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by Coach_Salsabil_Zowail on Nov 13, 2023

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هنتعلم مع بعض إزاي نطور مهاراتنا الشخصية ونشتغل علي نفسنا ، عشان ❤️❤️نتغير للأفضل

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مش لازم نكون مثاليين طول الوقت في كل حاجه عادي اني في وقت وزني يزيد وارجع اظبط اكلي والعب رياضه عادي لو بيتي مش بيلمع ٢٤ ساعة ، مهو فيه أولاد بيلعبو وبيتحركو وبياكلو ويشربو بس بحاول أعلمهم النظام والنضافة عادي لو يوم تعبانه صحيت متأخر ، مش نهاية العالم عادي لو يوم زهقانة غيرت الروتين وسهرت علي فيلم. مش لازم نكون مثاليين طول الوقت ولازم نقبل التقصير في جانب من جوانب الحياة خليكي متصالحة مع نفسك ، و بلاش جلد الذات طول الوقت 🤗🤗

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Bakingcommented 41 days ago

ربنا يحمينا من طاقة جلد الذات اللي بتطلع فاجئة كدة😭

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weight gain diet plan available
Hi, thank you so much for this post. I appreciate your efforts ❤️
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You can always add your cardio within your strength exercise
True that thanks for sharing this
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Hello my Coto women , Real fitness isn’t about choosing between walking, yoga, or hitting the gym—it’s about combining all three and having a balanced approach rather than over doing only one format !!! Cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises are essential for an effective workout plan!!! #holisticapproach #CardioStrengthMobility #TotalBodyWorkout #FunctionalFitness #CardioStrengthBlend #StrengthAndMobility #HolisticFitness #BalancedTraining #FitAndFlexible #WorkoutVariety #AllInOneWorkout #FitnessCombo #MoveBetter #StrongAndFlexible #CardioStrengthRoutine #cardio #strength #flexibility
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i was diagnosed with lymph stage 2 what’s the most suitable nutrition routine for me?
Best product are forever Aloe Vera product. DM me for more updates
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Loved this mobility drill , it’s a killer core strength builder, it’s a power packed leg and glute work , totally in love with these @itstanyamalik keep em coming I am enjoying seeing them , practising , mastering and recreating em !!! Love the Fitness Community on Coto it’s so encouraging to push your limits up and stretch your boundaries!!! #fitnessmotivation #hybridfunctionaltraining #functionalmovement #funtionaltraining #bodyweightworkout #compoundmovements
Awesome @Mindset by Meenal go for it and hopefully we get to see a video of you
thankyou for sharing... will try doing this 🙂
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HIIT Core Circuit Here I did 4 sets of 10-15 reps each Hold the last variation for 30-60 sec each leg. Give this one a try for a quick, effective, no-fuss core workout #workout #absworkout #coretraining #corestrength #hiit #mobility #functionaltraining #functionalnutritioncoach #biohacker
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#controlweight #netflix #thecrown #netflix #fashionvideos #livehealthylifestyle #knowyourbody #weightlosscoach Interested person contact me WhatsApp number more information _9560223838
hi anita aap weight loss karate ho kaise
interested person contact me WhatsApp number more information _9560223838
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How My Husband Handles Comments About My Bodybuilding As a female bodybuilder, I’ve faced comments about my muscular physique, and my husband, less muscular than I am, often becomes a target too. People say things like, “Dude, your wife looks manly and muscular. How can you accept this?” Instead of defending or feeling insulted, my husband simply accepts the comments with humor, replying, “Oh yeah, she is very muscular. She can definitely beat me; I don’t mess with her. I just obey what she says.” This tactic is effective because it: 1.Diffuses the Situation: By agreeing, my husband disarms the people making the comments. Their goal is usually to provoke a defensive reaction or engage in a prolonged discussion. His acceptance removes the power from their words and ends the conversation quickly. 2.Shows Confidence: His responses reflect his confidence and security in our relationship. He doesn’t feel the need to prove his masculinity or control over me to anyone, leaving the commenters at a loss for words. 3.Uses Humor: Humor lightens the mood and shows he doesn’t take the comments seriously. This makes it difficult for others to continue their teasing. 4.Demonstrates Support: His approach demonstrates deep respect and support for my bodybuilding journey. By acknowledging my strength and achievements, he reinforces the positive aspects of my dedication and hard work. This dynamic relies on psychological insight. People often tease because they expect to provoke a reaction. When my husband responds with acceptance and humor, he breaks this expected pattern, leaving them without a foothold for further teasing. This strategy is empowering for anyone facing similar situations. Accepting and owning the comments, rather than defending against them, can neutralize negativity and showcase confidence. It’s about understanding that others’ opinions don’t define us and that our self-worth isn’t tied to conforming to societal expectations.
Beautiful and inspirational
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How My Husband Handles Comments About My Bodybuilding As a female bodybuilder, I’ve faced comments about my muscular physique, and my husband, less muscular than I am, often becomes a target too. People say things like, “Dude, your wife looks manly and muscular. How can you accept this?” Instead of defending or feeling insulted, my husband simply accepts the comments with humor, replying, “Oh yeah, she is very muscular. She can definitely beat me; I don’t mess with her. I just obey what she says.” This tactic is effective because it: 1.Diffuses the Situation: By agreeing, my husband disarms the people making the comments. Their goal is usually to provoke a defensive reaction or engage in a prolonged discussion. His acceptance removes the power from their words and ends the conversation quickly. 2.Shows Confidence: His responses reflect his confidence and security in our relationship. He doesn’t feel the need to prove his masculinity or control over me to anyone, leaving the commenters at a loss for words. 3.Uses Humor: Humor lightens the mood and shows he doesn’t take the comments seriously. This makes it difficult for others to continue their teasing. 4.Demonstrates Support: His approach demonstrates deep respect and support for my bodybuilding journey. By acknowledging my strength and achievements, he reinforces the positive aspects of my dedication and hard work. This dynamic relies on psychological insight. People often tease because they expect to provoke a reaction. When my husband responds with acceptance and humor, he breaks this expected pattern, leaving them without a foothold for further teasing. This strategy is empowering for anyone facing similar situations. Accepting and owning the comments, rather than defending against them, can neutralize negativity and showcase confidence. It’s about understanding that others’ opinions don’t define us and that our self-worth isn’t tied to conforming to societal expectations.
more power to you! 💟 keep growing keep glowing..
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Duygusal Yeme Üzerine Bugün psikiyatri servisine gelen kadınlardan biri hayatı boyunca hep “tombul” olduğundan ve bedenini sevmediğinden bahsetti. (Tombul kelimesi kişinin kendisi için kendisinin kullandığı bir terim) Duşta 5 dakikadan fazla kalamadığından, bedenine çıplak olduğunda bakamadığından bahsetti. Bana sorarsınız, çook güzeldi. Ben ona bakarken kilolu bir kadın görmemiştim. Çok güzel bir kadın görmüştüm. Fakat önemli olan onun kendisini nasıl değerlendirdiği elbette. Kilo aldığı zamanlarda kendisini sevmediğinden, kilo aldığı için kendisine kızdığından, kendisine kızınca da yeme atakları geçirdiğinden bahsetti. Bunun adı duygusal yeme cânım kadınlar. Psikiyatristimiz ile konu ile ilgili çalışmaya başladılar. Sizin bedeninizle ilişkiniz nasıl ? Kendinizi kilolarınızla ya da onlarsız “şefkatle” kucaklıyor musunuz ? #duygusalyeme #yemebozukluğu #kadın
Aynı şeyleri ben de yaşıyorum bazen ah bu beden algısı
Bedenimle zaman zaman değişiyor ilişkimiz. Yazın hiç beğenmezken, kışın görmezden gelebiliyorum bir şekilde tabi bu durumun ne kadar sağlıklı olduğu tartışılır. 😔

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