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by Shabia Walia on Jan 18, 2023

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This community is for individuals who are passionate about skincare and want to achieve and maintain healthy skin. They can share their experiences and doubts and recommendations with others and find what they are looking for. It's also a safe space to talk about your journey with skin problems and share tips and tricks to help others in theirs.

💄 Beauty

I m a fitness trainer...I meet a lot of women who complain abt cramps ,joint pains ,body pains during periods...if any one needs help do message .

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Divorcecommented 101 days ago

I have joint pains

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النهاردة حيكون في ٣ لايفات في غاية الأهمية وحناقش فيهم مواضيع بتأثر علي حياتنا لحظة بلحظة حنتكلم عن الظاهرة وأسبابها ونتائجها وطرق علاجها بشكل عميق ومن بعد نفسي واجتماعي الساعة ٨ حنتكلم عن الضغوط اللي خلقتها علينا أنماط استهلاكية معينة وازاي بقينا بنصرف فلوس كتير في حاجات ممكن ما نكونش محتاجين لها أو نتألم ونكتئب لأننا مش قادرين نشتري حاجات احنا أصلا مش محتاجين لها . الساعة ١٠ : حنعرف ونفهم ازاي ممكن تؤثر البيئة علي سلوكنا وصحتنا النفسية وأفكارنا وتطلعاتنا . الساعة ١١ حنتكلم عن موضوع من أهم المواضيع وهو تأخر الزواج وآثاره النفسية علي البنات والشباب وازاي ممكن نحل الأزمة دي . لو مهتمين تابعوني وأوعدكوا حيكون نقاش مفيد وممتع
السلام عليكم دكتوره ايمان انا امنية اللى دخلت مع حضرتك فى اللايف من شوية بحاول اتواصل مع حضرتك و منتظرة حضرتك باذن الله و ببحث على اللايف علشان اتفرج علية من جديد بس للاسف مش لاقياة
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هاي يا جميلات❤️ الصورة بتوضح اوجه التشابه والاختلاف بين متلازمة ما قبل الحيض واضطراب انزعاج ما قبل الحيض دمتم قمرات ❤️
مساء الخير لو الواحد عندوا PMDD يعمل ايه؟
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لو بتصحي من النوم مرهقه رغم انك نمتي كويس او عندك ارق ونومك متقطع لو شكل جسمك اتغير وخصوصا تراكم الدهون في منطقة البطن لو عندك الأعراض دي بسبب تغير بعض الهرمونات ، واللي ممكن تؤدي إلى أعراض مختلف وتقلب المزاج يبقي انتي محتاجه تحضري "SUPPERCHARGE YOUR MIDLIFE JOURNEY" لو يومك بيعدي وانتي مشوشه ومش مركزه وبتتوتري من حاجات مش مستاهله ودايما مرهقه يبقي البرنامج ده ليكي هتعرفي فيه ايه اسباب الارق والتوتر والالم الجسدي زيادة الوزن ارتفاع حرارة الجسم والم المفاصل وهتعرفي ليه بقيتي حساسه و ليه بتعيطي من اقل حاجه في موقف ممكن يعدي بس انتي اتأثرتي زيادة عن اللزوم ولو عايزه تعرفي ازاي تزودي وعيك بجسمك وازاي تحسني من حالتك النفسيه والجسديه وازاي تعرفي تنامي بشكل افضل Join my upcoming online program "SUPERCHARGE YOUR MIDLIFE JOURNEY" On 15th July If you are interested, Type me in comments "SUPERCHARGE" & I'll send you all the details about the Program. 🌸لو مستعده تبدأي تشوفي الحياه بشكل افضل وتعيشي لمدة شهر تجربه جديده تتبعيها علطول اكتبيلي في الكومنت "SUPERCHARGE " و هبعتلك تفاصيل البرنامج و الحجز
سبق و ارسلت كلمة supercharge من خمسة ايام للمشاركة في البرنامج .. و لكن لم يصلني اي رد
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We dont have to whisper anymore
Exactly 💯
That is actually a very nice way of putting this major problem/issue. Genuinely loved it 😍🌼
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We dont have to whisper anymore
Yeah I guess nowadays along with women men are too getting straightened about this talk. And the hesitation and whispering is somewhat reducing which is a good thing.
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اكلات تحسن التوازن الهرموني عند السيدات 🤍 #صحه #health
موضوع مهم جدا 👏🏻❤️
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This was almost a decade ago, I was probably around 26-27 years old then. I had gained 20 odd kgs even though I did everything I believed to be right, counting calories, and working out every day to burn even more calories. BUT!! I was struggling with PCOS, Hypothyroid, High cholesterol, and IBS. It took me 5 years to un-learn and re-learn what healthy is! To change my relationship with food and exercise, to change my relationship with my body and myself... and honestly even change my relationship with those around me! Today, a month before I turn 38, I finally have a love relationship with food, where food is nutrition and exercise is for strength and longevity. If you’re ready to begin your journey of unlearning, reversing lifestyle diseases, and reversing aging with biohacking connect with me. #biohacker #agereversal #hybridathlete #guthealth #functionalnutrition #functionaltraining #engineeringhealth
omg great 😍😍
@itstanyamalik that's such an inspiring story of your unlearning and shaping up better. Fighting pcos,hypothyroid, cholesterol is ABSOLUTELY TO DO WITH your diet and lifestyle. I resonate to this. I ll amplify your subtle mention to unlearn and redo the relationships... Not only diet,workouts etc but even with PEOPLE around.👌🏻💯 Emotions play an immense role in making our breaking your body system energies. Congrats for your come back of happier version. Keep inspiring. Much luv 💕💖😘
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Hygiene on the Go: PeeFree - Say goodbye to unsanitary public restrooms with our portable urine funnel. Stay clean and comfortable while traveling. Try our urine funnel today!
oh my!! It's a game changer for women!
That is indeed a very useful innovation ✨
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I m a fitness trainer...I meet a lot of women who complain abt cramps ,joint pains ,body pains during periods...if any one needs help do message .
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We dont have to whisper anymore
Should be shout out loud

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I am a mother and an educator in charter schools and ABC Youth Foundation. I host several podcast it's a huge passion of mine and I also produce I strongly feel that empathy is the glue of humanity and without it what do we have for understanding one another and being kind toward one another is what keeps Us human it's what makes it work and without it what can possibly get better you must hold on to that and remember and show it where it's needed so that people can know what it is and be able to show that same to others connecting and growing with others is within the foundations of empathy that's how the world gets better so we can understand we don't have to directly know one another we must be that change and it starts with us, we must be the change we want to see!more




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Your health is important. Want to get rid of your problems PCOs PCOd Anxiety Stree Diabetes Any health issue. We will make self help easier. "Holistic healing with Flower Essences" 🌼 🌸 ✨️ For more details and appointments please reach out on the +7799828588 7799828588more

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🗓 Menstrual Health

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🗓 Menstrual Health



🗓 Menstrual Health

The community is created to bring awareness on healthy living and good lifestyle. Also, the community bring awareness on how to free farmers from chemical forming.more


🗓 Menstrual Health
