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by Dietitian_Sheema on Nov 21, 2022

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Welcome to NutriVibe, I’m dietitian Sheema here to support you on a journey towards vibrant health and well-being together. Join our supportive community as we empower each other to make mindful choices, nourish our bodies, and embrace a balanced lifestyle. Together, we strive to cultivate strength, resilience, and happiness, one healthy habit at a time. Let's conquer our wellness goals and inspire others along the way. Together, we are unstoppable!

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I’m a busy parent and often rely on fast food. How can I make healthier choices without sacrificing convenience?

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New Mothersanswered 36 days ago

You must stop fast foods as soon as possible. You must try healthy foods that get cooked within no time such as oats

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New Mothersanswered 27 days ago

Hi there, I hope you are well. Here are ways in which you can eat healthy even when you are busy. - Chop all the vegetables on a Saturday/Sunday or whenever you get a holiday and place it in a ziplock bag. You can use these veggies to prepare fried rice, poha/upma, sabji, sauteed veggies, stir-fry, etc. - Puree the curry or gravy base in advance and place it in your freezer. You can defrost it and use it as and when needed. - Prepare wrap, sandwich batter in advance and place it in your fridge. You can use this for 3-4 days based on the veggies used. Don't keep it for too long. - You can have sandwiches, roti wraps ( use the leftover sabzi in it), curd rice (easy to prepare), a basic vegetable rice or pulav, protein salads ( you can boil chana, moong) and place in in the fridge. - If you eat non-veg, then marinate Chicken, fish in advance, refrigerate it and grill it as an when needed. Let me know if this helps, Take care ✨ and eat healthy!

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Hi there, I hope you are well. There are various options that you can choose from for dinner. Here's are some options - 1) Dal khichdi with curd 2) Daliya with veggies and buttermilk 3) 1 roti roll or wrap with paneer/chicken + 1 Bowl veg soup 4) 1 Bowl dal soup+ 2 Moong/besan oats chilla and chutney 5) 1 Bowl tawa pulao with veggies+ 1 Bowl raita 6) 1 Bowl mixed veg soup + 1 vegetable sandwich 7) 1 portion paneer/chicken + 1 bowl protein soup ( moong, dal, etc and veggies) 8) 1 Bowl khichdi + 1 katori kadhi 9) 1 Bowl dal +Curd rice 10) 1 Bowl sauteed veggies+ 1 portion rice/quinoa/barley + 1 Bowl yogurt I hope this helps, Take care ✨
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Hi there, I hope you are well. I hear you, and you are not alone :) Here's how you can adopt a healthier lifestyle. - Firstly, understand that you just don't have to go on a diet to lose weight. Rather, you need to adopt a lifestyle which will stay with you for longer. - Along with a balanced diet, you need to incorporate exercise ( for 4-5 times a week, 30mins at least) , drink enough water ( 8-10 glasses), sleep well( 7-8hrs), and manage stress ( by meditation or yoga). - Enjoy the food that you consume, and take small bites, and chew your food well. - Incorporate fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, eggs, lean meat, wholegrains, dairy and dairy products to your diet. Avoid restricting a particular food group. - Eat your favourite foods once in a while, so that you aren't missing on to anything. - Avoid distractions during meal time. Keep your phone, tab, and laptop away. - Learn to practice moderation and stick to your portions rather than over-indulging :)
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Sometimes I get stomach aches or feel bloated after eating certain foods. How can I identify what might be causing these discomforts and make adjustments to my diet?
Hi there, I hope you are well. To identify common food triggers and understand which foods are leading to stomach ache, bloating, and discomfort, here's what you must do. - Prepare meals with less ingredients or avoid mixing too many things together ( say for eg-if you are preparing a dal, use one or two dals at the max). - Maintain food journal in which you can write the foods eaten and it you faced any of the above mentioned symptoms ( stomach ache, bloating, dull pain, etc) Note these foods for at least a week and then, begin eliminating a given food from the diet. - There are chances that spicy food, dairy ( milk, paneer, cheese), excessive gluten, maida or maida based products, fried foods , cruciferous veggies may lead to stomach ache or pain. - Hence, once you've noticed common symptoms with the same foods then, stop consuming it for a week or 10 days, and then, reintroduce it in smaller portions. - Please feel free to book a one-one consult with me for further guidance ✨✨
To identify food triggers for stomach aches or bloating.Keep a food diary to track symptoms after eating. Experiment with eliminating suspected trigger foods one at a time.Gradually reintroduce eliminated foods to pinpoint culprits. Consider consulting a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for guidance.
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Tentu saja boleh, tapi perlu memperhatikan porsi dan jenis nasi yang dikonsumsi.
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I sometimes experience [digestive issue] after eating certain foods. Can you help me identify potential triggers and suggest dietary modifications? @drsuruchi
Hi there, I hope you are well. Certain foods such as spicy foods, alcohol, chocolate, dairy products (to a certain extent), oily or fried foods, caffeine, salty foods, baked goods, salad dressings, fizzy drinks, citrus fruits, beans, legumes, cauliflower, cabbage, tomatoes can lead to digestive issues. Even raw garlic, and onion can cause cramping. How to tackle it? 1) Firstly try to rule out the triggers, you can start by eliminating a few foods listed above, one by one, and see if your symptoms are better or if the episodes have reduced. 2) Don't give large gap in between your meals. 3) Eat your food slowly and chew it well, eating in haste can be a big reason for indigestion as well. 4) Begin your day with a healthy meal, and avoid sugary cereals or a heavy unhealthy breakfast (cheese sandwiches, burgers, bakery items, etc). 5) Avoid overeating. I hope this helps :)
Consuming smaller meals more frequently can prevent excess pressure on the stomach and reduce the risk of reflux. 💕✨

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