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by Fe_male on Aug 7, 2023

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Want to improve your health and energy levels? Discover the secrets of proper nutrition!😊😊😊

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Skincareanswered 14 days ago

Hey @fe_ma

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Skincareanswered 14 days ago

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Skincareanswered 8 days ago

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Skincareanswered 8 days ago

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I'm thinking to celebrate my incredible mom, showering her with love, appreciation, and perhaps, breakfast in bed! What are some delicious and thoughtful breakfast ideas to treat Mom to on her special day?
If you know what her favorite food is that’s always a winner. Also a pot roast with potato and carrots cooked in the crockpot pot. Or if it’s going to be warm outside like it here you can always fire up the grill throw some chicken or steak on the grill, make some potato salad, coleslaw, bake beans, bake her a cake or pie for dessert. I wish everyone a Happy Mother’s Day! ❤️
I think you can start with delicious pan cake and then her favorite lunch etc
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how to gain weight
Gaining weight typically involves consuming more calories than you burn. Focus on eating nutrient-rich, calorie-dense foods like nuts, seeds, avocados, and lean proteins. Also, consider strength training exercises to build muscle mass, which can contribute to weight gain in a healthy way. Consulting a nutritionist or dietitian can provide personalized guidance.
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how can we gain weight
by changing your diet add right amounts of carbs etc
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Discover the secret to reaching your weight goals and maintaining a healthy lifestyle with effective weight management strategies that will transform your body and enhance your overall well-being. How can effective weight management strategies transform your body and enhance your overall well-being, helping you reach your weight goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle? @Ratiyag
As per expert recommended Activity that uses 1,500 to 2,000 calories per week is recommended for maintaining weight loss. Adults should try to get at least 40 minutes of moderate to vigorous level physical activity at least 3 to 4 times per week. Diet and exercise are vital strategies for losing and maintaining weight.
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Seperti apa kanker itu?
Rasanya kanker adalah kompleks dan sulit dipahami secara universal karena pengalaman individu yang berbeda-beda. Bagi beberapa orang, kanker bisa menjadi seperti pertempuran tanpa henti yang menguras energi fisik, emosional, dan mental. Perasaan ketakutan, kecemasan, dan ketidakpastian sering kali menjadi bagian dari pengalaman ini. Rasanya seperti berada dalam kegelapan yang tidak pasti, di mana tiap langkah serasa dikelilingi oleh ketidakpastian dan ketakutan akan masa depan.
Kanker adalah kondisi di mana sel-sel abnormal tumbuh tanpa kontrol dan menyerang jaringan sehat dalam tubuh.
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Incorporating a holistic approach, how can nutrition support mental and emotional well-being for women, including strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and mood fluctuations?
Hi there, I hope you are well. -Nutrition plays a key role in overall well-being. Each nutrient we consume is needed for nourishment of different organs and tissues. Hence, it is necessary to include a balanced diet which comprises of fibre, protein, and good fats. -Fibre is needed for improving digestion and for keeping your gut healthy.There is a link in between your gut and brain , and hence, fibre is necessary. Include wholegrains, vegetables, fresh fruits, beans, lentils to the diet. - Protein is needed for functioning of various hormones,wear and tear of muscles, and for nourishing each cell in the body.Include beans, lentils, dairy and dairy products, lean meat, nuts, and seeds to the diet. - Omega 3 fatty acids rich foods can improve your mood and facilitate better brain functioning. Nuts, seeds, fatty fish, eggs, avocado, olive oil are great sources of the same. - Include meditation, and yoga in your daily routine to combat stress. - Opt for a walk, and sleep well. Take care ✨
Balanced diet, rich in fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, supports mental health. Include mood-boosting foods like omega-3s, magnesium, and zinc. Avoid excess caffeine, sugar, processed foods. Hydration and mindful eating help too.
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Based on my dietary habits and goals, what are some tailored nutrition strategies to support bone health, especially considering the risk of osteoporosis later in life?
Hi there, I hope you are well. The risk of osteoporosis increases due to drop in Estrogen. Tips to support bone health- - Include calcium rich foods to the diet. Dairy and dairy products, sesame seeds, green leafy vegetables, fortified foods, ragi, almonds, figs, chickpeas, black sesame seeds, etc. - Ensure to get enough Vitamin D because without it the calcium you eat won't get absorbed in the body. Get enough sunlight for at least 10-15mins daily. Include foods like lean meat ( fish, chicken), eggs, mushrooms, nuts, seeds, dairy products ( fortified with Vitamin D), etc. - For better bone health nutrients like Zinc, and magnesium are important as well. Nuts, seeds, dark chocolate ( once in 3-4 days), avocado, banana, leafy greens ,lean meat, beans, and dairy are good sources of the same. - Include weight training to improve bone density & strength. - Take supplements only if suggested by the doc. - Too much salt, caffeine, alcohol,soda, and red meat isn't great for bones. Take care
To support bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, focus on consuming calcium-rich foods like dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified foods. Ensure an adequate intake of vitamin D through sources like sunlight, fatty fish, and fortified foods. Incorporate magnesium-rich foods such as nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Limit alcohol and caffeine intake as they can affect bone health. Regular weight-bearing exercise also helps strengthen bones.
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As a young girl, I often feel pressured by social media to look a certain way. How can I maintain a healthy body image and make food choices that support my well-being?
It's okay to feel pressure, but don't let it affect you. Follow self-care practices and limit your use of social media because, as you know, not everything online is the same
I have gone through it, we often take social media seriously. But dear let me tell you it's all illusion. You are beautiful in your own way. You must try to be better version of yourself instead of trying to compete with others.
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I’ve heard about superfoods. Can you share some easy ways for me to incorporate them into my meals for added health benefits?
Hi there, I hope you are well. As a nutritionist, every food is a superfood because every food has got a purpose to serve and each food is likely to give you varied nutrients. Here's how you can make every food a super food :) - You can prepare a smoothie or mixed fruit bowl and add flaxseeds or chia seeds on top. - Add vegetables to your chilla/pancakes, you can prepare these chillas will millet flour or oats flour. - Prepare a mukhwas with different seeds and have it post lunch and dinner. - Include berries and bell-peppers in your daily routine, by using berries in your smoothies, over pancakes, etc, and bell peppers can be sauteed and added to salads, sprouts, rice, etc. - You can have green leafy vegetables at least twice a week as a soup, sabzi, in parathas, wraps, chilla, and much more. - You can grill or roast your chicken/fish, and have boiled egg salad/ or add eggs to rice, soup,have it as an omelette or sandwich. - You can prepare chickpeas/kidney beans salad, rice, & wraps.
Chia seeds: Add them to smoothies, oatmeal, or muffins for a boost of fiber, protein, and antioxidants.

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Hi there, This Huda Shaikh, a Clinical nutritionist, Dietitian, and a certified diabetes educator. I have over 8+ years of experience in the field of nutrition. I primarily work on Women's health, Clinical nutrition, and Child Nutrition. I have been able to transform the lives of over 500 clients, and love educating the masses about nutrition, health, menstruation and a lifestyle change. I've worked with various brands and online portals such as NUA,, Parentune, theacare, karahealth, etc. My love for nutrition led me to becoming a guest lecturer as well. Now, I even transform the lives of students. "LET FOOD BE THY MEDICINE"more

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Hello Lovely ladies I am Mayuri Khanduja .I'm a dedicated Clinical Dietitian and Sports Nutritionist with diverse 15 plus years of experience in multi-speciality hospitals in Chattisgarh state. I actively collaborate with NGOs to promote healthy eating, reflecting my commitment to promote positive dietary habits in the community. As a recipe developer, I prioritize natural, regional foods for dietary plans, ensuring accessibility which has worked well for my patients with diabetes, renal issues, athletes, and other specific dietary needs. My expertise are perimenopausal , menopausal , PCOD ,pregnancy,lactation,weight management ,infertility menstrual health and other women health issues. Leading by example, through practicing what I advise, reinforces the impact of a balanced diet. For my own fitness I regularly go to gym and spend my time in active workouts. As your coach my soul purpose will be to get you results. Join my community Mithāhār on coto and lets talk and chat You can join live sessions with me For personalised sessions , you can book one on one consultationmore

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