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by Kavya_r on Nov 10, 2023

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🌶 Sexual Wellness

Could you explain the different methods of protecting against STIs, and how effective they are?

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Divorceanswered 85 days ago

For Protection from STIs options are *Abstinence: Not having any sexual activity is the most effective way to prevent STIs because it eliminates the risk of exposure altogether. *Condoms: When used consistently and correctly, condoms can greatly reduce the risk of STI transmission. They act as a barrier to prevent bodily fluids, which can carry infections, from passing between partners. Dental dams are thin, flexible barriers used during oral sex to reduce the risk of STI transmission, particularly those spread through oral-genital contact. They are usually made of latex or polyurethane and can be placed over the genitals or anus to create a barrier between the mouth and the genitals. Female condoms: are another barrier method used to prevent pregnancy and STIs. They are worn inside the vagina and cover the cervix, creating a barrier to prevent sperm from reaching the egg and reducing the risk of STI transmission by blocking genital contact.

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Divorceanswered 85 days ago

Also limiting sexual partners, open communication with partners about protection, regular testing if indulge in sex with multiple partners are key points for STI protection. These methods vary in effectiveness, with abstinence being the most reliable and condoms being highly effective if used consistently and correctly. However, no method is 100% foolproof, so it's essential to combine strategies for the best protection against STIs.

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