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by Mona Singh on Jan 21, 2023

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I just got promoted, but I feel like a fraud. Everyone thinks I'm more qualified than I am. I actually don't know what I am doing. How do I overcome Imposter Syndrome?

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Rituals & Practicesanswered 90 days ago

Trust yourself and your capabilities. Be kind to yourself and Stop being critical to yourself. Celebrate imperfect actions... No one is perfect We are all work in progress.

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Contraceptionanswered 89 days ago

dear knownyour self worth, value yourself, love yourself. all these thoughts r in your mind, get over them. take professional therapy if required. happy to help

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Rituals & Practicesanswered 56 days ago

Trust yourself, your capabilities. often times we become judgemental and over critical on ourselves and in the bargain start doubting our capabilities.... Therefore be kind to yourself, live and accept yourself as you are! No one is perfect... so dint waste your energy in becoming one.... take life less seriously and enjoy and celebrate your promotion!!!

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Take care dear
Actually due to some health issues, right now not able to do it. Once I am ready, I will inform you. 👍
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please practice regular positive internal dialogues, as you are being too critical and harsh on yourself. Connect to know more!

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