by me.sweta on Jun 11, 2023

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steps by steps information for your startup. Helps you to fill the gap of your startup. Complete your startup goals. Feel free to DM and ask me anything.

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I really want to open a startup of olus size clothing D2C brand and then expand it to footwear with broad foot sizes as well. Will this startup idea work? 💡 👠 🎽

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answered 135 days ago

Ofcourse it will, firstly write down a thorough business plan. Include your short term and long term objectives, your budget, marketing tricks and all

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like me my all ladies... Luv u all !!!
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Heya everyone This is my first time using the app.Kindly ignore any mistakes. I am kind of chubby or you can say overweight 24 years old girl.Initially I didn't have any insecurities.But since a year or two when I moved to Delhi.I constantly try to fit in among people.But it feels like I'm losing a part of me.🥲
hey Anonymous. one needs to be physically fit, not to please anyone but for urself. Being overweight should not be the reason for your insecurities . You need to accept yourself first only then others will accept you if you feel you are loosing urself trying to fit in... ask yourself what is it that you are doing that's creating discomfort within you ... identify and work on it.. good luck 👍
Hello Thank you for sharing and you don't have to be sorry for anything. This is a safe and non- judgemtal space for you. I can understand moving to a new city comes with lot of adjustment issues and it's hard. I wil suggest talk to our mental health professionals on their live sessions so that you can talk about it more and will get the help you require
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اهلا بيكي يا ايه معاكي د نسمة ياسر اخصائية تغذية علاجية هي التكيسات عامل مساعد في زيادة الوزن طبعا لانها دايما مصحوبة بمقاومة انسولين ممكن تقوليلي ايه اللي اتغير في نظامك اخر شهر دا ؟ و التكيسات عندك بقالها قد ايه ؟ بتاخدي اي. ادوية ؟
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Hi, i am aged 50 ,widow and plus size,need to reduce weight and want to be fit. And also want to settle again, does people of my age can get settled again??
Yes why not. So what if u r a widow and aged 50, plus size. you can definitely settle. believe in yourself. you can join some fitness class to losse wait
The thought counts really. This is the first step of you getting yourself again. Excercise eat healthy, ho put meet your social circle and on no time you'll be fitting again
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How to choose bra for heavy breasts without sagging or deep marks of bra straps?
You can try different sizes and you will get to know your perfect size buddy
hey try to measure your chest you'll find YouTube tutorials on how to do that.
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Hey Hi dear! Before I advice you something...tell me something,Are you consciously landed up in this relationship?. 2. Is it just a healthy friendship or more than a friendship? if I can get answer to the above questions,I would be able to advise you better.
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I'm very flat chested as well as underweight. I'm very insecure about my breast. I stuff pads in my bra just to look a little bit appealing. But, once my classmate asked me that "how come you became 28B from 26A?" This shattered my confidence and ruined my mental peace. What should I do guys?
I myself suffered from this before! All the ladies in my family taunted me again and again on how clothes doesnt look good on me coz I dont have a fat ass and good breasts. It actually shattered me a lot but now I just ignore them. Ik I am better than them and thats enough
Hi there, I hope you are well. Your bra or breast size doesn't define you :) you may be genetically inclined to having smaller breast size which is absolutely okay. Just embrace it. - Also, try to gain weight in a healthy manner if you feel that you are underweight. - Include enough protein, nuts, seeds, dates, ghee, lean meat, eggs, millets, dairy and dairy products for healthy weight gain. - If you are looking for some advice on gaining weight, then you can book a one-one consultation with me. I shall be happy to guide you :) - Also, surround yourself with people who support you, encourage you, love you, respect you for who you are, and like you the way you are. Find support groups, and seek professional help if needed. Take care and stay positive ✨ you are worth it !
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I feel so insecure about my fat and heavy arms. I feel that they make me look ugly. I always feel that someone around me will make a comment on them if I ever wear anything sleeveless. How to boost my confidence? Any advices please? 🥺😔
You're beautiful girl. Be confident in your own skin. ❤️
firatly plz dnt overthink, embrace n accept ur body n also work towards ur body goals.

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