by BaharKalyoncuYücel on Dec 12, 2023
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110 posts
Bu sayfada östrojen, progesteron gibi hormanları, vajinusmus gibi psikolojik rahatsızlıkları, kadın olmanın beraberinde getirdiği süreçleri, bu süreçlerin günlük hayatımıza etkilerini konuşacağız. Kadınların beyninin erkeklerin beynine oranla güçlü yönlerini, daha aktif ve pasif çalışan beyin bölgelerimizi, bunun günlük hayatımıza yansımalarını konuşacağız. Bir vajinaya sahip olmanın ne demek olduğunu yani… Topluluğun son sözlerini her vajina güzeldir ve sevilmeye değerdir diyerek kapatıyorum cânım kadınlar 👸👸
Hamilelik Belirtileri Nelerdir? Hamileliğin ilk haftası ile birlikte göğüslerde hassasiyet, kasık ağrısı, vajinal akıntıda artış, yorgunluk ve karın krampları, koku ve tat hassasiyeti, mide bulantısı ve idrar sıklığında artış görülen ilk belirtilerdir, en yaygın belirtisi ise geciken adet döngüsüdür. Toparlayacak olursak, en yaygın belirtiler şunlardır: Adet döneminin kaçırılması Meme ucu koyulaşması Göğüslerde şişkinlik ve hassasiyet Sabahları yoğunlaşan bulantı Daha sık idrara çıkma Kilo alma Bazal vücut ısısında artış Gıdalara karşı istek ve isteksizlik Ruh hali değişimleri Uyuma isteği Ağızda metalik tat #hamile #gebelik #adetgecikmesi #kadın



・commented 360 days ago
Benim inanılmaz kasıklarım ağrımıştı. Hiç ihtimal vermiyordum ama çok ağrıdı. Eczaneden alarak yaptığım ilk test negatif, ikincisi pozitif, üçüncüsü yine negatif çıkmıştı😁 en son dayananayıp doktora gitmiştim😁😁
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Men think women dress for them. We dress according to our waxing schedules, periods, mood swings, location, season, matching shoes & bags, matching lipstick, availability of suitable underwear. You're not even on that list, so chill. Love yourself ❤️❤️❤️
هناك أصوات داخليه وحديث نفس يؤذى وجعل القلق والمخاوف تؤثر علينا ده موضوع اللايف الساعه ٨م
Mantras can be chanted during menstruation but one cannot use a japa-mālā. If you wish to count the recitations then use your fingers or iMālā app on your phone. Lord Varāha has taught in the Varāhā Purāṇa that a women can do anything she wants in terms of devotional service during her menstruation after reciting the following mantra:- anādi madhyāntam ajam purāṇam rajasvalā devavaram namāmi | "अनादि मध्यांतम अजम पुराणम्, रजस्वला देववरम् नमामि।" “Though in my menses I offer my obeisance to the preeminent Lord, the Unborn Eternal One without origin, middle or end.” (Varaha Purana 142;10) Very few people know this mantra and are thus subjected to so much anxiety and disability. So please share it with as many women as you can.
We dont have to whisper anymore
'Health is Wealth' - The World Health organisation has defined health as physical, mental & social well being! We can also add 2 more components to this definition- sexual health and spiritual health! All of us should look after these 5 aspects of health throughout our lives! Specially women need to give special attention from Menarche to Menopause to protect their well being. Balanced diet, exercises, good habits & timely medical intervention are four pillars for good health. It is commonly seen that women neglect their diet. Most Indian women are prone to develop deficiencies of iron, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B and proteins. Some women are obese while some are very thin and/or malnourished. Women look after their family members very well. But they neglect their own health. They require balanced diet including millets, legumes, sprouts, green leafy vegetables, fruits, milk etc. This ensures good health, glowing skin and hair. Amino acids, iron, vit C and zinc are important to strengthen immune system which in turn is vital for fighting various infections. To be continued - Dr Ashwini Bhalerao Gandhi Consultant Gynecologist, P D Hinduja Hospital #healthylife #women #dietplan #deficiency
mam aapka timing change hua hai kya?
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Hello this is Dr Siminayani Bams MD Ayurveda, lets talk about embracing menstruation and menopause through Ayurveda #periods#menses#period health#menstruation#pcod
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At its core, the connection between Ayurveda and Women health is rooted in the balance and harmony of the female body. The ancient Indian practice of Ayurveda recognizes that each woman has unique needs, and through mindful practices such as yoga, diet and lifestyle, it seeks to empower women to embrace their natural cycles.Ayurveda works to achieve balance by addressing the three doshas, or subtle energies that govern our bodies. These doshas are known as vata, pitta and kapha. Each dosha is associated with the elements of wind, fire, and water respectively and serve to regulate the physical body and the mind. When our doshas are in balance, we are healthy, vibrant and radiating peace.At a deeper level, Ayurveda looks at the physiological changes that happen in the body during our menstrual cycle. On a vata dosha day, for example, a woman may experience feelings of restlessness or anxiety. On a pitta day, she may have an increased appetite or feel irritable. And on a kapha day, she may be proneto fatigue or have difficulty concentrating. By acknowledging these nuances and adjusting her diet and lifestyle accordingly, a woman can learn to identify which foods will best nourish and restore her balance during the different phases of her cycle. Ayurveda Priests or holistic health practitioners are also available to guide women in developing a meaningful relationship with their menstrual cycle. Through such practices as yoga, meditation, massage, and breathwork, these professionals help women understand not only their body’s response to their monthly fluctuations, but also how to intuitively respond to them. Ultimately, Ayurveda provides a safe, holistic space for women to honour and celebrate their cycle as an important part of their emotional and physical wellbeing. By becoming more mindful and aware of the subtle changes that occur each month from one dosha to another, women are able to learn how to better nourish and care for their bodies .more