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by cotocrew on Oct 30, 2022

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lately I hv been going through a very rough time. sometimes find it difficult to get through the day... any suggestions

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answered 242 days ago

open your heart to someone

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what to do when you are feeling like you are lossing everything crying everyday and no one tries to understand you ? 🤧#lossingmyself #psychotherapistlife
try using the crazy phrase. it is a tool from Access Conciousness I teach in class works amazingly. *Everything is the opposite of what it appears to be, and nothing is the opposite of what it appears to be *. 20 times when you feel upset
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ما هو تأثير الحرمان من النوم على العقل، هل عدم القدرة على النوم يسبب الجنون؟
يقوم النوم بوظيفة مهمه وهي إعادة تظبيط ذبذبات المخ وبالتالي فإن عدم النوم يسبب اختلال في كهربا المخ والنواقل العصبيه مما يؤثر بلا شك علي صحتك العقليه
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How to control mood swings or overcome mood controlling our day to day activities?
Hello dear, Mood swings are mostly due to hormonal changes which can be regulated and modified through proper diet. Kindly connect 7020545193 Dr Chawla For details
mental health 🙃
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I. m feeling alone I want a friend to talk
hi how are you doing today?
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Hi girls, have you ever wondered why we choose to live? I mean, think about it. Every day, we wake up, go through the motions, and face all kinds of stress and uncertainty. We know life is finite, that we're going to die someday, yet we keep pushing on. Why? What's the point? I am currently in this situation, don't know what to do and what the point of living is.
I am Pragya Arora, a clinical psychologist and I have got you covered! It’s only natural to ponder the purpose of life. The finite nature of life makes it precious, encouraging us to make the most of our time, create experiences and leave an impact. Why don’t you connect with me to explore your feelings deeper and find your purpose?
Hey there It's quite human to question sense of purpose in life and it can get exaggerated when we're not finding hope or solutions to some problems. Being a part of the human experience is the bar to develop a sense of hope We all strive to have a better quality of life and get the worthwhile experience of existence. If you're struggling with finding sense of purpose, try to explore your goals and your dreams for your life and reflect on your past to plan your future. We know that one day it'll come to an end, but we can atleast make the journey exciting so as to leave a soul print. :)
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I have gone through my child's death because of premature delivery. My husband is blaming me for that and taking a divorce from me. My all inlaws are against me. After marriage my husband and in laws started mentally torturing me .Nowadays I am dealing with lots of depression and stress. I am suffering sleepless nights. Please help me. How can I overcome the depression and stress caused by my husband blaming me for our child's premature death and my in-laws' mental torture, while dealing with sleepless nights and the threat of divorce?
I'm deeply sorry to hear about the immense pain and suffering you're experiencing. t’s crucial to prioritize your mental health and well-being during this incredibly time.Establish a strong support system by reaching out to friends or family members who can offer emotional support, and consult with a lawyer to understand your rights regarding the divorce and potential legal support against the mental torture.Set clear boundaries by limiting contact with people contributing to this stress and create a comforting space for yourself, focus on future,small achievable goals.Prioritize self-care by creating a calming bedtime routine to improve your sleep quality,Incorporate mindfulness meditation and relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises to manage stress.Journaling your thoughts and feelings can be therapeutic, and practicing daily gratitude can help shift your focus towards positive aspects of your life. Pl remember healing takes time and you deserve compassion. Stay strong
First of all, please inform your family about what all is happening to you in your husband's home.. please don't hide anything. Mental stress is always fatal for the baby in the womb. How insanely toxic are the people who were troubling you even during the time of pregnancy. Also, your first focus should be you now. Please dont lose yourself in pleasing others. Make your husband understand in the presence of your Folks. And take a final decision. Never settle in the home where you fail to get basic respect. Life is not just about a toxic marriage.
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Feeling trapped in a world of darkness, don't really know what should I do. May I get any suggestions please? It'll be really helpful for me. Thank you in advance.
Hi, this is Pooja Mangal a tarot and astro vastu expert. Don't loose hope... things will get better soon.... let's work together for a happy tomorrow.... share your birth details to know which planet is afflicted in your chart. please join my live to discuss and solve this issue.
I'm sorry you're feeling this way. Here are a few suggestions that might help: 1. **Reach Out for Support**: Talk to someone you trust about how you're feeling. 2. **Seek Professional Help**: A psychologist or therapist can provide strategies to cope. 3. **Self-Care**: Engage in activities that you enjoy and that help you relax. 4. **Stay Active**: Physical activity can boost your mood and energy levels. 5. **Limit Stress**: Identify and manage sources of stress. 6. **Routine**: Establish a daily routine for normalcy and control. 7. **Avoid isolation If you're comfortable, share more about what’s troubling you for more tailored advice. Be kind to yourself during tough times.
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There are times when I feel like I'm being excluded or left out by my girl friends, which triggers feelings of loneliness and insecurity. How do I communicate these feelings without coming across as needy or as an ‘attention seeker’???
Hi . Actually it's not your friends,it's you who has stopped loving yourself and started loving others more than you. Confused? You can join my live on Monday and ask me clarification on this
So if you are bestfriends then ideally they should have understood by now about how you feel. But you should still clearly have a conversation with them and tell them about how you feel about things.
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I am therapist but I also feel vulnerable, anxious and sad sometimes so this is just a reminder for you all that none of us has “figured it out everything” all of us are going through something, just hold on to it and things will get better❤️ Do share how are you feeling?
Anxiety can be really tough sometimes to be dealt with! 🙃
It's actually a relief hearing it from your side!! 😔😔
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I am suffering with depression from past 10-12 years. I am taking regular psychiatric medicines also. But the major problem which I am facing in life is that I am having a vascillating mind. I am not able to stick to one plan for more than 2-3 days. I cannot follow anything religiously or with consistency. I lose my interest in anything I decide to do very soon. I can't even take bath daily because of mental lethargy. I have gained a lot of weight in these 10-12 years. It's 122 kg currently. I have tried meditation, yoga, walking, exercise everything. But I am not able to continue these things for a long time. I give up in 2-3 days everytime. I am 30 years old. I want to change my life. I want to get out of this vicious circle. How can I come out of it. Please widen my horizon about what is that is hindering in my life to move on and flourish and change. please advise and help me with your suggestions.
Hey there, thank you for sharing. Feeling like you've tried a lot of things and nothing working can be truly disheartening. It's understandable you feel frustrated and exhausted. I want to acknowledge the effort you've put in to find ways to feel better. It's definitely not easy. Since you've already been on medication for a long time, it's natural for your body to get resistant to it. Along with the meds, I would suggest to seek professional guidance from a psychologist for a fresh perspective. Sometimes a new perspective gives a glimmer of hope and might pave the way for your progress. Additionally, having a strong support system(friends, family) can also help you with motivation. Remember to be gentle with yourself during this challenging time, it's okay to take breaks and prioritize self care. Even though it might not feel like it now, things can change. If you want to explore further, you can get on a one-on-one call with me on the platform.
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I'm Pragya, a Relationship Building Coach with a deep understanding of Trauma-Informed Behavioral Therapy. I hold an MSc in Clinical Health Psychology from the University of Strathclyde. My goal is to help you navigate the complexities of your relationships, whether it's dealing with loneliness or overcoming toxic dynamics. I’ve seen firsthand how small changes can lead to significant improvements in relationships. Let’s work together to build stronger, healthier connections. I offer free insights during our sessions, and if you find value, we can explore more personalized guidance.more

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I’m Niharika, a Dating Coach with a Master’s in Clinical Psychology from MIT World Peace University. I help individuals navigate the difficult emotions surrounding breakups, body image issues, and more. Breakups can be overwhelming, but with the right support, you can emerge stronger. I’ve helped many people move on from heartbreak, and I’m here to do the same for you. Let’s explore how you can regain your confidence and start a new chapter.more

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I’m Riya Satija, a Psychologist specializing in Child and Clinical Psychology. With an MSc from Christ University, I focus on helping you understand and overcome personal challenges like relationship red flags or loneliness in marriage. Many have benefited from my sessions, and I believe you can too. By joining me, you’re taking the first step toward a healthier mindset. I’m here to support you every step of the way, whether it’s through a casual chat or a deeper, personalized consultation.more

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