

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hi I am a content creator and proud mom of daughter. I am here to talk about gender equality, education and updates about Indore. I am here to eliminate gender stereotypes and biasness regarding females. I also want to discuss topics which we can not discuss about topics which we can't discuss like domestic violence marital rape and freedom of girls.Indori women are very friendly, hospitable. Indori people are food lovers. The festival spirit is also very high in indore Festivals like Diwali, Holi, and Ganesh Chaturthi are celebrated with joy and grandeur, bringing the community together.Indore has emerged as a commercial and educational hub in central India, and the people of Indore have embraced entrepreneurship. Many Indoris have successfully started their own businesses and contribute to the city's economic growth. Indore is home to several reputed educational institutions, including prestigious colleges and universities. The people of Indore value education and strive for professional success. Indore has a rich cultural heritage, and Indoris take pride in their cultural traditions. Indore has a passionate fan base for cricket, and the Holkar Stadium in Indore is known for its lively atmosphere during cricket matches.Indoris are known for their hardworking nature and determination.more

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Hyderabad is Famous for especially Biryani the raw rice and meat cooked together the ingredients and meticulous preparation is what gives hyderabad biryani its unique flavour and also historical queens like, " Niloufer" Bhagmati , and many more are from hyderabad, bangles and motis beads etc are famous and especially people from all over the world will come and buy bangles and motis in hyderabad .. I gave the name queens to my community members because I want everyone should treat like a queens, bcs they are really blessed to be a part of" COTO " platform....wish u good luck ladies 😍💐 more

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