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Healthy Life by Dr.Aya Mostafa

by Dr. Aya Mostafa on Aug 21, 2023

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هتعيشى حياه صحيه و هتعملى دايت و هتوصلى للوزن الى انتى عاوزه من غير اى مجهود و لا حرمان 👌🏻

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هل بتاثر الغده الدرقيه على الحاله المزاجيه ؟؟

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answered 83 days ago

اعتقد ايوة، بس أنا برضو عايزة جايه ياريت لو في دكتورة متخصصه تقول لينا 🥺

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First communicate with him your needs, try to get on middle ground that your needs of dates and outings and few texts also gets complete, observe if he makes effort once you have shared, if not then yes take a break for your mental health because if someone takes you for granted,staying with them will exhaust you
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mare life ma tension h Or boby ma weakness rhti h mare upar necha ans jana sa saas cadhti h
Apne symptoms ko dekhte hue, yeh anxiety aur physical weakness ki taraf ishara kar sakte hain. Doctor se mil kar medical check-up aur appropriate treatment lena zaroori hai. Saath hi, sehatmand khana, exercise aur relaxation techniques adopt karne se madad mil sakti hai.
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دكتور اعرف منين ان عندي انيميا
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Have recently read a crazy post that masturbating a lot can cause acne for women,is this true? XD
No, masturbation does not cause acne. Masturbation can cause hormonal changes, if you indulge in it badly. These changes are only tangentially related to acne development. It's more likely that if you seem to have less acne when you don't masturbate, it's just a coincidence because of the many changes that happen during puberty and adolescence. Instead of thinking like this, think about doing masturbation in moderation and let the sexual tension release. This keep your hormones tickling and can help maintain hormonal balance.
Hi! Hope you are doing well. As a therapist and intimacy coach, I can tell you that that’s absolutely false! Masturbation does not cause acne, that’s a myth. masturbation is actually beneficial as it helps improve sleep and reduce stress!
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البشره الدهنيه الحساسه
و لو سؤالك حاجه تانيه وضحيه اكتر
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لو سمحتى انا عندى مقاومة انسولين و برضع بيبي 6 شهور ووزنى 130 وطولى 184 هل فى حاجة ممكن تساعدني اقلل وزنى اثناء الرضاعه ؟
لو انتي تمام عامله تحاليلك ومتشخصه مقاومة انسولين فرصة حبوة جدا تخسي مع الرضاعة انتي بتحرقي ٤٠٠ -٥٠٠ سعر وانتي ترضعي في الساعة ف هتعملي الخطوات دي الرضاعه بتجوع ف ماتروحيش تشربي عصاير معلبه وتاةلي حلاوة وسمسم والحاجات دي انتي هتاكلي فواكهه وهتشربي مياه وهتبعدي عن الاكل الدسم والمقلي وهتاكلي نشويات بس تقللي وتحاولي تحليه تكون بعسل ابيض وتاكل خضار رطب كتير زي خس وخيار بطيخ بلاش كل الحلويات والشيبسيات وماتعمليش اي نظام صيام وانتي بترضعي بعد سنه نقدر نعمله ولما نراقب معدل الرضاعة قل قد ايه ونحسبلك السعرات واخر واهم حاجه هقولهالك هي انك لازم تتحركي اتمشي كل يوم الاول ربع ساعه ويوميا زوديها تدريجي ل نص ساعه ان شاء الله هتنزلي في الوزن
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I am getting rashes from pads. What can I do to stop them?
If you have noticed rashes with one pad brand, it maybe helpful to try another. Another reason could also be using the pad for extended periods of time, which makes you more prone to rashes. Alternatives can include period panties or cloth pads which can help prevent rashes and are also eco-friendly as they are reusable. During your periods opt for loose cotton underwear and change it twice a day to limit sweat and rashes. If this doesn't subside with these simple changes, check in with a doctor to understand a possible underlying cause.
Keep the affected area clean and dry, you can also apply a soothing cream or ointment that you can purchase over the counter. Ensure you're changing pads frequently to help prevent sanitary pad rash.
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Hi, I'm Anjali. Can stress exacerbate hormonal imbalances and menstrual irregularities? @Drkarishma
It definitely can! Which is why managing your stress is as important as a healthy diet and regular exercise. Stress leads to a constant state of inflammation. This dysregulates hormones release, reduces quality of hormones, affects the environment around your eggs, and even ultimately affects ovulation and menstrual cycles. For cycles you've had more stress, you are more likely to experience delays in your cycles.
Yes, Stress leads to many difficulties in our body Shagun K Singh Spiritual Life Coach Manifesting Miracles

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