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by Dr_HendIbrahim on Jul 11, 2023

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كل حاجة ليها علاقة بالصحة والتوعية الجنسية والجسدية ممكن تلاقيها هنا. أنا دكتور هند وموجودة هنا عشان نحاول نوصل لمجتمع آمن وواع عن صحة المرأة الجنسية💁🏼

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Feminine Health

يبنات بكلمكوا بجد كنا لسة بنتكلم فقالي مش حتصلي ولا اي .. ولا اجازة ( قصده ع البيريود 🩸).. فقولتله لسة الفجر مأذنش .. دلوقتي لو كررها تاني انا مش عايزة يتمادى في الكلام كده اعمل اي ولا اتوه الموضوع انا عارفة ان الموضوع مش عيب بس مش عايزة الكلام يوصل لكده: احنا مخطوبين

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Divorceanswered 23 days ago

وضع الحدود في الكلام دي مهتمه انتي فممكن ببساطه وذوق وشياكه لو كررها تاني قوليله انا حسه ان التلميح في الأمور دي مش مقبول بالنسبالي حاليا ..مهم تعبري عن اللي بتقبليه أو متقبلهوش بوضوح وهدؤ وبسيطه عشان نحافظ علي علاقتنا♥️🌹

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هو طبيعي ان اخته من ساعه ما اتجوزت متجليش غير فالمناسبات ووقت ماتيجي تقعد وقت قليىل ومتاكلش حاجه يعتبر وتقولي عشان ضيوفك ومتىقلش عليكي عادي ومش حابه تتقىل عليا♥ لا وكده مش طيقىاني وبتحط حىدود🥰
اهلا وسهلا بيكي ♥️ اوقات بنحس ان من الكرم ان نعمل احسن ما عندنا للضيوف زي ما اتربينا والضيف برضه بيحس ان من الزوق انه يبقي خفيف فممكن طبيعتها كدة حساسة وخفيفة ومش بتحب تتقل ولو مشينا ورا اي فكرة سلبيه حسيتي بيها فدا يقول انك عملتي اللي عليكي واللي يشرفك اني وجوزك دا اللي تقدري تحاسبي نفسك عليه مش علي الطرف اللي قدامي ولو فكرة ان كدة هي بتحط حدودها الصح اني احترم حدودها لان دا الطبيعي وتابعيني هتكلم قريب عن الحدود ♥️♥️
اهلا بيكي حاولي متركزيش في تصرفات الاخرين تجاهك المهم انتي شايفه نفسك ازاي وراضيه عنها ازاي خليكي واثقه من نفسك ولا تبالي تصرفات الاخرين 🥰🌷
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How do i embrace my cultural identity in a society that might not understand?
Hello there. I am Deepti Acharya, a counseling psychologist and relationship coach. Thanks a lot for reaching out. I understand your concern. I know how important cultural belongingness is for you. First and foremost, try to find ways to connect with your culture individually and finding a strong bond with it which is not highly influenced by societal expectations. This could include reading about and exploring your culture better. Secondly, it is vital to start setting boundaries and finding distinctions between your beliefs and social norms. Thirdly, try to find ways of interacting with and participating in communities that share your cultural beliefs. Having said that, I would like to understand where you are coming from better. To do that please tune into my upcoming live sessions on similar topics, where you can call me for more solutions. Hope this was helpful. Looking forward to connecting with you. All the best!
Hello Dear. I'm a Consultant Psychologist and Sexual Health Expert. It's important for you to feel comfortable in your identity. Then find like minded community and friends like joining a club to share a hobby or meeting new people. There would be people who would understand, even if they don't, do not burden to fit in or trying to make people like you. Ignorance can't be helped. You find a space for you to express yourself. Hope that helps.
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بنات متقدملى عريس كويس و محترم ومن عيلة كويسة و حالته المادية كويسة وبيحبنى بس المشكلة إنه شكله أكبر من سنه وباين فرق السن اللى ما بينا بالرغم أنه مش كتير و انا مش حابة الموضوع دا و مش مرتاحة بس برضو هو صعبان عليا عشان كل شوية يتقدم و أرفضه أوافق و أحاول أخليه يغير من نفسه و شكل لبسه أرفض طلاما مش مرتاحة
اهلا جميله كوتو 🥰 من كلامك وصلى ان فى مشاعر وافكار ملخبطه ومشتته زى تأنيب ضمير أو صعبان عليا انك رافضه وفى عدم قبول للشكل والاستايل اللبس وده حقك ف القبول الظاهرى انما القبول الداخلى محتاجه تعرفيه بمعنى هل شخصيه سويه هيقدملى الأمان والونس والدفئ واللين الخ من احتياجات وهل انت كمان هتقظرى تقدمى ده ليه ولا لاء كمان ف مقارنه بينه وبين حد تانى ولا لاء كمان الجزء المادى اهم بالنسبالك وبنسبه لقيمك ولا لاء اسئله كتير محتاجه ردك منك علشان ااقدر اجاوبك واساعدك ع انك توصلى لقرار فعال ونزيل التشتت الموجود هكون مبسوطه انك تحضرى اللايف علشان نتكلم اكتر دمتى بخير وود 🥰
اهلا بيكي يا جميلة❤️ ابموضوع ده مركب شوية لأن المجتمع صور لنا ان صورة معينة للراجل الجذاب وبتأكدلنا فكرة ان لازم يكونلي type معين في الناس اللس بنجذب ليها لكن الحقيقة ان ده مفهوم مراهق شويتين لأن الشكل مالوش علاقة بالشخصية بل كتير بيكون الرجالة اللي مهتمين بشكلهم اوي عندهم عقدة نقص بيعوضوها بالاهتمام ده او عقدة تفوق انهم شايفين انهم احسن من كل الناس الباقية على الناحية التانية.. من حق الشخص ده يرتبط بواحدة هو مالي عينها وشايفاه كفاية وقابلاه زي ما هو فا انت محتاجة تقعدي مع نفسك قعدة صريحة تشوفي ليه شكله ممكن مسببلك مشكلة وهل شكله سبب كافي للتضحية بباقي الصفات الكويسة اللي فيه؟ تقدري تكلمسني خلال اللايڤ من الساعة ٤-٩ نتناقش اكتر ونتكلم مع بعض في ايه سبب نفورك ده وازاي نتعامل معاه دمتي مميزة❤️
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Hey, today a colleague brought up female cohabitation, and now I'm curious about what it actually entails. Can you explain what female cohabitation is and what it typically involves?
Two female stay together in a live in relationship.
Hello , Two female partners living in together.
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I feel like I don't fit into any of the stereotypes about women. Society tells us how to act, dress, and even think, but what if I don't check any of those boxes? Is it okay to be different, or am I doomed to be an outcast forever? How do we find our place in the world when we don't fit the mold?
Hi... I think it's absolutely okay to not fitl in with the society stereotypes... who has made those stereotypes??!! you and me are actually comprises the society... it's okay if people doesn't validate us and our way of living till the extent it doesn't harm and hurt others and yourself. 🙂
Hello , There’s no definitive to true and real beauty these norms are just set by society. No bible or any mythological book tells if you don’t match the societal boxes you’re deviant or outgroup . Embrace yourself with confidence All the best 🌸
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I'm so tired of Indian men putting Russian women on a pedestal and claiming they are the "ideal wives." If Russian culture produces such perfect marriages, then why are the divorce rates there so high? As an Indian woman, it's frustrating to constantly hear we are inferior while data shows relationships fail everywhere. I wish men would open their eyes to reality instead of buying into these misogynistic stereotypes. @RC_Mayanka
Yes I definitely agree with you. But what can we do to change this perception. I feel we are helpless.
This is so true but I think the ctaze is wearing down
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How does cultural diversity shape our perceptions, beliefs, and interactions with one another?😀😃
Hi! Very deep question! Yes, it very much does as our experiences and influences are in the way we are brought up. How are parents bring us up and what we learn when we are a child (till we become sn adult) sets our values and beliefs. Infact it is such an irony in life, we come with nothing and go with nothing! In between we gather all the beliefs, values and towards the end we realise we need to shed them away! So, while the values and beliefs get set, let us not get too attached to it! That will help to be free and do what is needed whichever culture you belong to. Tc, Preetha Your coach
it really widens your perception of the world you realise how differently people can think and can inspire creativity and out of the box thinking.
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Yalnızlık Denildiğinde Aklınıza İlk Ne Geliyor Cânım Kadınlar? Siz cevapları yazarken, ben de size Atilla İlhan’ın Yalnızlık Şiiri ile eşlik edeyim: Karanlığın insanı delirten bir ihtişamı vardır Yıldızlar aydınlık fikirler gibi havada salkım salkım Bu gece dağ başları kadar yalnızım Çiçekler damlıyor gecenin parmaklarından Dudaklarımda eski bir mektep türküsü Karanlıkta sana doğru uzanmış ellerim Gözlerim gözlerini arıyor durmadan Nerdesin? #yalnızlık #şiir
Yalnızlık diyince aklıma “hepimiz yalnızız” şarkım geliyor 💜🌿
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Do cultural norms influence the dating choices of Indian women? @Amanvir
I'll add cultural norms with their present lifestyle affects the dating choices. It all goes down to values and lifestyle choices ingrained during childhood. Match and compatibility in lifestyle n habits can be a safe soothing start to a relationship. Be open to your folks and your partner about your moves. You are the best judge to decide how much , when and how.

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Psychologist specializes in Mental Health Member of Union of Arab Psychotherapists •Bachelor of psychotherapy redirect from Denmark university accredited by IATA. •Master degree of sexual abuse redirect from Denmark university accredited by IATA. •DBT- CBT- SE Specialist in : *Mental health issues *Anger issues *Stress Managements *Anxiety *Depression *Emotional Regulation *Trauma *Growth after trauma *Sexual Abuse *Addiction *Relationships مهما كنتي شايفة وحاسة الصعوبات اللي بتعدي فيها🫤 انضمي معانا ونمشي رحله الشفاء سوا 👭💪🏻more

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