by Sexologist_DrKalps on Jan 18, 2023
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801 posts
Now a days relationships are disturbed so much due to Sexual problems. Myself Dr Kalpana Erande working as a Sexologist for Females and Infertility specialist. We at Dr Erande's Clinic in Mumbai and Pune help couples to resolve there sexual problems, to be happy and more Fertile. Doing sex is not a work, its one of our daily needs. It not only fulfill your desire, but also keep your hormones active so that you don't need to face fertility issues. So do enjoy sex regularly......for good fertility.Also Remember almost Half of population of world is having Vagina and Clitoris, but how many of them know about orgasm?I will try to introduce you all to this untouched part of your sexual self. Be part of this journey and become Rambha -Urvashi of your own life.

・answered 288 days ago
Hello Dear. I'm a Consultant Psychologist and Sexual Health Expert. You can increase your foreplay that would help you get aroused and increase the wetness in vagina. Or you can try lubricants which are available but if you are trying for a child, I wouldn't suggest lubricants as it kills the sperms. If not, try lubricants or even saliva would work. Hope that answers. Do join my live, i tend to speak on many sexual wellness topics.

・answered 275 days ago
Consult a Sexologist for proper guidance and treatment of vaginal dryness. It can be due to lack of foreplay/passion is not in sync/ relationship issues/you can have some hormonal imbalance or because of certain conditions like perimenopause, mental health issues or other diseases and or it's medicines. Proper history taking is necessary to find reason and then accordingly treatment can be done.
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