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by Tamanna Yadav (Tam Tam lifts) on Nov 12, 2022

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Fitness is necessary to everyonetry do some yogasanas n get stronger, fit, healthy body

⏲️ Fitness
Weight Training
Weight Loss

Have you seen or heard stories of people who started doing yoga and noticed positive changes in their health or ability to fight off illnesses? Can you please share some stories

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mamta agarwal

answered 301 days ago

I have been practising for the last 15 years and have many such positive stories. One of my students had thyroid and was on meds but since she started doing yoga and workout with me, along with mindfulness exercises she is now no more on meds and is curing through yoga practice. Some of students are also doctors but through my practice have found deep understanding in their own bodies and begin the logically understanding of health to a more spiritual understanding. This transformation changes the way you view life and if you view life positively, issues start to resolve

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Bagaimana cara olahraga yang baik dan benar saat ingin bentuk badan bagus tampa ke gym?
Dance workout di kamar, asyik banget dan bikin happy.
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I'm Priya, and I often set impossibly high standards for myself. How can I cultivate more realistic expectations and find balance? @PurvanjaliTalkaboutNumbers
I think you can achieve those high standards if truly desire it !
Recognizing the tendency to set high standards is the first step, Priya. Try these strategies to cultivate more realistic expectations and find balance: Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself when you don't meet your own expectations. Treat yourself with the same compassion you would offer a friend in a similar situation. Set Achievable Goals: Break down larger goals into smaller, more manageable steps. Celebrate your progress along the way, even if it's incremental. Challenge Perfectionism: Accept that perfection is unattainable and that mistakes are a natural part of growth and learning. Embrace the concept of "good enough." Prioritize Self-Care: Make time for activities that recharge you physically, mentally, and emotionally. This could include exercise, hobbies, relaxation techniques, or spending time with loved ones.
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Bagaimana proses olahraga di gym yang baik untuk pemula?
Di gym, alat yang sebaiknya dicoba pertama kali adalah: Treadmill: Bagus untuk pemanasan dan kardio awal. Dumbbell: Mulailah dengan beban yang ringan untuk latihan kekuatan otot. Mesin Latihan Tubuh Bagian Bawah: Seperti leg press atau leg curl untuk melatih kaki dan panggul. Lat Pulldown Machine: Untuk melatih otot punggung dan bahu. Stationary Bike: Alternatif kardio yang lebih ringan jika tidak suka treadmill.
Pertama, kenali dulu tubuh kamu, jangan dipaksa keras banget. Mulailah dengan latihan dasar, kayak cardio buat pemanasan, baru deh pelan-pelan masukin angkat beban. Jangan lupa istirahat yang cukup dan minum air banyak ya, biar badan nggak lemes. Pokoknya, slow but steady, nanti hasilnya pasti keliatan! ;)
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Can you share strategies for incorporating regular physical activity into a busy schedule to manage stress and support weight loss goals? @Dr Manasa bekkem
Absolutely! Here are some strategies to incorporate regular physical activity into a busy schedule: Schedule it in: Treat exercise like any other appointment and block out time for it in your calendar. This helps make it a priority and reduces the likelihood of skipping it. Choose activities you enjoy: Find activities that you genuinely like doing, whether it's dancing, hiking, swimming, or cycling. Enjoying the activity makes it easier to stick with it. Break it up: If finding large chunks of time is difficult, break your workouts into shorter sessions throughout the day. Even 10-15 minutes of exercise at a time can add up.
You can start by doing small exercies or you can just move a lot in your whole day!
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Bagaimana jadwal olahraga yang efektif untuk menguruskan badan?
Lu bisa coba cardio kayak lari atau bersepeda beberapa kali seminggu, sambil mix sama strength training buat bangun otot. Tapi yang paling penting, konsisten dan jangan skip workout!
Coba rutinin latihan cardio kayak lari atau sepedaan, 3-4 kali seminggu, plus tambahin latihan kekuatan buat bangun otot. Jangan lupa, istirahat juga penting buat hasil yang maksimal!
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Olahraga apa yang efektif menguruskan badan tapi tidak semelelahkan lari dan tidak membuat badan perempuan terlalu berotot?
Yoga atau pilates bisa jadi pilihan yang oke.
Coba deh HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training), bikin badan langsing tanpa bikin capek kayak lari dan gak bikin badan jadi keototan🏋️‍💪
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Apa yang terjadi saat kamu melewatkan sehari saja untuk berolahraga/fitness/melatih otot? (Seandainya kamu latihan setiap hari)
Tidak akan ada yang terjadi. Justru kita butuh istirahat. Asal istirahatnya jangan kebablasan jadi sebulan hahaha
dampaknya mungkin tidak terlalu signifikan secara langsung, terutama jika kamu telah konsisten berlatih sebelumnya
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Apakah olahraga lompat tali efektif untuk menurunkan berat badan?
Boleh dibilang iya, lompat tali bisa jadi pilihan buat ngecilin berat badan. Tapi ya, tetep aja harus dipaduin sama pola makan yang sehat biar hasilnya makin keliatan.
Iya, lompat tali itu kerasa banget buat bakar kalori! Jadi, yakin deh, olahraga lompat tali bisa bantu ngecilin bobot badan kamu.
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Apa olahraga yang menurut kalian paling cepat untuk menurunkan berat badan?
skipping atau lari kenceng-kenceng bisa banget buat ngebutin turunnya berat badan. tapi, yang paling penting sih tetep konsisten sama olahraganya, yaa!
mungkin lari atau HIIT

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