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by MariamEzzat_ on May 15, 2023

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صحتك النفسية هي اهم مسؤولياتك و لازم تبقى من أولوياتك🧘🏻‍♀️هنا هنتعلم ازاي نهتم بصحتنا النفسية كل يوم و نجرب حاجات جديدة كل يوم نحسن بيها نفسيتنا و نخلق بيئة صحية ليكي تكتشفي ذاتك فيها و تطوري من نفسك اكتر اكتر، و متنسيش تحطي صحتك النفسية أولاً☺️

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ما هي بعض أنشطة الرعاية الذاتية التي يمكننا ممارستها لتحسين صحتنا النفسية

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New Mothersanswered 30 days ago

اهلا بيكي انشطة الرعاية الذاتية تشمل ممارسة التمارين الرياضية ، الاهتمام بالمظهر الجسمي ، ممارسة تمارين الاسترخاء المتمثلة في التنفس العميق ، ممارسة تمارين التأمل الواعي مثل اليوجا ، ممارسة الأنشطة والهوايات المفضلة . تحياتي 🥰🌷

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my boss is pressurizing me to take a certification exam at my job. are there any insights on how yo deal with this? I do not feel ready to take the exam now.
Try talking to your senior and HR if possible, if you unsure about something its always better to have clear communication before hand and its better if they formally write about details of this exam on formal mail/letter
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Incorporating a holistic approach, how can nutrition support mental and emotional well-being for women, including strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and mood fluctuations?
Hi there, I hope you are well. -Nutrition plays a key role in overall well-being. Each nutrient we consume is needed for nourishment of different organs and tissues. Hence, it is necessary to include a balanced diet which comprises of fibre, protein, and good fats. -Fibre is needed for improving digestion and for keeping your gut healthy.There is a link in between your gut and brain , and hence, fibre is necessary. Include wholegrains, vegetables, fresh fruits, beans, lentils to the diet. - Protein is needed for functioning of various hormones,wear and tear of muscles, and for nourishing each cell in the body.Include beans, lentils, dairy and dairy products, lean meat, nuts, and seeds to the diet. - Omega 3 fatty acids rich foods can improve your mood and facilitate better brain functioning. Nuts, seeds, fatty fish, eggs, avocado, olive oil are great sources of the same. - Include meditation, and yoga in your daily routine to combat stress. - Opt for a walk, and sleep well. Take care ✨
Balanced diet, rich in fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, supports mental health. Include mood-boosting foods like omega-3s, magnesium, and zinc. Avoid excess caffeine, sugar, processed foods. Hydration and mindful eating help too.
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My friends straight up don't listen to me when I'm venting or sharing my problems. They zone out, change the subject, or give shitty advice that shows they weren't even paying attention. It's pissing me off feeling dismissed like that by people who are supposed to be my girls. How do I get through to them and make them actually hear me out without invalidating how I feel?
Its better to stay with less friends then the friends who dont value your feelings, nevertheless, confrontation of how you feel can also help to either break off or bring you closer
Just go and have a straightforward conversation with them. Just vent out everything to them about how you have been feeling. If they are your true friends then they will definitely understand you.
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Hi girls, have you ever wondered why we choose to live? I mean, think about it. Every day, we wake up, go through the motions, and face all kinds of stress and uncertainty. We know life is finite, that we're going to die someday, yet we keep pushing on. Why? What's the point? I am currently in this situation, don't know what to do and what the point of living is.
I am Pragya Arora, a clinical psychologist and I have got you covered! It’s only natural to ponder the purpose of life. The finite nature of life makes it precious, encouraging us to make the most of our time, create experiences and leave an impact. Why don’t you connect with me to explore your feelings deeper and find your purpose?
Hey there It's quite human to question sense of purpose in life and it can get exaggerated when we're not finding hope or solutions to some problems. Being a part of the human experience is the bar to develop a sense of hope We all strive to have a better quality of life and get the worthwhile experience of existence. If you're struggling with finding sense of purpose, try to explore your goals and your dreams for your life and reflect on your past to plan your future. We know that one day it'll come to an end, but we can atleast make the journey exciting so as to leave a soul print. :)
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I have gone through my child's death because of premature delivery. My husband is blaming me for that and taking a divorce from me. My all inlaws are against me. After marriage my husband and in laws started mentally torturing me .Nowadays I am dealing with lots of depression and stress. I am suffering sleepless nights. Please help me. How can I overcome the depression and stress caused by my husband blaming me for our child's premature death and my in-laws' mental torture, while dealing with sleepless nights and the threat of divorce?
I'm deeply sorry to hear about the immense pain and suffering you're experiencing. t’s crucial to prioritize your mental health and well-being during this incredibly time.Establish a strong support system by reaching out to friends or family members who can offer emotional support, and consult with a lawyer to understand your rights regarding the divorce and potential legal support against the mental torture.Set clear boundaries by limiting contact with people contributing to this stress and create a comforting space for yourself, focus on future,small achievable goals.Prioritize self-care by creating a calming bedtime routine to improve your sleep quality,Incorporate mindfulness meditation and relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises to manage stress.Journaling your thoughts and feelings can be therapeutic, and practicing daily gratitude can help shift your focus towards positive aspects of your life. Pl remember healing takes time and you deserve compassion. Stay strong
First of all, please inform your family about what all is happening to you in your husband's home.. please don't hide anything. Mental stress is always fatal for the baby in the womb. How insanely toxic are the people who were troubling you even during the time of pregnancy. Also, your first focus should be you now. Please dont lose yourself in pleasing others. Make your husband understand in the presence of your Folks. And take a final decision. Never settle in the home where you fail to get basic respect. Life is not just about a toxic marriage.
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I struggle with emotional eating during stressful times. What strategies can I use to manage this better ?
Identify your emotions and situations which leads you to unhealthy eating pattern and try to incorporate healthy alternative there. That's it! Then you are good to go girl.
Hi there, I hope you are well. If you struggle from emotional eating, during stressful times, then, here's what you can do. - Maintain a journal and jot down which food you are likely to crave during those times, whether it is salty, sugary, spicy, fried, etc. - Write the foods you are most likely to reach out to in case of a stressful situation. - Ask yourself as to whether you are hungry or trying to eat because you are stressed. - Learn to differentiate between physical hunger and emotional hunger. - Try to distract yourself by talking to a friend, listening to music, indulging in a hobby, some exercise, dancing, etc. - Avoid stocking unhealthy foods at home, and if you are likely to order online, then, delete foods apps completely. - Honour your cravings once a while, so that you don't end up Overeating whenever you are emotionally down. - Try to eat healthier alternatives of your favourite foods. - Opt for meditation or yoga as and when you feel emotionally stressed or drained :)
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تعرفو إن التفاعل الاجتماعي الصحي بيزود القدرات العقلية وبيحسن صحة الجهاز المناعي؟! العلاقات الإجتماعية اللي في حياتكم سلبية وللا إيجابية؟
كلامك صح جداً وعشان ميأثروش علينا سلباً لازم التواصل معاهم يكون بطريقه فعاله،نعبرلهم عن رأينا،مشاعرنا ونوضح تحديداً محتاجين منهم ايه بلطف لكن كمان بحزم.
أنصحك تشوفي السبب ضروري لإن ده مؤشر لوجود مشكلة
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How to be calm and have patience if someone irritates you
Hello, I can understand that there are times when you feel so irritated with the people around you, and it does feel very difficult to deal with the situation. Always remember that you have to protect your own peace, and that's the only thing that matters. So try to move away from such situations in any way possible.
Set boundaries for yourself and do not allow anyone to enter into your mental space
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Just started college and already facing some serious homophobia from my classmates. They keep making jokes and spreading rumors. I don't want to tell my parents yet, but this is starting to affect my mental health. Any advice on how to handle this?
So first of all you should take help from your professor or some counselor who will help you in dealing with this problem. secondly if you feel like then you should share it with your parents. There is nothing wrong in that, instead they will support you and help you in this situation
Firstly thank you for sharing how you felt,secondly our culture in india is not queer affirmative but what we as individuals needs is acceptance of our own identity and am so glad you embrace it, facing bullying is difficult everyday i suggest talking to your counselor/therapist for helping you build resilience
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Whenever I take time for self-care or relaxation, I can't shake off this overwhelming sense of guilt. It's as if I'm letting everyone down by not constantly hustling and being productive. How do I break free from this toxic mindset and allow myself to prioritize my mental well-being guilt-free?
Hello there, you know when you fly in a plane , you are instructed that in case of emergency first put on your oxygen mask before helping others. Similarly when you are yourself not relaxed, and fulfilled how can you take care of others around you? So self care is not a luxury but a necessity. Hope this helps you with looking at self care from a different perspective.
Hey there! Hope you're doing well. I understand practicing self care can sometimes bring up feelings of guilt, it is something that we have been conditioned to not do in order to succeed in the hustle culture. However, I want to assure you that it is not selfish and if sometimes things get too heavy for you, it's okay to take time to refresh and recharge yourself. Try to challenge the distorted thoughts that contribute to your guilt and reframe and recognise what is essential for your overall health. You can also start with smaller acts of self care if big changes are overwhelming for you and then you can gradually work towards bigger changes.

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New Mothers

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