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by vineetika on Dec 8, 2022

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This community is all about Himachal and it’s people.We will explore more about Himachal here

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answered 152 days ago

It's all about empower women.A platform where women ask anything without hesitation.

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I’m a busy parent and often rely on fast food. How can I make healthier choices without sacrificing convenience?
You must stop fast foods as soon as possible. You must try healthy foods that get cooked within no time such as oats
Hi there, I hope you are well. Here are ways in which you can eat healthy even when you are busy. - Chop all the vegetables on a Saturday/Sunday or whenever you get a holiday and place it in a ziplock bag. You can use these veggies to prepare fried rice, poha/upma, sabji, sauteed veggies, stir-fry, etc. - Puree the curry or gravy base in advance and place it in your freezer. You can defrost it and use it as and when needed. - Prepare wrap, sandwich batter in advance and place it in your fridge. You can use this for 3-4 days based on the veggies used. Don't keep it for too long. - You can have sandwiches, roti wraps ( use the leftover sabzi in it), curd rice (easy to prepare), a basic vegetable rice or pulav, protein salads ( you can boil chana, moong) and place in in the fridge. - If you eat non-veg, then marinate Chicken, fish in advance, refrigerate it and grill it as an when needed. Let me know if this helps, Take care ✨ and eat healthy!
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What’s the best thing to eat for dinner tonight
The best thing to have for dinner tonight could be a hearty homemade pasta dish with a side salad.
1. Grilled chicken breast with steamed vegetables and quinoa. 2. Baked salmon with a side of roasted sweet potatoes and asparagus. 3. Stir-fried tofu with mixed bell peppers, broccoli, and brown rice. 4. Lentil soup served with a spinach salad and whole grain bread. To know more about this join my community on coto as PCOS SQUAD we will be doing live session that
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What should I eat for dinner tomorrow
Hey there,any thing which fills you with good nutrition but light in dinner ,1 pot meal like daliya ,veg pulav ,stir fried veg with roasted paneer or soya chunks , In non veg 2 pieces of chicken 2 eggs omelette with veggies you can have 🤗
Hi there, I hope you are well. There are various options that you can choose from for dinner. Here's are some options - 1) Dal khichdi with curd 2) Daliya with veggies and buttermilk 3) 1 roti roll or wrap with paneer/chicken + 1 Bowl veg soup 4) 1 Bowl dal soup+ 2 Moong/besan oats chilla and chutney 5) 1 Bowl tawa pulao with veggies+ 1 Bowl raita 6) 1 Bowl mixed veg soup + 1 vegetable sandwich 7) 1 portion paneer/chicken + 1 bowl protein soup ( moong, dal, etc and veggies) 8) 1 Bowl khichdi + 1 katori kadhi 9) 1 Bowl dal +Curd rice 10) 1 Bowl sauteed veggies+ 1 portion rice/quinoa/barley + 1 Bowl yogurt I hope this helps, Take care ✨
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Kalau lagi diet boleh makan nasi ga sih?
Boleh dong, yang penting adalah memperhatikan jumlahnya dan memilih porsi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan kalori dan karbohidrat kamu.
Tentu saja boleh, tapi perlu memperhatikan porsi dan jenis nasi yang dikonsumsi.
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هو في اكلات ممكن تعلي من الصغط الواطي ؟
ااهلا بيكي ‏ايوه طبعا زي الأكلات اللي تحتوي على فيتامين ب ١٢ زي البيض منتجات الألبان واللحوم ‏أو تحتوي على folate زي المكسرات والخضار الورقي وطبعا الكافيين في الشاي والقهوة كمان الأكل المملح
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هي شراهه الاكل مرض نفسي ولا عضوي
صباح الخير مع حضرتك د مي وفا أخصائي التغذية العلاجية و السمنة والنحافة الشراهة في الاكل وارد تكون الاتنين ممكن تكون عضوي زي الغدة الدرقية الناشطة او سكر النوع الأول و دي شراهة للحلويات مع فقدان وزن شديد قبل التدخل بالعلاج و ممكن تكون نفسي زي انواع من اضطرابات الطعام bulimia أو binge eating اوemotional eating لو حابة تعرفي حضرتك اني نوع ممكن تدخل معيا استشارة في مكالمة يوميا من ١٠.٣٠ ص ل ٣ عدا الخميس من ٨.٣٠م ل ١ ص
اهلاً بيكي يا جميله🌸 احيانا الشرهه في الأكل بيكون اضطراب في الأكل خصوصا لو معاه شعور بالذنب بعد الأكل الكتير وكمان لو في مشكله بتكون معاه في صوره الجسم .. احيانا تانيه بيكون علامه من علامات الاصابه بمرض السكري .. تقدري تتواصلي معايا من الساعه ٨ لغايت ١٢ مساءا من خلال اللايف علشان نتكلم واقدملك المساعده المناسبه ليكي
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كنا خارجين انا وخطيبي واختي واختي طلبت اكل كتير اوي وخطيبي مكانش معاه حق ده كله وحسيته كان محــــ.ـــرج وقالي كتير اوي كدا قولتله هو انت باصـــص لاختي في الاكل واخـــدت اختي ومشيت ودلوقتي بيرن عليا ومش برد فنا كدا غلطانه ؟
اهلا بيكي انتي عارفه امكانيات خطيبك المادية فكان لازم تنبهي اختك لده ، لازم تتعلموا ازاي تتواصلو مع بعض صح لازم يكون الحوار هادئ وفيه الاحترام مابينكم . انتم الاتنين اخطأتم ولازم تقعدو مع بعض وتواجهو الموقف وتعرفو ان المشكلة في التواصل الخطأ لكن كونك مترديش مش حل ده هروب وسلوك تجنبي بالبعد مانصحش بيه
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دكتور هو فيه اكلات ممكن تخسس ؟
اهلا بيكي معاكي د نسمة أخصائية التغذية العلاجية مفيش اكلات تخسس بس في بعد الأطعمة بتعلى معدل الحرق فتخليكي تفقدي وزن بالاستمرار عليها زي الاطعمة الغنية بالالياف و مضادات الاكسدة ري التوت و البروكلي و المشروبات زي القرفة و الشاي الاخضر مثلا
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My work makes me go out to have meals with others a lot and its difficult for me to maintain my diet or eat only healthy food when I go like this. So can you please tell me how can I navigate social situations or dining out while still maintaining a healthy diet?
Hey When you have to eat outside plan ahead by checking the menu beforehand and choosing healthier options. You can also practice portion control, prioritize vegetables and lean proteins, and politely decline extras like bread or dessert if they don't align with your goals. Additionally, consider being assertive about your dietary preferences and communicate them with your colleagues or friends.
So even if you go outside order something that is healthy and not too much oily. you cab maybe order a salad or fruit bowl or a subway sandwich
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I always feel very uncomfortable in eating freely when I'm with my friend group. I always feel that because of my weight I'll get judged by them for my portion size and diet. I'm scared to eat anything in front of them. How can I overcome this problem?
I understand your situation dear but never restrain yrself from the freedom of expression. u cannot starve yourself thinking about what others may feel, try to opt for healthier versions but dnt resort to not eating or starving urself

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