
by komalkashikar on Nov 3, 2022

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Mental Health

Can anyone share their experience with mental health consultation here at COTO? How do I pay?

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New Mothersanswered 76 days ago

I think you should check with coto team if you want to avail to consultantation through coto. alternatively you can DM the Practioner/ expert directly and check

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Taking a break from studies, jobs, relationships n focusing on reading new genre books and journaling a lot!🤗
I heal people by YPV psychological healing in such situation
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Being active on Social medias has made me realize that every person out there talks about selfcare. What exactly does self-care entail, and how can I incorporate it into my daily routine to improve my mental well-being?
Hi. Hope you are well! For plants to grow we need to water them, provide the correct sunlight and temperature. Similarly, we too need the water, sunlight and optimum temperature to grow, thrive and better our self. Self - Care does that for us. In your daily routine incorporate exercise, healthy sleep routine, reading, meditation etc. which ever suits you to strengthen your mind and body. To know more join my live sessions @Psychologist_SriradhaPodder
Self care , Mental health, mental well-being...these are the topics which one sees every where. To put in a nutshell... Mental well-being or mental health would mean you are able to conduct you routine without creating negative thoughts feeling etc.. if the activity you do or the interaction you have is creating any kind of upheaval means your mental health issues disturbed. Self care comes in play here .. self care includes taking care physical , mental and emotional health * you need to do you duties perform the tasks without getting disturbed. * Take care of your physical health by eating right food, adequate water and good sleep. * Setting Boundaries, Saying NO etc plays a important role.... For more information connect with me on 9869278747 cheers
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How do I navigate friendships that may be impacting my mental health negatively, and when is it okay to let go? @Chaitali_Hirani_psychologist
Hey there, hope you're doing well. Navigating confrontations in friendships can be tricky but you'll need to recognize signs of invalidation or even disrespect to know if the friendship is worth maintaining. Try having an open communication with your friend in case there are communication issues but if you still don't feel validated, then you need to realise that it might not be beneficial to you to stay in that relationship. You can set boundaries and let them know what behavior of theirs is unacceptable to you. Self care should be a priority even in case of friendships. You can also talk to a therapist who can help you with assertiveness and boundary setting.
Hi, you could begin by assessing how the friendship affects you, noting signs of toxicity such as persistent negativity or manipulation. Clearly communicate your boundaries and seek support from trusted individuals. If your efforts to address the issues with your friend are not successful it may be appropriate to consider ending the friendship. Remember, choosing to distance a is decision to prioritize your mental health and surround yourself with positivity. Trust your instincts and prioritize self-care as you navigate this process.
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I recently lost my loved one, and I'm struggling to cope with the grief. It's hard to imagine a life without him, my best friend and love. How can I find healthy ways to grieve?
Very sad to know about your loss. Your reaching out to ask about the grieving process is in itself a positive step. Grieving is a process and takes about 6 to 13 months depending upon the closeness shared. so positive grieving steps would be , thinking about the good times that you spent, thinking about the ways the person changed your life and maintaining that. sharing their strengths and stories with others close to them. keeping the good memories intact and preserving the relation.
I can't imagine how difficult it must have been for you. Stay strong. Try writing your thoughts or sharing it with your family and friends.
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Mengapa seseorang bisa selalu ingin mencari tempat untuk menyendiri? Apakah ini ada hubungannya dengan kesehatan mental?
introvert ga suka keramaian biasanya sih
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When you set goals you are identifying a purpose in life.. than just existing. When you take small steps towards achieving these goals it increases your confidence. Celebrating small wins boosts your self esteem . Now tell confidence good self esteem and is leading a purpose ful life will that not bring more happiness and enhance mental health....?
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You are your own Master. Forget the past and create a path for yourself. Indulge in a sport, restart your hobby, engage with positive people, meditate
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Berdasarkan website resmi RRI, merasa penting dalam menjaga kesehatan mental adalah dengan kita memperhatikan hal-hal seperti memperbaiki suasana hati, berusaha megurangi kecemasan, berusaha lebih damai, skill berpikir lebih jernih, serta memikirkan dampak kualitas hubungan baik untuk diri sendiri maupun orang lain.
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