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by Surbhi Manocha Choudhary on Jun 22, 2023

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"Stereotype Warriors" community refers to individuals who actively challenge and combat stereotypes in various contexts, such as gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or other social categories. These individuals strive to raise awareness, promote inclusivity, and dismantle prejudiced assumptions. They work towards fostering understanding, acceptance, and equal opportunities for all, encouraging others to challenge their own biases and preconceptions. Stereotype Warriors play a vital role in promoting a more tolerant and equitable society.

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Women Empowerment
Women Empowerment
Women Empowerment

anyone who started body building after 45....I am planning to do it....need suggestions ??

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commented 368 days ago

Absolutely, building muscle after 45 is totally doable! Start with a consultation with a healthcare pro, then ease into workouts, focusing on resistance training and proper nutrition. Consistency and listening to your body are key.

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commented 364 days ago

jab jaago tab good problem stay fit stay healthy

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commented 367 days ago

thank you so much for your word parinita truly appreciate it

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commented 367 days ago

Body building idea to me striked at age of 52 Joined very good gym too. Need suggestions to move in my journey.

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Loved this mobility drill , it’s a killer core strength builder, it’s a power packed leg and glute work , totally in love with these @TanyaMalik2598 keep em coming I am enjoying seeing them , practising , mastering and recreating em !!! Love the Fitness Community on Coto it’s so encouraging to push your limits up and stretch your boundaries!!! #fitnessmotivation #hybridfunctionaltraining #functionalmovement #funtionaltraining #bodyweightworkout #compoundmovements
Awesome @Mindset by Meenal go for it and hopefully we get to see a video of you
thankyou for sharing... will try doing this 🙂
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Inspired by @TanyaMalik2598 :) …. Loved it and hence recreated!!! Hope it inspires all !!!! #fitnessmotivation #fitnessinspiration #functionalworkout #functionalmovement
Thank you 😊
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Try this sequence with me or save it for later. It's one of my favorite flows, either as part of my mobility drill or at the end of leg day. This drill has some advanced poses, remember to be patient with your body and accept where you are today with persistence to move to where you want to be. Follow me for more flows and find links in bio for consultations and workshops. #biohacker #agereversal #functionalmovement #functionalstrength
I tried it today after training and it is awesome
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Duygusal Yeme Üzerine Bugün psikiyatri servisine gelen kadınlardan biri hayatı boyunca hep “tombul” olduğundan ve bedenini sevmediğinden bahsetti. (Tombul kelimesi kişinin kendisi için kendisinin kullandığı bir terim) Duşta 5 dakikadan fazla kalamadığından, bedenine çıplak olduğunda bakamadığından bahsetti. Bana sorarsınız, çook güzeldi. Ben ona bakarken kilolu bir kadın görmemiştim. Çok güzel bir kadın görmüştüm. Fakat önemli olan onun kendisini nasıl değerlendirdiği elbette. Kilo aldığı zamanlarda kendisini sevmediğinden, kilo aldığı için kendisine kızdığından, kendisine kızınca da yeme atakları geçirdiğinden bahsetti. Bunun adı duygusal yeme cânım kadınlar. Psikiyatristimiz ile konu ile ilgili çalışmaya başladılar. Sizin bedeninizle ilişkiniz nasıl ? Kendinizi kilolarınızla ya da onlarsız “şefkatle” kucaklıyor musunuz ? #duygusalyeme #yemebozukluğu #kadın
Aynı şeyleri ben de yaşıyorum bazen ah bu beden algısı
Bedenimle zaman zaman değişiyor ilişkimiz. Yazın hiç beğenmezken, kışın görmezden gelebiliyorum bir şekilde tabi bu durumun ne kadar sağlıklı olduğu tartışılır. 😔
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You can always add your cardio within your strength exercise
True that thanks for sharing this
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Triceps pushdown rope pushing weight from around chest height down to the upper thigh.
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٤ غلطات زودو وزني ٤ كيلو في ٢٠ يوم وانا اخصائية تغذيه😎😎 استروا عليا🤓🤓 ٤ غلطات كتير منتا بيقع فيهم كل يوم مش فالسفر بس اوقات كتير بنتخيل اننا ناكل زي ما نحب ونلعب رياضه هنخس⛔️ ناكل وجبه واحده وناخد فيها كل اللي ف نفسنا هنخس⛔️ كل ده ممكن تعمله لو انت عندك هدف انك تزيد فالوزن مش عاوز تخس💯 انا عملت زيك كده وتخنت مش خسيت وما يقع الا الشاطر ♨️♨️♨️ ١: محضرتش جدول الاكل الخاص بالايام كلها ومحضرتش اي حاجه معايا واعتمدت علي اني هاكل اكل مشوي من الموجود في المطاعم اللي هو مليان بردو هدرجه وهيزود بردو الوزن ٢:اكلت وجبه واحده بس فاليوم والوجبه دي كانت سعراتها عاليه جدا وفيها مزيج بسن الدهون والنشويات وبالتالي الانسولين علي جدا وزاد تخزين الدهون وخصوصا في منطقه البطن ٣:الصحبه 😅😅 اصدقاء السوء اللي بياخدوك دايما عالمطاعم والحلي ويقولولك دايت اي ياعم ده انت محتاج تتخن مش تخس عارفهم دول؟ عندك منهم ؟؟😇😇 ٤: النوم 😲😲 قله عدد ساعات النوم او لغبطه مواعيد النوم انك مثلا تنام الصبح وتصحي بالليل تشوف في كام نجمه فالسما وحركة الرياح والكواكب كل ده بيلغبط معدل هرمون الكورتيزول وبالتالي هتزيد فالوزن ويطلعلك كرش🤓🤓 قولولي بقي بتعملو كام حاجه من ال٤ حاجات اللي زودو وزني 😕😕 ولكن اخيرااا اقتنعوا اننا نبدأ نتخلص من الدهون دي كلها قبل ما تبقي صديقه لينا مدي الحياه🙃🙃🙃 تفتكروا هنجح معاهم ولا هيهربو في نص الطريق قررت نمشي علي نظام لايت بسيط بس هيساعدنا بسرعه نوصل لهدفنا قبل فته العيد 🤝🤝 لو عاوزين اشارككم النظام بتاعنا اكتبولي تعليق تحت بس متنسوش احنا كده كده بنحب نفسنا حتي لو زيدنا ١٠٠ كيلو 💯💯💯 مع @standup_healthy #عيشهابالصحة هتعيشها بكل سعاده #diet #dietfood #dietplan #nutrition #nutritioncoach #nutritionist #tipsdiet #tipsandtricks #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #coach #drrawdanutritionist #friends #explore #viral #viralreels #reels #tipsdiet

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