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by theintrovertgirl on Nov 16, 2022

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FITNESS & NUTRITION complement each other. To lead a healthy life it's important to take care of both these aspects. While Fitness is all about staying active, Nutrition is about what you eat, when you eat and how you eat.I intend to spread awareness and share with this community all that i have learnt over the years as a Fitness Coach and help people stay fit and healthy.

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I struggle with maintaining a healthy body image, especially when I see unrealistic beauty standards in the media. How can I focus on nourishing my body without obsessing over my appearance ?

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Networkinganswered 108 days ago

So since you are comparing yourself with the people in media also compare the kind of team of experts they have access to , the time they devote to this and why they do it is they make the crores or lacs out of it hence comparison is a bad space to begin with hence drop it totally, having said that it’s good love yourself and get fit for yourself and to have realistic goals that you can achieve like 2 kg per month of weight loss by eating healthy and exercising, enough and timely rest and obsessing is a rajsik man ki sthiti , the mind state here is the key , remember sculpting any body into what you like it be is a process and the good part is you started and you l reach keep at it balance is the key to progress!!!! When you start a drive u don’t obsess over when will you reach you know you will u enjoy the journey too na same with fitness enjoy the journey and trust the process , ♥️Chittrah Kanal

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answered 108 days ago

If you focus on social media then you won't be able to do justice to yourself. There are so many people out their giving different standards regarding every phase of life. You can't compete with everyone. Set your own goals and try to accomplish them.

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New Mothersanswered 103 days ago

Hi there, I hope you are well. Social media is a great place for networking, meeting new people, and coming across different brands. However, everything you see on social media isn't always true! Remember that no one's sharing their failures on social media, everybody's posting happy or fit pictures which may be far away from the truth...hence, I 'd suggest that since you are already aware that those are unrealistic beauty standards, focus on nourishing your body and mind. You don't have to compare your life to others :) - Eat a well-balanced diet with enough fibre, protein,and fats. -Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water/day. - Include a workout routine in your daily routine, you can workout on any 4-5 days of the week for 30mins. - Practice yoga and meditation to keep yourself calm. - Reduce screen time, and unnecessary scrolling. - Engage in positive self talk and never talk negatively about self in front of the mirror also. - Tell yourself that you are beautiful. Take care :)

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Financial Independenceanswered 78 days ago

Hi there! Hope you are doing well. Social media is a medium which sets really high expectations for instant gratification. The content that you see is not necessarily real. Photos are edited, videos are photoshopped, etc. Everybody has flaws and I would suggest that you follow more body positivity pages as well! Focus on yourself and your goals. Exercise 3-4 times per week for atleast 40 min and have a healthy diet which is balanced with all nutrients. Get good sleep as well! Take care ❤️

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Eating Disordersanswered 20 days ago

best solution for your problem and tgorugh guidabce for maitaining ideal body i.age for lifetime is available kindly dm 7020545193 for details

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