by toobe on Dec 1, 2023

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önceki iş yerimden beni işten çıkarıp kıdem ve tazminatımı vermelerini istedim. Onlar da haksız oldukları için verdiler tabi. Şimdi yeni iş görüşmelerine başladım ama bunu yeni işverene söylemeli miyim yoksa işe devam ediyormuş gibi mi davranmalıyım hiç bilemiyorum😬 ne yapacağımı şaşırdım, beni yönlendirebilir misiniz😞

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Rituals & Practicesanswered 37 days ago

neden söyleyeceksin ki? yeni iş yeni başlangıç değil mi😋

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National Holidaysanswered 37 days ago

Doğru diyorsun ama ya sgk evraklarında görürlerse ve yanlış anlarlarsa🥹🥹

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دكتور انا مضغوطه نفسيا بسبب الشغل بستغل شغلنتين في نفس الوقت عشان اعرف احوش بس مرهقه ومبقتش قادره محتاجه الفلوس ودايما خايفه الشغل يضيع مني بس مبقتش قادره اعمل اي
اهلا وسهلا بيكي ♥️ عندك حق دا مرهق اوي تعالي نفكر ايجابيات وسلبيات او مكاسب وخساير كل شغل والدخل والعائد عليكي واقدر اوفر من ايه علشان راحتي ولو حابه تدخلي call معايا اهلا وسهلا بيكي علشان هحتاج اسمع منك اكتر انا موجودة انهاردة وبكرة من ٧-١١م اهلا بيكي ♥️
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هو عادي اشوف خطيبي في الشارع ويعمل نفسه ميعرفنيش لمجرد انه كان واقف مع مديرته في الشغل هو ده مبرر وبيقولي بصراحه شكلك مكنش احسن حاجة متزعليش؟؟ انا احرجتىىه وحقه اللي عمله لا مهما كان يقدر اني طالعه من شغلي تعبانىىه واخد موقف علشان ده مش موقف صغير
اهلا وسهلا عزيزتى 🥰 اللى فهمته من كلامك انك زعلانه من خطيبك أنه مقدرش انك خارجه من الشغل ومسلمش عليك وكان مع مديرته ف الشغل هنا السؤال بشكل واضح هل زعلانه علشان معرفكيش بيها ولا انت غيرتى منها ولا وصلك شعور بعدم الأمان وشعور بالخزى والدونيه ولا فكره قالت ممكن يسيبنى وده مخليك م واثقه فى نفسك ولا كل ده وكنت محتاجه أنه يقبلك زى ما انت كتير من التساؤلات محتاجه رد واجابه بشجعك تدخلى لايف ونتكلم فون علشان الصوره تبقى أوضح دمتى بخير وود 🥰
ازيك يا جميله🌸 في البدايه لازم تكوني عارفه ان من العلامات العلاقه الصحيه وجود الحب والعاطفة الخلافات جزء طبيعي جدا من كل علاقة صحية. وكل العلاقات ممكن الأفراد يتجادلون ويختلفون فيما بينهم من وقت لآخر؛ فذلك في الحقيقة شيء صحي أن تختلف بعض آرائهم وأن يعبروا عنها. الفرق بين الخلافات في العلاقة الصحية والعلاقة الغير الصحية هو الحديث من أسلوب الحديث أثناء الخلاف والوصول إلى حل وسطي الثقة المتبادلة من خلال الإحساس بالأمان الكافي المشاركة أي شيء يحدث أو يخطر على بالكم التواصل الفعال بدون خوف او تحفظ الصداقه وقت الخلافات الاستمتاع بالوقت مع بعض خصوصيه كل فرد التغيير والمرونة الحدود الصحيه لأي علاقه من خلال الحفاظ علي الخصوصيات علشان كدا لازم تقيمي العلاقة هي متواجد فيها كل الشروط دي ولا لاء وتقدري تتابعيني كل يوم من ٧ للساعه ١٢ وتعملي مكالمه معايا خلال ال live او من خلال mental health talk و دا ال community مساحتنا الامنه اتمني ليكي يوم لطيف ☺️
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At work, I sometimes feel subtle prejudice based on my caste or gender. It's uncomfortable, but I'm scared to speak up for fear of losing my job. How can I handle workplace discrimination without jeopardizing my career? Maybe talking to a trusted senior colleague or HR representative can help navigate the situation. There might also be legal resources available to protect my rights.
speak to a senior. I'm sure there will be some solution. also, discrimination of caste and religion is against work rights and every company has their work related policies which includes the same.
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Is it just me, or does it feel like there are ethical landmines everywhere these days? I swear, I'm constantly facing situations where the "right" answer isn't always clear. Is it normal to struggle with ethical dilemmas in everyday life, or am I just overthinking things?
Yes. I'm a Consultant Psychologist and a Sexual health expert. We have a whole moral dilemma theory in Psychology explaining how people face ethical dilemmas. There is no one correct answer and sometimes can compromise on your values. I would say, a mix or certainty of values, social structure and intuition, you would be able to make a decision as you navigate each issue. So hold on and keep solving in a more authentic manner. Come on a live session with me and we will talk more. - Consultant Psychologist
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this just happened to me at work, and it left me feeling terrible. My boss was pressuring me to do something that I knew wasn't right, ethically speaking. It was a tough spot to be in. What do you do when you're faced with a situation that challenges your moral code?
Do communicate my dear. Assertive communication is the key here. Do join my live sessions to learn more about assertive communication
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How do i handle situations where my personal space is not respected?
hi... you have to communicate assertively with the person who is invading your boundaries. Preserving our self esteem is very essential in any relationship. I give assertiveness training to people who has difficulty communicating their boundaries.
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I'm facing a tough choice – something ethical that could hurt someone. What should I do? How do you deal with a tricky situation where doing the right thing might have negative consequences? Feeling lost and need some advice on navigating an ethical dilemma.
Hello , Sometimes we end up in a conflict of ethics and our own interest. You can think if some middle ground which wont hurt other person as well as our own interest will be also there🌸
Welcome Dear Appreciate your suffering and sincere, painful feelings in general. When you react against something, it can lead to that confusion. Look for a solution that does not conflict with your values, even if it has negative consequences. I encourage you to create a table that includes positives and negatives for each. I encourage you to contact a specialist in psychotherapy to talk in detail about any suffering or trauma, may you always be well, happy and friendly 🥰
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My new company has a cutthroat culture that often prioritizes profit over ethical practices. It makes me uncomfortable, but I also need this job. How can I maintain my integrity in a work environment that challenges it? Maybe talking to a supervisor about ethical concerns or seeking guidance from a professional organization can help navigate the situation. There might also be anonymous reporting channels available.
Hi... I understand your situation... it's difficult to for you to deal this... however, we all need to understand that we have to strike a balance... continue with the work as feeding yourself is necessary and the liabilities have to be met... however when it goes to an extent where the acceptance is going to a level of tolerance then you need to reconsider. I will be better able to guide you if I get more details about your situation.
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Let's say I take a leave of absence to support someone close to me. Is there anything I need to be aware of regarding my job security if I decide to leave the company after using my leave? Knowing the potential consequences would help me make an informed decision.
This depends on what kind of leave you are eligible for. Leave of absence is a little ambiguous. If this is your annual/earned/paid leave you can avail it for any reason and you can come back to work, and then quit. But if it is unpaid leave, then you need clear communication with your line manage about how long this is for. I don’t think you can be terminated if everything is in writing and there is a fixed period and you return after that period is over. If you keep extending then of course at some point the company might start to think of a replacement.
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I recently started a new job at a tech company. Despite being highly skilled and having a good resume, I often feel overwhelmed and anxious in the workplace. These feelings seem to be rooted in a traumatic experience from my previous job, where I was constantly belittled and unfairly criticized by my boss. The toxic environment led to severe stress, impacting my confidence and self-worth. Is it normal for my past trauma to still have such a strong hold on me, and how can I move past it to feel more confident and secure in my new role?
Don't panic. Start earning and work in your free time. Share your qualification in my WhatsApp number +919435110521 for work from home opportunity. Share this number only to 18+ females.
Hey! It’s very normal for past trauma to have a hold on you. You can certainly work on it but trying out some mindfulness meditation and journaling techniques. Let me know if you want to connect to discuss this further! -Sampada, Psychotherapist and Intimacy coach

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Rituals & Practices

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Psychologist specializes in Mental Health Member of Union of Arab Psychotherapists •Bachelor of psychotherapy redirect from Denmark university accredited by IATA. •Master degree of sexual abuse redirect from Denmark university accredited by IATA. •DBT- CBT- SE Specialist in : *Mental health issues *Anger issues *Stress Managements *Anxiety *Depression *Emotional Regulation *Trauma *Growth after trauma *Sexual Abuse *Addiction *Relationships مهما كنتي شايفة وحاسة الصعوبات اللي بتعدي فيها🫤 انضمي معانا ونمشي رحله الشفاء سوا 👭💪🏻more

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