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by Nancy_Petra on Jan 1, 2024

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My daughter and I have created a page where we share educational videos. Our goal is to encourage children to step out of their comfort zones, overcome their fears, and express their talents. Additionally, we aim to help them and whoever seeks to learn English in a smooth way .

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Hi Nancy, Would like to ask you a question, if we start to speak with a 2 years old child Arabic and English language is this Will cause speech delay or confusion?

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commented 187 days ago

Not at all. Children are very fast learners. Initially some mixing of words may be there but by the end of it..the child will be multi lingual. Children till the preadoloscent years can easily learn multiple languages without getting confused. Their subconscious neural growth is rapid in these years. Later on Concious mind barriers delay learning.

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On Repeat! 💗 I want more of these Shreya! 😭💗
This is so gud...🫶🫶💗💗 ur voice is very soothing 🩷🎀
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This was a lot of fun and best part is I could hold so well for 60 seconds , I ddnt know I could when my 6 year old was planking on me …. New discoveries 💪😊!!! It’s my fun way to bond with my kids !!! what’s your way ??? #fitnessmotivation
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عندك روتين في بيتك و لا لسة؟؟
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Hi...This is my first post here...I am very much occupied between my two kids and left my job when my lil one turned 1..Now I feel to get back to seems everyday I miss those working in office days
Hello work from home opportunities available if you are interested share your basic details
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hi This is my first post or communication on Coto. I am Anuja A Nutrition Professor cum Researcher @ Symbiosis Skills and Professional University, Pune Me and my student are collecting information about Mothers knowledge regarding food labels and correlating it with their 8-12 year daughters' weight,body height and waist circumference changes. For this we need to some information from the mother and a very small piece of information from your daughters too. kindly check the links for you N your daughter. Requesting you to fill both the links individually by which I mean , trust your daughter and let her fill the form on her own. Below is my students message and consent for conducting the study. Hello, I am Vrutti Jain, studying in Symbiosis Skills and Professional University currently pursuing MSc in Nutritional Science and Dietetics. I'm currently working on my thesis, and it focuses on the "Mother's Knowledge for Packaged and Labelled Snacks and its association with Weight for Height and Waist measurements of 8-12 year old girls". I would really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to fill out my questionnaire. Your input would be incredibly valuable to my research. Thank you so much for your support. Google form link for mothers Google form link for daughters:
wonderful initiative, will sure take the survey
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When its a babies day out
Hi I am interested please share the details

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