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by RANGILU_RAJKOT on Dec 25, 2022

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let me take you all on a path of nature which starts from your own home and has no end.... let us explore nature together #naturecure #naturetips #natureisinyourhands

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Any ounce of self-esteem and confidence that I once had dissolved. I began battling millions of brands, shades and coverages of foundation to hide my new-found acne scaring and redness. Those who I grew up with would be aware of rosy red my cheeks naturally are. The added addition of large red spots utterly deteriorated my complexation. How can I heal my skin? @RANGILU_RAJKOT

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answered 204 days ago

Focus on skincare routines tailored to your skin type, including gentle cleansing, exfoliation, and moisturizing. Consult a dermatologist for personalized advice and consider treatments like topical creams, chemical peels, or laser therapy for acne scars and redness.

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Do you have irregular period, hirsutism - male pattern hairs on face like upper lip etc.? You might have insuline resistance which could be due to PCOS also. But to confirm it, you have to consult a gynecologist and also do certain investigations. It's a lifestyle disorder and you have to work on your lifestyle. Increase workout/any form of exercise at least for 45 minutes daily, if you have sedentary lifestyles. Also dietary changes. You can consult a dietician for that. Make it fast, because it's gonna affect your periods and hence your fertility in future. Take it seriously and start working on it. It's a alarming sign.
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Seperti apa kanker itu?
Rasanya kanker adalah kompleks dan sulit dipahami secara universal karena pengalaman individu yang berbeda-beda. Bagi beberapa orang, kanker bisa menjadi seperti pertempuran tanpa henti yang menguras energi fisik, emosional, dan mental. Perasaan ketakutan, kecemasan, dan ketidakpastian sering kali menjadi bagian dari pengalaman ini. Rasanya seperti berada dalam kegelapan yang tidak pasti, di mana tiap langkah serasa dikelilingi oleh ketidakpastian dan ketakutan akan masa depan.
Kanker adalah kondisi di mana sel-sel abnormal tumbuh tanpa kontrol dan menyerang jaringan sehat dalam tubuh.
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Have recently read a crazy post that masturbating a lot can cause acne for women,is this true? XD
No it is myth dear
No, masturbation does not cause acne. Masturbation can cause hormonal changes, if you indulge in it badly. These changes are only tangentially related to acne development. It's more likely that if you seem to have less acne when you don't masturbate, it's just a coincidence because of the many changes that happen during puberty and adolescence. Instead of thinking like this, think about doing masturbation in moderation and let the sexual tension release. This keep your hormones tickling and can help maintain hormonal balance.
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maim mere health kab accha hoga
Hi there, Aapko health se related kya problem horahi hai zara vistar me bataeyye , to hum aapki help kar payenge. Aap mera live session bhi join kar sakti hai kal subah 11pm health aur nutrition related jaankari ke liye. Huda Shaikh, Clinical nutritionist and Dietitian at Coto
kya problem hai
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bisa nyebabin kanker paru
Iyaa, zat-zat kimia yang terdapat dalam vape dapat meningkatkan risiko kanker

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