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by Geetika Bhandari on Jul 4, 2023

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Healthy, happy relationships are so important for our well-being and happiness. A Community where all of us can talk about relationship issues, how to fix them, and how to nurture rich connections and bonds.

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What is gaslighting?? Recently i came across this term while scrolling shorts on Youtube but what the video meant didn’t quite fit in well with my brain. Is it related to a way in which your partner behaves in a relationship??

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Divorceanswered 11 days ago

Hi Dear. I'm a Consultant Psychologist and Sexual Health Expert. Gaslighting is a way of manipulation basically making you feel horrible for something you did eventhough you might be right. It can happen in any relationships not just in romantic relationships. Hope that answers your question.

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I have been learning new terms related to dating every day. So recently I have added another dating term to my dictionary. It's called soft launching. I didn't even know that something like this exists. It's basically when you don't tag the person or you cover that person's face or something while posting on social media. Few example can be just posting two wine glasses or showing your ring. so this creates an excitement in the audience as to who that person is. Is he or she dating or in a relationship? Who is it ? Tell me in the comments if you knew about this term. Have you witnessed anything like this on Social Media ?
Yes, aware of "soft launching." Seen it on social media.
I am also hearing about this term just now only. It's really new to me as well.
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