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by Subhi_cotocreator on Jun 27, 2023

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Expect this ground to be your comfort zone helping you build a strong emotional and mental background. We pay the utmost priority to mental health here and intend to spread the word. Feel free to talk about just anything here no one would judge you rather appreciate you for being you!

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I am having dinner with my friends, and one of them mentions they are studying for a law exam. They come across the word 'conjugal' in their textbook but are unsure of its meaning, and I also do not know the answer. So, what does 'conjugal' mean?

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Insomniaanswered 121 days ago

Hello , It means anything relating to married life , married couples life especially their sexual rights .

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answered 120 days ago

The word refer the relationship between couples specially the sexual relationship.

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kya meri job legeg gi
Hi Payal, Kyun nhi lagegi. Aur agar chances aapko nhi Lag rahe to tarot guidance le mujhse live session 5pm to 7pm mein.
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hey. I recently joined a new job and I've already got a situation to deal with. A male colleague keeps hitting on me, and wants to hangout during lunch, how do I avoid him??
Make it clear that you are not interested in a romantic or sexual relationship with your colleague. You can say something like, "I value our professional relationship and would like to keep it that way."
Politely decline his invitation by saying something like, "Thank you for the invitation, but I prefer to have lunch on my own today."
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I want to try using dating apps but seeing all the scandaleous documentaries on Netflix and Prime, I am kind off scared to try them out. Are they safe enough?? Can privacy be maintained in it??
Hey, hope you are doing well. I understand, dating apps can bring a lot of doubt and insecurity. It’s important to make sure that whoever you match with is genuine and real. Nowadays, dating apps have ways to figure out who is a real Person and what is a fake profile. Secondly, if you plan to meet the person, make sure you are being safe. Prepare yourself for the worst. And thirdly, lay ground rules and communicate your expectations properly. That way, there will be less misunderstandings. All the best 🌼
Yes. you can use dating apps. I wouldn't say that they are completely safe. But you have to use it cautiously. Don't just swipe away any random guy, also don't share your personal details anyone on the app.
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Is it so difficult for a woman to remarry after a divorce? @DrSapna
Hi… remarrying after the divorce is difficult because after the first experience and since the age has also matured our expectations are much higher and we usually have a list of what we do not want. To find the right person is the difficulty. If there are children involved the concerns of both the parties increase. It is very important to do a thorough background check for the Cause of his divorce. It is also important to understand oneself be candid about mistakes. We might have made in the first marriage and also be clear Why do we want the second marriage. marriage means compromise adjustment and some sacrifice. No matter how many times you marry. These are the changes , we all need to bring in ourselves. ,. And when we want to take all of these into consideration, the choice of groom becomes limited. Of course there might be some family or community restrictions, but Post families weren’t there divorce daughters to remarry
Because in India eeryone including women consider woman must be arogant so her marriage didn't work. No one considers as it could be a man's fault. We have to start from ourselves. We should go to the root cause of divorce and should try to know reasons and conditions of both partners. When every woman starts doing it, definitely in future this condition can be changed. Also because of past trauma of failed relationship makes a lady hesitant to move ahead. But she should believe that not every man will be of same quality. So first start believing in yourself and move ahead. Just be conscious now when you are choosing next partner.
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Why do most women divorce their husbands once they lose their jobs? @RC_Mayanka
It's not always true. But it's like - their life, their rules. If she loves him deeply and ready to struggle with him in any situation she will become his biggest support. But in past life,if he haven't treated her well, never given any importance to her requirements then how can she consider to be with him forever? Some of the woman can be pretty practical and understand that now he can't bear there expenses. So it's her choice to leave him. Some husband are so erogant रस्सी जल गयी पर बल नहीं गया| They keep treating their partner like slave, then they deserve it. In every relationship, the cause can be different other than just loosing job.
Hi, the reason is quite simple. Because no job means no stability and no women would want that.
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Feeling uncomfortable and unwelcome at work ever since my colleagues found out I'm dating another woman. Subtle comments and awkward silences are starting to get to me. What are my rights as a queer woman in the Indian workplace?
Don't feel sad; there is no fault in you. Just accept your feelings and let society understand them. You have every right, so don't worry
So first of all you are a human. you must be respected irrespective of your sexual identity. A workplace should ensure that everyone is treated equally without any kind of discrimination. Your workplace might have some policies or laws for Queer community.
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Why does the woman get the house after divorce. I have been seeing all this men in Instagram comments complaining about alimony etc it does seem a bit unfair.... @Nazneen
I think it happens according to the law. Everything is done fairly
I agree. both should get certain amount of it.
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I recently got to know that in some states and in countries,it is illegal to be in a cohabitation relationship or a live in relationship. Is this actually true?😟 In what states it is illegal?
Hi,live in is legal in India and women can have some claim like marriage also it's legal in most of the European countries.
There are few islamic countries like saudi Arabia and Iran who doesn’t allow live in relationship before marriage that is also called cohabitation. But talking about india it is legal under the act “ Right to life “.
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There's so much cases which are not talked about in India. I only heard about how men leave their women for various reasons until I got to know about the stats today. Women actually divorce more men than they do for whatsoever reasons. But why is this happening so often now. Why can't men be a lil sensible about their relationships for one woman atleast?? @Relationshipcoachchitkala
I think it's very common....the struggles are very common in marriages nowadays from both the sides ...that's why people are separating
I think women are becoming more independent these days so they don't tend to get oppressed under men like the old times.
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My friend recently got married and only in 2 weeks she decided that her husband can't satisfy her and keep her happy. The thing is she got to know her Husband has a small penis which she didn't liked and is very angry about this. Now I'm thinking is it legally correct to file for divorce if you found that your husband has a small penis? @DrSapna
This needs to be answered by a professional and a good one for this sake
You need to consult a lawyer who knows about this.

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