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by PelinAlios on Dec 1, 2023

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🌶 Sexual Wellness
Intimacy Issues
Sexual Orientation

Yorgun bir günün ardından kafada iş ve bir sürü şey varken libidonuz ölmüş gibi hissetmemiz çok doğal. Birlikte günü bitirirken, Temas etmek,sohbet etmek ve beraber dinlenmek ilişkiye emekle inşa etmek demek. Bu da bir haz alma ve keyif anıdır. Daha önce de yazdığım gibi haz sadece bir penetrasyon hali değil, ilişkinin içinde hissedilen bir duygu. Partneriniz size ne yapsın istersiniz? Nasıl bir temas sizi dinlendirir? #cinsellik #libido #kadınsekssağlığı

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answered 196 days ago

Minik 1 kadeh alkol eşliğinde, masaj ve minik öpücüklere hiç hayır demem😍

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answered 194 days ago

ay ben de müthiş🫠 🔥 @toobe

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What factors determine an individual's sexual orientation and can it evolve over time?ufhchchxhc
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hello, i am a virgin and as usual i am also afraid for my first time, i dont have any partner right now but one of my friend is ready for physical intimitation, should i go for it, i want it and i dont also because i am confused and somewhere i feel that i should do it with my love only which i dont have right now, what should i do and what things need to be worried about for my first time and what is the good age to do it, can anyone suggest.
Sex is not for trial and error dear. It's a emotional need of any teenage or above person. You have such feelings when you meet someone special, those feelings will automatically take you to next step whenever it should happen. And about your so called friend, you are not a baby doll to try by him. Those who tell any girl be physical or we will break up are just using them for their physical need. Once they use you, they will throw you out of their life and you will be shattered into pieces. it's not like that,If you do not hurry, you will miss the train! Maybe he is not your man! Keep searching from heart, in coming future you will definitely get your prince. Till then just keep yourself sustained. So Don't hurry!
it's two way process. both should comfortable. forplay plays important role
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Is oral sex possible during periods?? My boyfriend wants to try it out
If you both are comfortable, then go for it! However, consider going for a dental dam as infection during menstruation is high! You can consider using a menstrual cup or a tampon to avoid leakage. Infact, for a lot of people, arousal during menstruation is high and period blood acts like a natural lubricant!
Just use oral dams for protection because the risk of developing infections is very high during menstruation 🩸
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I'm (happily!) sexually active with my boyfriend, and let's just say oral sex is a pretty regular part of our routine. Recently, I came across something about dental dams and... honestly, I wasn't sure if they were just for specific situations or if it's something we should be using every single time. I know they can help prevent the spread of STIs, which is obviously important. But is it overkill to use one every time? Do they, like, decrease the pleasure for him? Please help thanks
Are you also doing penetrative sex also? Because then you have to use condom also. If you and your partner are involved physically with each other only and don't have multiple partners, then get both of you tested once and make it clear that no one from you are having any STI. Then you can enjoy this as it is without dental dam. But if any one of you are with more than one partner, then it's better to use it every time. Also yearly testing can be done if you want to be sure always. It's always better to take precautions to avoid consequences. Though it's not liked by you, it's better for you.
I understand your concern but protection is also important.
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In a lesbian relationship we tend to run of things to have fun with. Are there any particular pleasure toys that me and my girlfriend can use as we belong to the same gender. We are new into exploring our sex lives together, and want to get more pleasure?
Though you can try all sex toys for females as a whole. But there are some sex toys which are specially designed for lesbian couples. Sex toys for lesbian couples : Strap on dildos: Allowing you and your partner to enjoy hands-free penetrative sex and power play. Strap on harnesses: Pullover like conventional panties, this new generation of harness easily hosts the sex toy of your choice in the O'Ring. Double dildos: get double the pleasure. It's an insertable end held inside the vagina by squeezing one’s PC muscles, leaving the longer shaft free to explore. Vibrating dildos for clitoral stimulation: Different styled wands with or without vibrators Only thing is search for it, know the manual and have open discussion about it with your partner. Also purchase from genuine sellers, it should be made up of medical grade cilicone.
There are plenty of pleasure toys designed specifically for same-sex couples! You could try strap-on harnesses with various attachments, double-ended dildos, vibrators, or even bondage gear if you're into that. It's all about experimenting and finding what works best for both of you. Just make sure to communicate openly and have fun exploring together!
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hi I m 39 years old.. n newly married.. doesn't feel peaceful from inside... feel like what I m doing it.. is this type of feeling will always be there ..
Relax yourself, go out with your friends. You can try talking to your bestie
As others habe mentioned, understand your thoughts, feelings and why you are feeling this way? Is it your spouse, your inlaws, some incident that happened that your husband/partner did not support you of? Are being forced to do something you dislike? Is it sex? Please then seek for help accordingly. There is nothing wrong talking it out with experts either in this platform or outside to dig deeper into your situation. Tc, Preetha Your coach
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What factors contribute to an individual's sexual orientation and how does society influence it? yfyfyv
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I had a one time sex in the bathroom of a club with a guy I had no idea about.We were both drunk and I don’t remember whether we had used contraceptives. How do I find out about it?
koi bat nahi thoda dhyan rkha kro club me ye sab aam bat hai
Very difficult situation in deed but don't stress. Have patience and look for symptoms. incase of any you can have test
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So yesterday i had an argument with my bf. we have been together for about 3 years now. we both really love and support each other. My bf wants us to engage in sexual activity. However i tend to ignore this question and avoid doing it. Its not because i dont trust him, but due to my past relationship wherein i didnt have a good experience. Is it normal to regret past consensual sexual experiences? How do I tell my bf about it ?
Hi,You need to take care about your feelings and also need to counter those conflicts which bothers you.You can have a open discussion with your boyfriend.
ok thanks so much
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Is sex painful?? I want to try it out but I am scared as many women say that they feel immense pain during the first time.
Hi! Sex is not necessarily painful. For some people first time sex may be because of hymen breaking, lack of lubrication, anxiety or nervousness about how it’ll go, etc. but don’t worry! It will be good as long as you let go and enter the process with a lot of communication and a blank slate. Make sure you and your partner explore everything together, first time sex can be messy but that’s normal. Let yourself feel all emotions and give it time and patience. The more you do it, the better it will get 🩵
No baby girl! Instead of being scared for your first time, try and make it special with a great amount of love and comfortability. ❤️🥰

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🌶 Sexual Wellness

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