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by Merna on May 15, 2023

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🥣 Food

عايزة اعرف ايه احسن نظام غذائى اللى عنده تكيس مبايض

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New Motherscommented 251 days ago

اهلا بيكي ❤️ @helenAmazingParrot_ النظام الي فيه glycemic index قليل زي انك تختاري النشويات المقعدة الي موجوده في الحبوب الكامله بدل النشويات السهلة والسكريات والعصاير، وكمان تركزي في مصادر البروتين والدهون الصحية زي الي موجوده في المكسرات والافوكادو، وكمان الاطعمة الي فيها الياف عاليه زي اغلب انواع الخضار وتقللي السكر المضاف لأي اكل او شرب، والحركة ب استمرار يفضل انك تلعبي رياضة زي السباحه وتمارين الايروبكس او حتى الرقص لو عندك اي استفسار تاني قوليلي🤍

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The foods you eat affect the amount of acid your stomach produces. Eating the right kinds of food is key to controlling acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a severe, chronic form of acid reflux. Important - Many people with GERD find that certain foods trigger their symptoms. To identify your individual triggers, keep a food diary and track the following: -what foods you eat -what time of day you eat -what symptoms you experience.
Wow, your video is really helpful for us🥰
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Just like we require food to function, your gut bacteria need food to grow. PREBIOTICS are carbohydrates that the body cannot digest.These carbohydrates travel to the lower digestive tract and help growth of good bacteria. ✨ Our favourite prebiotic rich food is sprouts. ✨ Sprouts are a good source of dietary fibre, and this fibre nourishes the gut bacteria. ✨ Consumption of sprouts can indirectly contribute to a healthier gut. ✨ A healthy gut is a roadmap to better digestion ,immunity, and overall health. 👉Sprouts are also a good source of Iron, calcium, Magnesium, potassium, Vitamin B complex, etc. 👉While these sprouts are low on calories,they can help you feel full , and prevent overeating. Other Prebiotic rich foods are as follows ✅Apple ✅Banana ✅Flaxseeds ✅Oats ✅Barley ✅Wheat Bran ✅Garlic ✅Onions ✅Legumes ✅Asparagus ✅Chia seeds ✅Tomato ✅Cauliflower ✅Amaranth ✅Buckwheat ✅Ginger ✅Rosemary Hence, ensure to consume Prebiotic rich foods regularly to boost the growth of good gut bacteria.
Incredible video! Keep sharing🤗😊
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