Stereotype Warriors community's profile image

by Surbhi Manocha Choudhary on Jun 22, 2023

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"Stereotype Warriors" community refers to individuals who actively challenge and combat stereotypes in various contexts, such as gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or other social categories. These individuals strive to raise awareness, promote inclusivity, and dismantle prejudiced assumptions. They work towards fostering understanding, acceptance, and equal opportunities for all, encouraging others to challenge their own biases and preconceptions. Stereotype Warriors play a vital role in promoting a more tolerant and equitable society.

✊ Social Impact
Women Empowerment
Women Empowerment
Women Empowerment

I think such Men are insecure ? what do think ?

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commented 437 days ago

Those men are "khud kitno k bhi sath maze karlo but biwi sati Savitri hi chahiye" like that😂😂

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commented 437 days ago

Such men are mcps male chavnist pigs.One should be practical in life.In the sea of life you meet many people

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commented 444 days ago

Well said

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هناك أصوات داخليه وحديث نفس يؤذى وجعل القلق والمخاوف تؤثر علينا ده موضوع اللايف الساعه ٨م
اهلا وسهلا بك 🥰 حقيقى وممكن موقف يحصل أو مشكله او صدمه تغير بشكل كبير من شخصيتى وتؤثر على افكارى ومشاعرى وانفعلاتى والتغير بيحصل أما نفاجئ أو بعد الموقف ف نفس الشهر أو خلال ٣سهور ومن خلال المده بنحدد ده مشكله او صدمه وليها تأثير دمتى بخير وود واستقرار 🥰
دى حقيقة فعلا سنه واحده قادره تشقلب حياتك كلها
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apni timing bta do
@Tarot_Singh di aabhi nai ho kya
@Tarot_Singh Raat ko aa rahe ho?
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Mantras can be chanted during menstruation but one cannot use a japa-mālā. If you wish to count the recitations then use your fingers or iMālā app on your phone. Lord Varāha has taught in the Varāhā Purāṇa that a women can do anything she wants in terms of devotional service during her menstruation after reciting the following mantra:- anādi madhyāntam ajam purāṇam rajasvalā devavaram namāmi | "अनादि मध्यांतम अजम पुराणम्, रजस्वला देववरम् नमामि।" “Though in my menses I offer my obeisance to the preeminent Lord, the Unborn Eternal One without origin, middle or end.” (Varaha Purana 142;10) Very few people know this mantra and are thus subjected to so much anxiety and disability. So please share it with as many women as you can.
Thanks my love 💗
This beautifully explains the balance between tradition and inclusivity, perfectly put ma'am!👏🏻
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We dont have to whisper anymore
Exactly 💯
That is actually a very nice way of putting this major problem/issue. Genuinely loved it 😍🌼
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'Health is Wealth' - The World Health organisation has defined health as physical, mental & social well being! We can also add 2 more components to this definition- sexual health and spiritual health! All of us should look after these 5 aspects of health throughout our lives! Specially women need to give special attention from Menarche to Menopause to protect their well being. Balanced diet, exercises, good habits & timely medical intervention are four pillars for good health. It is commonly seen that women neglect their diet. Most Indian women are prone to develop deficiencies of iron, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B and proteins. Some women are obese while some are very thin and/or malnourished. Women look after their family members very well. But they neglect their own health. They require balanced diet including millets, legumes, sprouts, green leafy vegetables, fruits, milk etc. This ensures good health, glowing skin and hair. Amino acids, iron, vit C and zinc are important to strengthen immune system which in turn is vital for fighting various infections. To be continued - Dr Ashwini Bhalerao Gandhi Consultant Gynecologist, P D Hinduja Hospital #healthylife #women #dietplan #deficiency
Yes. absolutely I agree with you. If you are healthy then only you can work efficiently. Taking care of one's health is very important.
Infact Health is Well, very informative
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mam aapka timing change hua hai kya?
ma'am when r u coming live i was waiting for u
evening I have a lecture in Versova
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We dont have to whisper anymore
Yeah I guess nowadays along with women men are too getting straightened about this talk. And the hesitation and whispering is somewhat reducing which is a good thing.
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husband dhyan nhi de pa rhe h nughper kya kru 3 month ho gye
dm me I'll like to tell personally
dm me personally I'll tell you in details
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Hey girls, Are you suffering from pain during sexual intercourse during your first attempt or during insertion of tampoon or menstrual cup or during your pelvic examination? This is called Vaginismus. Why does this happen? How to resolve it? Do you want to know the answers.... Join my live tomorrow on Coto at 4:30 pm on 19th March #vaginismus #sexual #womenproblems #cotocreator #sexualwellnes #vaginismustreatment #painfulencounter #UnconsumatedMarriage #couplecounseling #letstalk #BreakTheTaboo #OpenYourMind #askasexologist #BestSexologist
mam yes actually my husband does not forplay before starting sex
I have also when I make relation
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Reminder for my girls! 🤍 to you tomorrow, girls! Goodnight 😘
I miss you mam

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