Holistic health & Wellness  community's profile image

by Coachmennaelmoshneb on Mar 29, 2024

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104 posts

i’m Menna. I’m a holistic health Coach, and my passion is to help women to maintain a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable. I received my training and education as a health coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York. During my nutrition training, I was introduced to over 100 dietary theories from Eastern to Western, ancient to modern and everything in between to come to identify that the offered food on our plate is secondary to our relationships, career, financial challenges, spirituality, home cooking, physical movement, stress management and our self-care, all of which are aspects of life that we call primary foods. Balancing our primary foods is what fills our souls and satisfy our hunger for life. I am here not to provide a list of food restrictions nor to reside on calories count or proteins or fats or carbs but I’m here to start with you the journey of holistic wellness. I’m here to empower you to recognize the areas of imbalances on and off the plate in your lives. My mission is to guide you to a happier and healthier life that you can sustain as a lifestyle. Along the journey we will achieve goals that include;improving gut health by focusing on whole real foods, reducing comfort junk foods, treating sugar cravings, balancing blood sugar, maximizing sleep quality, energy and spirituality, applying stress management tools and maintaining relationships.

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i was diagnosed with lymph stage 2 what’s the most suitable nutrition routine for me?

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Rituals & Practicescommented 16 days ago

Best product are forever Aloe Vera product. DM me for more updates

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٤ غلطات زودو وزني ٤ كيلو في ٢٠ يوم وانا اخصائية تغذيه😎😎 استروا عليا🤓🤓 ٤ غلطات كتير منتا بيقع فيهم كل يوم مش فالسفر بس اوقات كتير بنتخيل اننا ناكل زي ما نحب ونلعب رياضه هنخس⛔️ ناكل وجبه واحده وناخد فيها كل اللي ف نفسنا هنخس⛔️ كل ده ممكن تعمله لو انت عندك هدف انك تزيد فالوزن مش عاوز تخس💯 انا عملت زيك كده وتخنت مش خسيت وما يقع الا الشاطر ♨️♨️♨️ ١: محضرتش جدول الاكل الخاص بالايام كلها ومحضرتش اي حاجه معايا واعتمدت علي اني هاكل اكل مشوي من الموجود في المطاعم اللي هو مليان بردو هدرجه وهيزود بردو الوزن ٢:اكلت وجبه واحده بس فاليوم والوجبه دي كانت سعراتها عاليه جدا وفيها مزيج بسن الدهون والنشويات وبالتالي الانسولين علي جدا وزاد تخزين الدهون وخصوصا في منطقه البطن ٣:الصحبه 😅😅 اصدقاء السوء اللي بياخدوك دايما عالمطاعم والحلي ويقولولك دايت اي ياعم ده انت محتاج تتخن مش تخس عارفهم دول؟ عندك منهم ؟؟😇😇 ٤: النوم 😲😲 قله عدد ساعات النوم او لغبطه مواعيد النوم انك مثلا تنام الصبح وتصحي بالليل تشوف في كام نجمه فالسما وحركة الرياح والكواكب كل ده بيلغبط معدل هرمون الكورتيزول وبالتالي هتزيد فالوزن ويطلعلك كرش🤓🤓 قولولي بقي بتعملو كام حاجه من ال٤ حاجات اللي زودو وزني 😕😕 ولكن اخيرااا اقتنعوا اننا نبدأ نتخلص من الدهون دي كلها قبل ما تبقي صديقه لينا مدي الحياه🙃🙃🙃 تفتكروا هنجح معاهم ولا هيهربو في نص الطريق قررت نمشي علي نظام لايت بسيط بس هيساعدنا بسرعه نوصل لهدفنا قبل فته العيد 🤝🤝 لو عاوزين اشارككم النظام بتاعنا اكتبولي تعليق تحت بس متنسوش احنا كده كده بنحب نفسنا حتي لو زيدنا ١٠٠ كيلو 💯💯💯 مع @standup_healthy #عيشهابالصحة هتعيشها بكل سعاده #diet #dietfood #dietplan #nutrition #nutritioncoach #nutritionist #tipsdiet #tipsandtricks #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #coach #drrawdanutritionist #friends #explore #viral #viralreels #reels #tipsdiet
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Let's define healthy! For more functional nutrition and functional movement insights, follow me! #biohacker #agereversal #functionalnutrition #functionalnutritioncoach #guthealth
Well said!
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مش لازم نكون مثاليين طول الوقت في كل حاجه عادي اني في وقت وزني يزيد وارجع اظبط اكلي والعب رياضه عادي لو بيتي مش بيلمع ٢٤ ساعة ، مهو فيه أولاد بيلعبو وبيتحركو وبياكلو ويشربو بس بحاول أعلمهم النظام والنضافة عادي لو يوم تعبانه صحيت متأخر ، مش نهاية العالم عادي لو يوم زهقانة غيرت الروتين وسهرت علي فيلم. مش لازم نكون مثاليين طول الوقت ولازم نقبل التقصير في جانب من جوانب الحياة خليكي متصالحة مع نفسك ، و بلاش جلد الذات طول الوقت 🤗🤗
ربنا يحمينا من طاقة جلد الذات اللي بتطلع فاجئة كدة😭
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Fuel your body with the power of nutrition, unlocking vitality and embracing a healthier you with every bite. @Reema1
hi @ipsuri and @keri @Ramiya do you agree here
that's nice @priya_cutecherry
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#dr_nesmaali #رمضان #فرحة_العيد #العيد كل عام وانت بخير
pls write in English because I can't understand Urdu
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Almonds for me!
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Be it starting a new workout or changing your meal plan, it’s all about HABITS! Remember, what drives us to our goals isn’t motivation, it’s discipline! Create the right framework for success! #biohacker #agereversal #hybridathlete
Good ideas
it is actually hard for me to make a healthy habit! never knew why before. Thankyousomuch!🫶🏻

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Hello beautiful people! I am Nutritionist Shruti Shingvi. I've completed a BSc in microbiology and a MSc in Nutrition and dietetics. I am also a Certified Diabetes Educator and Nutrigenomic councellor. I speacialize in helping women with fertility concerns, PCOS, Endometriosis, Weightloss, Diabetes, Eating Disorders and Hypertension. My aim is to empower women to heal their body, mind and soul with nutrition. I also have experience in advocating for women's health in the pharmaceutical industry and giving nutritional advice in a hospital setup. I speak English, Hindi, Marathi and Marwadi. You can reach out to me on my live sessions, communities or DM me with anything and everything related to nutrition for women's health.more


Rituals & Practices



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i’m Menna. I’m a holistic health Coach, and my passion is to help women to maintain a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable. I received my training and education as a health coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York. During my nutrition training, I was introduced to over 100 dietary theories from Eastern to Western, ancient to modern and everything in between to come to identify that the offered food on our plate is secondary to our relationships, career, financial challenges, spirituality, home cooking, physical movement, stress management and our self-care, all of which are aspects of life that we call primary foods. Balancing our primary foods is what fills our souls and satisfy our hunger for life. I am here not to provide a list of food restrictions nor to reside on calories count or proteins or fats or carbs but I’m here to start with you the journey of holistic wellness. I’m here to empower you to recognize the areas of imbalances on and off the plate in your lives. My mission is to guide you to a happier and healthier life that you can sustain as a lifestyle. Along the journey we will achieve goals that include;improving gut health by focusing on whole real foods, reducing comfort junk foods, treating sugar cravings, balancing blood sugar, maximizing sleep quality, energy and spirituality, applying stress management tools and maintaining relationships. more

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