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by Meenal Majethia on Jun 26, 2023

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A community to talk your worries and stress away. Self care is the most important aspect in today's stressful era, you must know even if you're healthy from the outside doesn't necessarily makes you healthy from the inside 💠. Explore your worries and make them go away. We are here to support 💗

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I feel trapped inside my body. Every time I look in the mirror, I can’t believe I’m inside conscious myself, seeing out my eyes. What’s wrong with me? How can I feel more comfortable in my body?

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answered 211 days ago

Feeling trapped inside your own body, according to me thats: • When you are not showing up your real self to others and decide remain an unclosed • When you behave totally the opposite of what is going on in your mind • When you are feeling an urge to vomit out your feelings to others, which you have not done of years • When you deceive yourself smaller than others - Inferority complex • When you feel no body can understand you and feel all alone • When you feel like running away from the life you are in. And altogether not living your life in present but in a dreamland • Last is when you are not happy and carry the load of guilt I am not sure what you are thinking, but not any of the above then you have to go to the doctor for a check up cos this might be related to your health too!! And dont worry this is all normal!

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