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by SwastiGenztherapist on Oct 12, 2022

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Hi everyone! In this community, we talk about our experiences and give ideas to deal with anxiety. This is a place to feel safe and supported. We talk about our feelings and thoughts, share advice, and offer encouragement to one another. We also discuss different ways for managing anxiety and maintaining mental well-being. Join the community and let's create a supportive and understanding environment where we can help each other find peace of mind<3

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Don't get me wrong, I love my kids. But sometimes I just need some time for myself! How do you balance your own needs with the constant needs of your children? Are there ways to create a healthy balance and avoid feeling resentful?

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Celebrityanswered 106 days ago

Hello there! Prioritising and balancing your needs with those of your children is essential to be an amazing mother, which you are already as you wouldn't have asked this question otherwise . So don't fret, you're doing amazingly. I can suggest a few things as a psychologist, and the first thing is to have regular self care practices. It can be anything you like? for example, if you like reading, exercising, cooking, skin care, watching tv to let loose, etc. They can be small moments in intervals or a break for a while, depending on what fits best. Remember to always set realistic expectations so that they can be manageable and flexible. Creating a routine can be beneficial for you and your child. I hope to see you in a live session someday to discuss this further if need be. Till then, stay strong and take care.

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You should always challenge yourself about the any situation that yes you can do this by any way. Way out the things in a detailed manner
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Patience.....Yes I am well experienced in that. 25 Years of her experience made me to message you now.
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