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by Leeshaa_TOM on Feb 3, 2024

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How can I manifest better health and well-being, taking into account my past struggles with physical or mental health issues? @Leeshaa_TOM

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Networkinganswered 173 days ago

First learn to quiet your mind, you can choose to meditate, chant, read a book, listen to music.. once you figure a way to quiet your mind you will be able to focus on manifesting. Let go of your past if you want a great future.

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ما هي بعض أنشطة الرعاية الذاتية التي يمكننا ممارستها لتحسين صحتنا النفسية؟؟!
اهلاً يا جميله 🌸 من أنشطه الرعايه الذاتيه الي ممكن تمارسيها بكل أريحيه ١ تمارين اليقظه الذهنيه من خلال التركيز على اللحظة الحالية دون إصدار حكم هو أحد مكونات تأمل اليقظة الذهنية. يُعتقد أن هذه الممارسة تقلل من القلق واليأس مع تعزيز الرفاهية العامة. يمكنك استخدام الأكل اليقظ أو التنفس لبناء مهارة اليقظة. ٢ممارسه تمارين رياضيه وتغير ال life style لشكل صحي من خلال العنايه بالأكل وجوده الحياه في العموم ٣التواصل مع الطبيعة يمكن أن يساعد التواجد في مناطق مفتوحة في الطبيعة على الشعور بالهدوء والسكينة. سواء كان الشخص يتنزه أو يتجول في حديقة أو يجلس في مكان مفتوح فقط، فإن التواصل مع الطبيعة يمكن أن يملأه بالسلام والطاقة. ٤. تدوين اليوميات تدوين اليوميات طريقة ممتازة لإدارة المشاعر والتخلص من التوتر. إن محاولة كتابة الأفكار والخواطر يوميًا، يمكن أن يساعد في تصفية الذهن وتحديد الأهداف بشكل سلس. تقدري تتابعيني علي mental health talk وتتابعيني يوميا من الساعه ٨ إلى ١٢ ماعدا الجمعه اتمنالك يوم لطيف ☺️
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Incorporating a holistic approach, how can nutrition support mental and emotional well-being for women, including strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and mood fluctuations?
Hi there, I hope you are well. -Nutrition plays a key role in overall well-being. Each nutrient we consume is needed for nourishment of different organs and tissues. Hence, it is necessary to include a balanced diet which comprises of fibre, protein, and good fats. -Fibre is needed for improving digestion and for keeping your gut healthy.There is a link in between your gut and brain , and hence, fibre is necessary. Include wholegrains, vegetables, fresh fruits, beans, lentils to the diet. - Protein is needed for functioning of various hormones,wear and tear of muscles, and for nourishing each cell in the body.Include beans, lentils, dairy and dairy products, lean meat, nuts, and seeds to the diet. - Omega 3 fatty acids rich foods can improve your mood and facilitate better brain functioning. Nuts, seeds, fatty fish, eggs, avocado, olive oil are great sources of the same. - Include meditation, and yoga in your daily routine to combat stress. - Opt for a walk, and sleep well. Take care ✨
Balanced diet, rich in fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, supports mental health. Include mood-boosting foods like omega-3s, magnesium, and zinc. Avoid excess caffeine, sugar, processed foods. Hydration and mindful eating help too.
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ما هي أهمية قضاء وقت في الطبيعة لتحسين الصحة النفسية
اهلاً يا جميله 🌸 الشخص لما بيقضي وقت في الطبيعه بتساعد جسموا في كذا نقطه منها ١- تعزيز القدرات الادراكية زي الذاكره والانتباه والمرونه العقليه ٢- تخلي الشخص يشعر بالسعاده وبيقلل نسبه القلق والتوتر ٣- الشعور بالرضا وتقليل شعور الوحده ٤- يعزز المرونة النفسية، والقدرة على مواجهة صعوبات وضغوطات الحياة، والعودة إلى حالة نفسية أكثر استقرارا بعد التعرض للأزمات، كما يقلل احتمالية الاحتياج إلى أدوية علاج الاكتئاب عند المرور بفترات نفسية ضاغطة تقدري تتابعيني يوميا من الساعه ٨ للساعه١٢ وكمان علي mental health talk اتمنالك يوم لطيف ☺️
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ما هي بعض أنشطة الرعاية الذاتية التي يمكننا ممارستها لتحسين صحتنا النفسية
اهلا بيكي انشطة الرعاية الذاتية تشمل ممارسة التمارين الرياضية ، الاهتمام بالمظهر الجسمي ، ممارسة تمارين الاسترخاء المتمثلة في التنفس العميق ، ممارسة تمارين التأمل الواعي مثل اليوجا ، ممارسة الأنشطة والهوايات المفضلة . تحياتي 🥰🌷
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My friends straight up don't listen to me when I'm venting or sharing my problems. They zone out, change the subject, or give shitty advice that shows they weren't even paying attention. It's pissing me off feeling dismissed like that by people who are supposed to be my girls. How do I get through to them and make them actually hear me out without invalidating how I feel?
Its better to stay with less friends then the friends who dont value your feelings, nevertheless, confrontation of how you feel can also help to either break off or bring you closer
Just go and have a straightforward conversation with them. Just vent out everything to them about how you have been feeling. If they are your true friends then they will definitely understand you.
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I don't have genuine friends i feel hurt I m true and gud friend to all but when I need to friend a shoulder to cry n lean on i have no one on my side how do I get over this I want genuine people in my life now those who comes without any motives just someone who I can count on when m feeling low n in bad time
I also have no friends in my primary school but that okay u should spend your self time and u have lots of time to follow your passion. But you should not restrict yourself, try to join clud etc where you find genuine friends. hope you got it😊
ok whatsup me 8279956928 puja
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Being active on Social medias has made me realize that every person out there talks about selfcare. What exactly does self-care entail, and how can I incorporate it into my daily routine to improve my mental well-being?
Hi. Hope you are well! For plants to grow we need to water them, provide the correct sunlight and temperature. Similarly, we too need the water, sunlight and optimum temperature to grow, thrive and better our self. Self - Care does that for us. In your daily routine incorporate exercise, healthy sleep routine, reading, meditation etc. which ever suits you to strengthen your mind and body. To know more join my live sessions @Psychologist_SriradhaPodder
Self care , Mental health, mental well-being...these are the topics which one sees every where. To put in a nutshell... Mental well-being or mental health would mean you are able to conduct you routine without creating negative thoughts feeling etc.. if the activity you do or the interaction you have is creating any kind of upheaval means your mental health issues disturbed. Self care comes in play here .. self care includes taking care physical , mental and emotional health * you need to do you duties perform the tasks without getting disturbed. * Take care of your physical health by eating right food, adequate water and good sleep. * Setting Boundaries, Saying NO etc plays a important role.... For more information connect with me on 9869278747 cheers
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How do I navigate friendships that may be impacting my mental health negatively, and when is it okay to let go? @Chaitali_Hirani_psychologist
Hey there, hope you're doing well. Navigating confrontations in friendships can be tricky but you'll need to recognize signs of invalidation or even disrespect to know if the friendship is worth maintaining. Try having an open communication with your friend in case there are communication issues but if you still don't feel validated, then you need to realise that it might not be beneficial to you to stay in that relationship. You can set boundaries and let them know what behavior of theirs is unacceptable to you. Self care should be a priority even in case of friendships. You can also talk to a therapist who can help you with assertiveness and boundary setting.
Hi, you could begin by assessing how the friendship affects you, noting signs of toxicity such as persistent negativity or manipulation. Clearly communicate your boundaries and seek support from trusted individuals. If your efforts to address the issues with your friend are not successful it may be appropriate to consider ending the friendship. Remember, choosing to distance a is decision to prioritize your mental health and surround yourself with positivity. Trust your instincts and prioritize self-care as you navigate this process.
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هو الفرق بين المتخصصين في مجال الصحة النفسية؟
فيه أخصائي نفسي وفيه طبيب نفسي ، الأخصائي بيكون خريج آداب علم نفس وحاصل علي دبلومات اكلينيكية وكورسات وبيمتهن العلاج النفسي الكلامي أما الطبيب النفسي هو خريج طب والطب النفسي أحد التخصصات اللي تحت الباطنة وبيشخص ويكتب أدوية والاتنين بيكملوا بعض وبيشتغلوا كفريق وغير الاتنين دول ما ينفعش حد تاني يمارس العلاج النفسي
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May is here,what goals you wish to work on for your mental health and well being?
Taking a break from studies, jobs, relationships n focusing on reading new genre books and journaling a lot!🤗
I heal people by YPV psychological healing in such situation

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