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صحة المرأة الجسدية

by Dr_HendIbrahim on Jul 11, 2023

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كل حاجة ليها علاقة بالصحة والتوعية الجسدية ممكن تلاقيها هنا. أنا دكتور هند وموجودة هنا عشان نحاول نوصل لمجتمع آمن وواع عن صحة المرأة الجسدية💁🏼

🫀 Health and Wellness
Feminine Health

التنقل في الصحة الجنسية والألفة بعد الولادة يتضمن فهم التغييرات الجسدية والعاطفية. حيث أن الأمر يتطلب الوقت والصبر والتواصل والدعم المتبادل. - الجسم يحتاج الى وقت للشفاء، قد تؤثر التغيرات الهرمونية على الرغبة الجنسية وتسبب جفاف المهبل. استخدام المزلقات والمشاركة في تمارين قاع الحوض يمكن أن يساعد في ذلك. - الأمور العاطفية والمشاعر تلعب دور كبير، بجب تقديم الأولوية للعناية بالذات وطلب الدعم من الزوج أو من طبيب نفسي اذا كنتي تحتاجين الى هذا. - يجب أن تتبني الصبر وتستكشفي طرق جديدة للتواصل حيث أن الألفة تتجاوز مجرد ممارسة العلاقة الحميمية وتشمل جميع أشكال القرب والتجارب المشتركة إذا كيف تنتقلي بشكل صحي؟ - التواصل بصراحة مع شريكك حول مشاعرك واحتياجاتك. - كوني صبورة مع جسمك وحالتك العاطفية. - طلب التوجيه المهني إذا واجهتي تحديات.

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commented 80 days ago


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The Pelvic floor is a multilayered sheet of muscles stretched between the Pubis and Coccyx, forming inferior support to the Abdominopelvic cavity. The female Pelvic floor has 3 openings Urethra, Vagina and Anus. Pelvic floor dysfunction may include Urinary leaks, urine urgency and incontinence. Leaking urine on coughing,sneezing, laughing or lifting weights is known as Stress Urinary incontinence. This is not normal, it may be very common but is not normal. This must be treated or managed well to avoid inconvenience and unhygienic conditions associated with SUI or UI. There is hope , there is treatment for this. As a Pelvic floor Physiotherapist I am here to guide you. Reach out and start your Health journey with me. #PelvicWellness #pelvicfloorhealth #pelvichealthawareness #pelvicfloordysfunction #urinaryleaks #stressincontinence #urgeincontinence #rehabgorpelvicfloor
Allright whenever I need i will connect you. 😇
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We dont have to whisper anymore
Exactly 💯
That is actually a very nice way of putting this major problem/issue. Genuinely loved it 😍🌼
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'Health is Wealth' - The World Health organisation has defined health as physical, mental & social well being! We can also add 2 more components to this definition- sexual health and spiritual health! All of us should look after these 5 aspects of health throughout our lives! Specially women need to give special attention from Menarche to Menopause to protect their well being. Balanced diet, exercises, good habits & timely medical intervention are four pillars for good health. It is commonly seen that women neglect their diet. Most Indian women are prone to develop deficiencies of iron, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B and proteins. Some women are obese while some are very thin and/or malnourished. Women look after their family members very well. But they neglect their own health. They require balanced diet including millets, legumes, sprouts, green leafy vegetables, fruits, milk etc. This ensures good health, glowing skin and hair. Amino acids, iron, vit C and zinc are important to strengthen immune system which in turn is vital for fighting various infections. To be continued - Dr Ashwini Bhalerao Gandhi Consultant Gynecologist, P D Hinduja Hospital #healthylife #women #dietplan #deficiency
Yes. absolutely I agree with you. If you are healthy then only you can work efficiently. Taking care of one's health is very important.
Infact Health is Well, very informative
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We dont have to whisper anymore
Yeah I guess nowadays along with women men are too getting straightened about this talk. And the hesitation and whispering is somewhat reducing which is a good thing.
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Hey girls, Are you suffering from pain during sexual intercourse during your first attempt or during insertion of tampoon or menstrual cup or during your pelvic examination? This is called Vaginismus. Why does this happen? How to resolve it? Do you want to know the answers.... Join my live tomorrow on Coto at 4:30 pm on 19th March #vaginismus #sexual #womenproblems #cotocreator #sexualwellnes #vaginismustreatment #painfulencounter #UnconsumatedMarriage #couplecounseling #letstalk #BreakTheTaboo #OpenYourMind #askasexologist #BestSexologist
Hii...I thought I had vaginismus...I went to a doctor, she did pelvic floor examination and even inserted speculum into my vagina..both were smooth...but still I dear penis penetration....what could be the reason???
I don't like
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Hygiene on the Go: PeeFree - Say goodbye to unsanitary public restrooms with our portable urine funnel. Stay clean and comfortable while traveling. Try our urine funnel today!
oh my!! It's a game changer for women!
That is indeed a very useful innovation ✨
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Hey girls, Are you suffering from pain during sexual intercourse during your first attempt or during insertion of tampoon or menstrual cup or during your pelvic examination? This is called Vaginismus. Why does this happen? How to resolve it? Do you want to know the answers.... Join my live tomorrow on Coto at 4:30 pm on 19th March #vaginismus #sexual #womenproblems #cotocreator #sexualwellnes #vaginismustreatment #painfulencounter #UnconsumatedMarriage #couplecounseling #letstalk #BreakTheTaboo #OpenYourMind #askasexologist #BestSexologist
Waiting for it 👍
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Yaaaa 💜
Benim inanılmaz kasıklarım ağrımıştı. Hiç ihtimal vermiyordum ama çok ağrıdı. Eczaneden alarak yaptığım ilk test negatif, ikincisi pozitif, üçüncüsü yine negatif çıkmıştı😁 en son dayananayıp doktora gitmiştim😁😁
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We dont have to whisper anymore
Should be shout out loud

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