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by Dr. Anjali Chhabria on Jul 24, 2023

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Mindtemple is a counselling centre that caters to the psychiatric, emotional and behavioural concerns of people. Mindtemple was founded by Dr Anjali Chhabria, a psychiatrist and psychotherapist by profession, who has been practising in the field of psychiatry for the last twenty-five years.Mindtemple has been helping individuals from different walks of life, emotional fitness being one of its main objectives.The offset of Mindtemple also includes: The Mindtemple Institute of Behavioral Sciences (MIBS) that provides holistic solutions for workplace and educational institutes’ mental health well-being across the globe. The services we offer include psychology-based training programs and workshops.

🧠 Mental Health
Grief Counselling

i am seeing a therapist and she's really good but she appears too firm and strict in some way that makes me uncomfortable. it's just how it is or should i change my therapist?

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answered 167 days ago

Hey there This depends on the context of your problems and the therapy modality your therapist might be using. Sometimes they have to be firm enough to confront you about your issues and that can be uncomfortable. However, if you still feel that she's good but her strictness is making you uneasy, you can always be upfront about it and make it known to her how you're feeling with her approach.

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answered 166 days ago

Also honestly helps in the communication with your therapist how you sometimes feel with her strictness she can plan things accordingly

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answered 165 days ago

Of course.if you are not feeling relaxed and stress free..then what's the point...you should change the therapist

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answered 164 days ago

If you feel uncomfortable with your therapist's approach, it might be worth considering finding a new therapist who aligns better with your needs and communication style.

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answered 156 days ago

Hey ! there are some situations where therapist night get stricter so that you can feel a little bit pressure on you that you have to do the following assignment but if that's going for long and often please openly communicate it your therapist and I am definitely sure she will consider it.

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It's actually a relief hearing it from your side!! 😔😔
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