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by Stayhealthy on Feb 18, 2023

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Healthy eating is one of the trends that generate the most food-related innovations in the world each year. This has been going on for a few decades and it will certainly continue to be the case for some time to come. As science continually evolves, we learn more every day about the impact of our diet on our current and future health which plays out in the food market. In fact, the very definition of a healthy diet is changing.

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I’m feeling hungry this morning - what’s best to eat?

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Surrogacyanswered 239 days ago

Hi, You can consume the following options for breakfast. - 2 egg whites ( scrambled, omelette) with a slice of wholemeal bread. - 1 Bowl oats porridge with strawberry, and banana ( sprinkle some chopped nuts ( 1 tsp). - 1 Bowl upma with veggies - 2 pancakes with chopped banana, and a little drizzle of honey on top.

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Skincareanswered 239 days ago

Good fat and high protein. Avoid carbs as they will spike your glycemic index making you more hungry throughout the day. Whole eggs are the best! If you’re vegetarian then a handful of overnight-soaked nuts. We don't need the amount of food we all eat! The best would be to try intermittent fasting and delay your first meal, still sticking to the above-mentioned rule!

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Hi there, I hope you are well. Here are ways in which you can eat healthy even when you are busy. - Chop all the vegetables on a Saturday/Sunday or whenever you get a holiday and place it in a ziplock bag. You can use these veggies to prepare fried rice, poha/upma, sabji, sauteed veggies, stir-fry, etc. - Puree the curry or gravy base in advance and place it in your freezer. You can defrost it and use it as and when needed. - Prepare wrap, sandwich batter in advance and place it in your fridge. You can use this for 3-4 days based on the veggies used. Don't keep it for too long. - You can have sandwiches, roti wraps ( use the leftover sabzi in it), curd rice (easy to prepare), a basic vegetable rice or pulav, protein salads ( you can boil chana, moong) and place in in the fridge. - If you eat non-veg, then marinate Chicken, fish in advance, refrigerate it and grill it as an when needed. Let me know if this helps, Take care ✨ and eat healthy!
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Hi there, I hope you are well. There are various options that you can choose from for dinner. Here's are some options - 1) Dal khichdi with curd 2) Daliya with veggies and buttermilk 3) 1 roti roll or wrap with paneer/chicken + 1 Bowl veg soup 4) 1 Bowl dal soup+ 2 Moong/besan oats chilla and chutney 5) 1 Bowl tawa pulao with veggies+ 1 Bowl raita 6) 1 Bowl mixed veg soup + 1 vegetable sandwich 7) 1 portion paneer/chicken + 1 bowl protein soup ( moong, dal, etc and veggies) 8) 1 Bowl khichdi + 1 katori kadhi 9) 1 Bowl dal +Curd rice 10) 1 Bowl sauteed veggies+ 1 portion rice/quinoa/barley + 1 Bowl yogurt I hope this helps, Take care ✨
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