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by Coach Maha on May 8, 2024

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Clinical psychologist And Psychotherapist and addiction therapist Obsessive-compulsive disorder ، Anxiety ,depression , ايضا بقدم خدماتى مع اضطرابات الشخصيه و الجنسيه والميول المثليه باكثر من مدرسةعلاجيه مثل العلاج المعرفى السلوكى والجدلى السلوكى و التقبل والالتزام والعلاج الزواجى

🧠 Mental Health
Grief Counselling

هو الجوع مستمر مرتبط بالنفسية ؟ولا دي مشاكل جسديه

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New Mothersanswered 127 days ago

جميلتى أهلا الجوع المستمر ربما يكون عاطفى أو بسبب عضوى ولأن الاجابه ع سؤالك محتاجه اعرف تفاصيل من خلال اللايف بكتابه تعليق او الاتصال فون كول ف اللايف علشان اقدر الاحد معاك إذا كان جوع عاطفى بسبب انفعال واضطرابات ولا جوع بسب عضوى وهنا ااقدر احولك ع د عليا معانا ف الفريق دكتور تغذيه وتفيدك اكتر دمتى بخير وود 🥰 منتظراك

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ma'am aap please dhyaan rakhiye naaaa.. aap jabh thik feel kro ...ham tabh baat krenge ma'am. please please please proper rest kijiye ... mujhe baaat Krna hai aapse but jabh aap thik kro tabh hi. or remedy krrhi hu pakaa.. cycle break nhi hui na ? ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 i love you so much !!!!!!!
kya hua ma'am apko
Love you too Sharanya.
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Are constant fights in a relationship healthy?? Me and bf keep foghting over petty stuff but we also patch up within hours.
try to find out core of fight, why do u you guys get frustrated , and don't suppress your emotions if you wanna cry? cry infront of him , if he hurted you talk on that topic as soon as possible , these constant fights are the reason of lack of communication and holding grudges inside , so make sure you guys are having proper convo on every topic ... and try to control your anger infront of him and tell him as well that anger is just harming both of you ... hope it helps. :)
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ayurvedic dermatologist
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Every relationship goes through such phases, so I absolutely understand where you are coming from. There are many ways we can work on our relationships and make it healthy. Please join my live between 10am to 8pm. Let’s gain clarity together and allow me to help you :)
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Hi beautiful soul, Addiction of partner can be frustrating. I t leads to confusion in the relationship. To get more insight on how to handle the difficult situation let us come together on my live session at night from 10 to 11 and 12 to 01.
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Hello, it's great to see that you're seeking clarity, and I would love to help. I often discuss healthy and unhealthy relationships in my live sessions. You can join me live tomorrow between 10 am and 8 pm. Hope to see you soon :)
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ابنتي تعاني من وسواس قهري نوع ديني بدأ قبل سنتين حالياً عمرها ٢٠ سنة تم مراجعه طبيب نفسي وأعطاها علاجات ونوعاً ما تحسنت الحالة ولكن الآن عادت مرة أخرى وبقوة ا
اهلا بحضرتك❤️ الوسواس القهري من الاضطرابات اللي بتستجيب كويس للعلاج الدوائي ولكنه لا يغني عن العلاج النفسي إلا بعد انهاء خطة العلاج اشجعكم تتواصلوا مع معالج/ة نفسي/ة للعمل معها على المعتقدات المشوهة والتدريبات السلوكية دمتي بخير❤️
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I'm tired of his mixed signals... he ignores my text and in irl sometimes stare at me. I'm done what to do?
hi dear join my live session today 12 to 1 and 4to7
Hi, please join my live@10:00 am in the morning for detailed reading.

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