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by Mona Gujral on Dec 13, 2023

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As A Psychologist I wish to address all the areas of our life which cause stress and anxiety in a women's life. Be it your own mental health, or that of your loved ones. Be it a parenting issue or a relationship issue. Here the focus will be on discussing simple solutions to uncomplicate life and live life stree free.

🧠 Mental Health
Grief Counselling
Stress Management

love yourself is it the most difficult thing to do ???

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answered 402 days ago

Hey, actually it is the most easy and stress free thing to do, but according the the societal conditioning we are made to believe that if you love yourself, you are selfish and don't care about others. This mindset then makes it a very difficult thing to do. When you are flying the instructions are that in case of emergency first put oxygen for yourself and then help others, in the same way we should first love ourselves and then others. How will you give something to others that you don't have?

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Hey my dear, why don’t you join my live sessions and I will give you that space to explore yourself. Come sing in my sessions if you want, I will be your cheerleader! ❤️ You can expose yourself to an audience in my session- in psychology, we call this “Exposure therapy” Slowly but surely, you can gain confidence to be who you want to be! Come explore yourself with me, I am waiting to hear you! 🤩❤️
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