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by Bhavya Gandhi on Apr 2, 2023

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Hey Lovelies Beauty comes in all sizes and I truly belive so; but often we face harsh criticism for being a certain bodytype; so lets all come together and break the stereo types 😀Join me in building an Inclusive Body Positivity environment ✨️ ☺️ ❤️

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Recently, I've been wondering about body image concerns and the possibility of body dysmorphic disorder. Is anyone familiar with this? What are the signs, and what steps can be taken for support? @SoulTherapyWithHarleenBagga

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answered 300 days ago

Hey! Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is when someone obsesses over perceived flaws in their appearance. Signs can include excessive grooming, seeking reassurance, and avoiding social situations.

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الأهل بتلجئ للمختصين بعد خسائر كبيرة وممكن بعد ما عدى على الدجالين وقصه الأعمال والحسد واخر حاجه العيادة وهما في حالة ذهول و صدمة و يقولوا انا بنتي / ابني اللي مربيهم بيعملوا حاجات عمرنا متربينا عليها ومستغربين وصولوها ازاى نبتدى نسأل الأهل يعني ايه يا ماما نبتدى توضح بنهيار إن بنتي اللي كانت من المتفوقين دراسيا وأخلاقها إلى كانت بيضرب بيها المثل تلاقى كل شوية تدخل في علاقات/ ابني بيشرب مخدرات / بنتي بتأذي نفسها و حاولت أكتر من مرة تنتحر مع إنى موفرالها كل حاجه كل الكلام ده متكرر جداً و بنسمعه و بنبدأ نهدي الأهل و نسمع منهم و بعدين بنقعد مع البنت أو الولد و نكتشف المعاناة اللي بيعدوا بيها وهو اضطراب الشخصية الحدية أو ما يعرف أيضا بالشخصية البينية أو الحديه او Borderline personality disorder ما هو اضطراب الشخصية الحدية؟؟ اضطراب الشخصية الحدية هو مرض يتميز بتقلبات مزاجية و تغيير في السلوك و رؤية الذات والخوف من الهجر وفشل العلاقات الصحيه مما تؤدي إلي تصرفات اندفاعية و مشاكل في العلاقات مع الناس. مريض هذا الاضطراب يمر بنوبات غضب، اكتئاب، او قلق تمتد من ساعات إلى أيام. تظهر أعراض اضطراب الشخصية الحدية في سن المراهقة عادة او في مرحلة الشباب. هذا الاضطراب نسبته تصل إلي ٢٪، في الإناث أكثر من الذكور، ٤٠٪ من مرضي هذا الاضطراب يحاولون الانتحار و ٧٥٪ يقومون بإيذاء النفس. هل في علاج؟؟ الاجابه ايوه فى علاج العلاج الدوائي و العلاج الجدلي السلوكي المعروف اختصارا بال DBT. و قد أثبت العلاج الجدلي السلوكي دوره الفعال في علاج هؤلاء المرضي و التقليل من معانتهم. من الحاجات اللي بتدي أمل كبير، ان اللي ابتكر هذا النوع "مارشا لينهان" أخصائية علم النفس و التي كانت تعانى و صاحبة تشخيص اضطراب الشخصية الحدية و هذا يعني ان الشفاء غير مستحيل 😊 💪 👌شهر التوعية باضطراب الشخصية الحدية مها اسماعيل معالج نفسى اكلينيكى
أهلًا جميله مجتمع كوتو ، إزيك؟ أتمنى تكوني بخير. حبيت أقولك إن التسجيل للاستشارات الخاصة هيبدأ في شهر يونيو، وأنا متحمسة جدًا أساعدك وقتها. بس تقدري تتواصلي معايا دلوقت من خلال المكالمات صوتية أو فيديو عشان أقدر أساعدك. تقدري تختاري تكوني باسمك أو بشكل مجهول، اللي يريحك. لو عندك أي استفسار أو محتاجة مساعدة دلوقتي، ما تتردديش تتواصلي معايا على طول من خلال اللايف بتاعي من الساعة( ١م )إلى الساعة( ١٢ص )يوميا. أنا هنا عشان أساعدك بكل اللي أقدر عليه. أطيب تحية، دمتى بخير وود [مها اسماعيل ] من فريق كوتو 💜
منتظره اسالت حضراتكم للاجابه عليها
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Listen to him with empathy, empathisize with him, make his fav food and enjoy what he does
Hi! This is Stephanie
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sering gelisah, sulit tidur, kadang nafsu makan berubah, dan suka ngerasa tegang terus.
Ciri-ciri gangguan kecemasan tuh kayak sering gelisah, susah konsentrasi, dan bad mood terus. Kadang juga bisa ada gejala fisik kayak sakit perut atau sesak napas, gitu deh.
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I know my dad's issues stemmed from his own childhood trauma. It doesn't excuse his behavior, but it helps me to understand it. I feel empathy towards him which is hampering my mental health. How do I deal with it?
I drew boundaries with him. That meant a) telling him his behaviour bothered me b) Created physical distance. c) nurtured my connection with myself. When he continued to do what he was doing, second gear of boundaries came into place that meant loving myself more and making hard choices. So not doing what I did in the past, no more excuses for his bad behaviour. Form boundaries and distance for disrespect helped me conserve my energy.
please i hope someone answers this question... I'm going through the same thing
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I have been dealing with mental health issues since long now but I haven’t opened up to my friends and family abt it. How can i do that??
Hi anonymous!! First of all don'ttake the pressure of telling everyone at once.. just pick a person you are most comfortable with and who has more chances of understanding what you are going through.. you can also connect with me to get a better hang of things❤
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Hi, wanted to ask if any mental health behavior changes the way a person acts of behaves?? Does it change their daily routine and their hearts??
Hi anonymous!! Surely!!! Our behavior, personality, attachment styles are all connected to our mental health. And any disruption mentally will reflect both internally and externally. We can discuss this further on my live tomorrow at 12pm
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is feeling lonely a mental illness?? If yes, how can it be cured??
Loneliness is an experience, never an illness. It's important that a person be comfortable with themselves in silence when no one is around.
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I was recently diagnosed with depression. How can i avoid being lonely?? Because being lonely gives me anxiety these days
you can join some activity like swimming yoga badminton dance anything which you like. and go for some book reading, go out of your house to some park movie or coffee
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Hi Dear. I'm a Consultant Psychologist and Sexual Health Expert. Codependent relationships are one where either of your emotions and sense of self depends on the other person. This is considered unhealthy because there is lack of boundaries, healthy space and trust. It would affect both of you. If it's somethings that affects you, do come on my live and talk to me.
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How can I respect other’s beliefs abt mental health without compromising my own?? Because some family members of mine do not seem to see the fact thar mental health is actually a thing and not just a ‘pagalpan ki nishani’
hi there, I'm a clinical psychologist and from experience I can tell you the navigating differences and beliefs about mental health, especially within our family, can be specially challenging. I would love to offer you a few suggestions to go about this in your own family. firstly, it is amazing that yourself informed and educated enough to know the importance of mental health, this can help you articulate your own perspective clearly. communicating with your family can be difficult, but we should always remember to show empathy and my suggestions to you would be to use " I " phrase such as " I understand where you are coming from but I feel overwhelmed when I can't express myself" this seems to take the blame away from them and puts your own needs as a priority. setting boundaries is another thing that I would love to talk to you about as it is important for any healthy relationship. please feel free to reach out to me anytime you want and I would love to help you through these times

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