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by Shalini Behl on Sep 22, 2022

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My body just doesn't feel like mine anymore. Illness, injury, or maybe just bad body image days – it's hard to love myself when I feel like my body is failing me. How do you find ways to appreciate your body, even when it feels like it's letting you down? Feeling discouraged and need some inspiration.

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Personalized Diet for PCOSanswered 116 days ago

👍. Help your friends and ask them to share her qualification in my WhatsApp number for work from home opportunity. share this number only with female +919435110521

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Personalized Diet for PCOSanswered 116 days ago

Have forever Aloe Vera gel. DM me for more updates

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kya hua ma'am apko
Love you too Sharanya.
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Hi beautiful soul, Addiction of partner can be frustrating. I t leads to confusion in the relationship. To get more insight on how to handle the difficult situation let us come together on my live session at night from 10 to 11 and 12 to 01.
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Hello, it's great to see that you're seeking clarity, and I would love to help. I often discuss healthy and unhealthy relationships in my live sessions. You can join me live tomorrow between 10 am and 8 pm. Hope to see you soon :)
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hi dear join my live session today 12 to 1 and 4to7
Hi, please join my live@10:00 am in the morning for detailed reading.
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maahisha dear I am online right now and will be live at 9pm again..please connect withme
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