by 0170_delightfulotter on Jun 1, 2024

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Our goal is to guude everyone to live healthy lifestyle, guidance to crrect diseases and health issues with correct nutrition.

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Unlock the key to sustainable weight management and discover a world of confidence, good health, and vitality!

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Networkingcommented 3 days ago

for more help cll me ☺️

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unable to get back into shape even after cardio and also always feel lethargic
And if you could help with more like your occupation, medical history, age , how many times a week cardio , lifestyle I would be able to guide even better
Sweetie strength training is the key to the results you looking at , and also great for your energy levels , your muscles need power to support the cardio u keep doing!!! Also sleep well, rest recover, workout out rest ratio can be 5:2 and also eat nourishing foods and keep a check on stress find out ways to calm you down and rejuvenate you to keep your stress levels under control….
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Hi, thank you so much for this post. I appreciate your efforts ❤️
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anyone who started body building after 45....I am planning to do it....need suggestions ??
jab jaago tab good problem stay fit stay healthy
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