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by SoulTherapyWithHarleenBagga on Oct 4, 2022

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Take a journey with me to unlock your true potential. To find who you are, build yourself in your most pristine form. Take a deep dive with me to understand your behaviors and attitudes, learn to control your thoughts. Build self confidence, clarity and learn to communicate succinctly. Create the building blocks of self awareness, learning and development. Learn to listen to your instincts and find uninhibited growth. Learn to create goals and achieve the same unabashed. Learn to understand yourself in the context of your relationships, personal and professional. Find how to center yourself and deal with undue stress and anxiety. Contact me for behavioral therapy, counseling, wellness coaching or just mentoring to get where you want to be. For positive thoughts, inspiration, mindfulness, life's hacks and tips, subscribe Facebook/ Instagram/ YouTube @soultherapywithharleenbagga Format includes counseling, therapy, coaching, mentoring, couple /family counseling. Skill development for both personal and team. Executive & leadership coaching. Mid-level managers to senior management. Subscribe @ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SoulTherapywithHarleenBagga YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/SoulTherapywithHarleenBagga Instagram https://www.instagram.com/soultherapywithharleenbagga/ Website https://www.harleenbagga.com Author to "Why Relationships Fail? Tips to make connections that last." https://amzn.eu/d/4LRZHLh

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Personality development

With my partner's health concerns, I might need to take some time off work to help them. But what are the grounds for getting leave approved in India? Is there a difference between personal leave and medical leave? Knowing my options would be a huge relief.

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New Mothersanswered 116 days ago

yes there are no grounds for leave approved but u can strong mind to get leave or compromise with them

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منذ حوالي عام كامل وأنا اتناول البن المطحون، هل هذا خطير لأنني أصبحت أعاني من التوتر الشديد والشعور بالغثيان كلما أردت تناول الغذاء أو العشاء حيث كلما أشعر بالقلق أذهب...
اهلا بيكي يا جميلة ❤️ البن من المواد المنشطة والمحفزة للجهاز العصبي عشان كدة تناولها بإفراط بيصيب بالقلق والتوتر وضربات القلب السريعة اللي ممكن تؤدي للدوخة كمان البن مادة حمضية بتزود حموضة المعدة مما يؤدي للغثيان والتعب انصحك بالحد من استهلاكك للبن لكوب واحد في اليوم واستبداله بمشروبات اخرى نسبة الكافيين فيها أقل مثل الشاي أو خالية من الكافيين تماما مثل النعناع والينسون والكاموميل دمتي جميلة❤️
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Hi.. Last month I have abortion.. I lost my son due to placenta abruption hemorrhage.. I am worried that is this happen again when I am conceiving
Hi, you can join my live@10:00am in the morning to know any kundali dosh or vastu issue
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Can you provide guidance on nutritional needs during key life stages for women, such as pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and postpartum, focusing on optimal nourishment for both maternal and fetal health?
Hi there yes I can guide you on every stage,let me know more about . For one on one consultation you can connect with me 😀
Hi there, I hope you are well. Before and during conception nutrients like Iron, Folate, Vitamin A, Iodine, Calcium, Vitamin B12, and Protein are of prime importance. - Iron is necessary to avoid anemia, as to support the increased blood requirement in the body. Green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, dates, beans, amaranth, ragi are good sources of the same. - Folate- Folate is necessary to avoid neural tube defects in the fetus, and to support growth of the body. Leafy green, beans, lentils, nuts are good sources of the same. - Calcium- Calcium requirements increase as your bones are supporting a pregnancy ( especially the back and pelvis). Dairy and dairy products, sesame seeds, fish, leafy greens are good sources. Even fortified foods. -Vitamin D- Sunlight is the primary source. However, eggs, fish, nuts, fortified foods are some good sources of the same.Vitamin D is needed for absorption of Calcium, for immunity, bone strength, etc.
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تعرفو إن التفاعل الاجتماعي الصحي بيزود القدرات العقلية وبيحسن صحة الجهاز المناعي؟! العلاقات الإجتماعية اللي في حياتكم سلبية وللا إيجابية؟
كلامك صح جداً وعشان ميأثروش علينا سلباً لازم التواصل معاهم يكون بطريقه فعاله،نعبرلهم عن رأينا،مشاعرنا ونوضح تحديداً محتاجين منهم ايه بلطف لكن كمان بحزم.
أنصحك تشوفي السبب ضروري لإن ده مؤشر لوجود مشكلة
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Anything that helps with pregnancy nausea apart from ginger and medication??
keep a dry snacks like crackers , cookies or almonds And water on bed side table in the night . And in the morning without getting up, rinse your mouth and have what ever snack you kept in the previous night.. After 10 mints , get out of bed exercising your arms and feet and slowly inhaling and exhaling. Do not brush your teeth immediately. wait for an hour . Use small baby Brushto avoid Gag reflex. Small and frequent diets. solid and liquids not to be taken together , minimum 15 to 30 mints gap. Take Fresh Coconut water ,less of Coffee and Tea. No to oily and spicy stuff. Keep your self busy like read a book,Paint,draw .Do what everakes you happy. Ginger -ale, Ginger cookies , small grated ginger in tea helps in lessening the intensity of nausea. Wear loose , comfortable clothes .
Hi, Acupuncture also works in calming down nervous system and clearing nausea.
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Sarah, a 45-year-old single mother, has recently been diagnosed with a serious illness that makes it difficult for her to work. She has a life insurance policy with a full living benefit rider. This rider allows her to access a portion of her policy's death benefit while she is still alive under certain conditions. Sarah is concerned about her ability to cover medical expenses and maintain her household's financial stability during her illness. How can Sarah utilize the full living benefit in her life insurance policy to help manage her current financial situation, and what impact might this have on the death benefit that will eventually be paid to her beneficiaries?
read the policy carefully and see what the local government schemes are.
She should first be reading the policy carefully and look for every possible thing she can milk and if she's not able to do that she can always consult a professional to guide her through
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How do I navigate friendships that may be impacting my mental health negatively, and when is it okay to let go? @Chaitali_Hirani_psychologist
Hey there, hope you're doing well. Navigating confrontations in friendships can be tricky but you'll need to recognize signs of invalidation or even disrespect to know if the friendship is worth maintaining. Try having an open communication with your friend in case there are communication issues but if you still don't feel validated, then you need to realise that it might not be beneficial to you to stay in that relationship. You can set boundaries and let them know what behavior of theirs is unacceptable to you. Self care should be a priority even in case of friendships. You can also talk to a therapist who can help you with assertiveness and boundary setting.
Hi, you could begin by assessing how the friendship affects you, noting signs of toxicity such as persistent negativity or manipulation. Clearly communicate your boundaries and seek support from trusted individuals. If your efforts to address the issues with your friend are not successful it may be appropriate to consider ending the friendship. Remember, choosing to distance a is decision to prioritize your mental health and surround yourself with positivity. Trust your instincts and prioritize self-care as you navigate this process.
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hi my self sabeera 10 month's baby boy I would become my weight loss process please suggest me
Hi Sabeera, I hope you are well. Here are few tips that can help you in losing weight, however, weight loss should be done with the help of personalized diet and hence, you are feel free to book a one on one consultation with me. Start by making small changes to your daily routine. 1) Ensure to include enough fibre, protein, and good fats to the diet. Beans, lentils, sprouts, oats, wheat, barley, daliya, dairy and dairy products, fatty fish, lean meat, flaxseeds, walnuts are good sources. 2) Eat small meals, you can have 5-5 meals a day and have healthy snacks in between. 3) Maintain portion control, and eat in moderation. 4) Go for a walk, or you can even opt for home -workouts. 5) Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily, it helps with weight loss. 6) Avoid consuming refined, ultra processed and packaged foods. 7) Eat simple, home-cooked meals. 8) Keep a tab on your salt, sugar, and oil intake. 9) Get 7-8hrs of sleep, daily. 10) Have two fruits regularly, and salads as well. Take care ✨
Hello sabeera👋 Congratulations on your baby boy! Losing weight after pregnancy can be challenging, but it's definitely achievable with a balanced approach. So Always consult your healthcare provider before starting a new plan. 1.Diet:Eat balanced meals, control portions, stay hydrated. 2.Exercise:Start with walking/yoga, add strength training. 3.Sleep: Get enough rest, manage stress. 4.Support: Consult healthcare providers, lean on family.👍
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البشره الدهنيه الحساسه
و لو سؤالك حاجه تانيه وضحيه اكتر
البشره الدهنيه الحسابه ممكن تستخدمي روتين البشره الدهنيه و زودي معاه كريم بكون فيه centella عشان تهدي حساسبه البشره موجود في المنتجات الكوري كتير
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I'm a working woman but after 2-3 months in my job I got ill . and it alos happened in my past job
Earn your own income from work from home opportunity. What is your qualification?
hi, please join my live today @8:00pm

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