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by marwa on Jun 21, 2023

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Its all about PCOS in here. From imbalanced menstrual cycles, to foods to consume and exercises to do. So let’s explore PCOS together and navigate it like a fighter.

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A tub of ice-cream, a big chocolate bar and an old season of Gilmore Girls, F.R.I.E.N.D.S is what I like to watch when I get intense mood swings. What is your coping mechanism for dealing with bad moods?? I also prefer not talking to anyone because if I do either they do some emotional damage to me or I do it to them😂 #periods #moodswings #Mensuration

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STD/STIsanswered 145 days ago

For me it's thriller/crime shows, curled up on the couch, and ofcourse being away from people is a plus!

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Marriageanswered 133 days ago

Soo True!!! That would really be only thing that could help

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I am feeling emotionally neglected these days. My husband doesn’t seem to understand my mental health and is ignoring me. Apparently i have been a bad wife to him. How can I come out of this zone and be confident abt myself and make myself feel better??
hi there, I'm clinical psychologist and I can understand how feeling emotionally neglected in your marriage can be incredibly challenging, especially if your mental health is not being supported or understood. One advice I can give you is by start having an honest conversation with your husband expressing how you feel without blaming him. Using "i" sentences help!. reach out to your friends, family or join me for a live session for support and validation. Another crucial thing is to always engage in self-care activities that nurtures your mind, body and soul. Setting boundaries is also something that that can work in your favor and I would love to help you more with this. hope you're doing well and I'd love to hear from you soon
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Hi Dear. I'm a Consultant Psychologist and Sexual Health Expert. Codependent relationships are one where either of your emotions and sense of self depends on the other person. This is considered unhealthy because there is lack of boundaries, healthy space and trust. It would affect both of you. If it's somethings that affects you, do come on my live and talk to me.
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hello mujhe anxiety aur bhi bhut saari problem hai
Hi there radiant being! I am so sorry to hear that you are dealing with anxiety. I am a clinical psychologist and can hopefully help you with these issues whenever we have a chat together but till then I would love to share some tips which can help reduce some anxiety. My favourite way to reduce anxiety is the box breathing method in which you breathe in for 4 seconds. Holld the breath for 7 seconds and exhale for 8 seconds. This can help in sleeping problems too. I hope I could be of help. Hope to know more about how you're doing soon. Take care.
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Hello Dear. I'm a Consultant Psychologist and Sexual Health Expert. It isn't healthy to practice silent treatment, it can ruin relationship. But that also not make you feel less of a person as it seems to stem from your anxiety and insecurity. The right way is to express your emotions to the partner stating that you are Hurt and also work on yourself in building a confident identity. Do join my live sessions to learn more
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How do you deal with someone who shuts you out? My partner shuts me out whenever things get tough, leaving me feeling isolated. How can I cope with feeling ignored and shut out in moments of conflict or difficulty?
Hello Dear. I'm a Consultant Psychologist and Sexual Health Expert. This is an issue most people face is we are unable to understand others people behavior and take it personally. It's not your fault, let me put it out. I believe you partner has some internal fear that's holding him back and whenever he feels triggered he shuts you down and that makes you feel confused. That confusion turns to uncertainty, anxiety and frustration, I believe. He need some extra support and you too. Do let me know how I can help. I come live often and you can have a one to one consultation there.
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دكتور هو ممكن حالتي النفسيه تاثر على جسمي ؟
اهلا وسهلا بيكي ♥️ معاكي سيلڤيا معالج نفسي وعضو اتحاد المعالجين النفسيين العرب تقدري تشرفيني فال community بتاعتي the healing journey اكيد بياثر للاسف بس دا بعد ما نتاكد من دكتور جسدي لو اكد ان ملهوش سبب جسدي بنبدا جلسات ونمشي مشوار الشفا ♥️ اهلا وسهلا بيكي ♥️
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Does anxiety control your life or do you control your anxiety?
Hi I am a counselling psychologist, helping people to manage their stress and daily life mental health challenges. I would like to answer your question. Agar anxiety aapke decisions aur daily activities ko impact kar rahi hai, to samjho anxiety aapko control kar rahi hai. Lekin agar aap techniques use kar rahe ho anxiety ko manage karne ke liye, to aap apni anxiety ko control kar rahe ho. I hope my answer helped. You can connect with me in live sessions also to get your anxiety managed.
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Is it okay to feel guilty abt questioning my long-held beliefs?? This thought is actually taking over my mental health now.
Hello there, yes why not. We all change every single day, and with that our thoughts also change, and so if at a srage you feel like some belief is not working for you now or limiting you in any way,you can definitely question it and assess it. Nothing wrong, it just means you are growing.
you have to be busy to keep your mind calm. DM your qualification for work from home opportunity
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Now im dealing with anxiety and depression can anyone help me
Im very anxious
Hello there, sorry to know that you are feeling this way. yes, I am there to help you.
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My partner has been shutting me out lately, giving me the silent treatment. I keep trying to talk things through, but they just withdraw further. Is this what they call "stonewalling" in relationships? What should I do?
Hello dear, first I hope my answer finds you well. Secondly, I can not give his attitude a name as the whole situation is not clear. If you want my advice, do not judge him or keeping yourself busy by giving his behavior a name instead, try to re-evaluate the relaionship and the causes behind his recent change. You should also open a discussion with him, listen carefuly and explain your concerns clearly, then and according to his reaction to the previous you can make a conclusoion and consequently a proper decision.

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"Hey There! I am Pragya Arora, a Senior Psychologist, specialising in clinical psychology. Having worked in Australia and beyond, I've had the privilege of working with diverse populations, guiding countless individuals through tough times towards brighter days. If you're feeling lost in the storm of life, struggling to find your way out. I see you, I hear you, and I'm here for you. Know this: you're not alone. For over 5 years, I've made it my life's mission to help folks just like you reclaim their power, find their voice, and live lives filled with happiness and purpose. I'm all about keeping it real - whether it's stress, relationship challenges, or just needing someone to talk to, I've got your back. Together. we're a tribe of warriors, and I'll be right there with you as you navigate the battlefield of your mind and heart. No judgment, no shame, just unwavering support as you rewrite your story. Ready to take the first step towards a happier, healthier you? Reach out today, and let's start this journey together. 🌿✨"more

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Hello people! I am Dr. Samadrita Saha; PhD, M.A. (CU); Consultant Psychologist, Parenting Coach. I have worked with more than 10,000+ clients till now to heal and make their life better in terms of getting a better perspective of life, promoting intra-personal relationship & self-care. My expertise includes anxiety management, stress management, coping depression, low self-esteem issues & self-confidence issues, familial relationship challenges, and trauma. I am also seasoned in pre-marital counselling, gediatric or old age counseling and postpartum depression counseling. I believe "healing starts when you feel heard!" Therefore, my therapeutic approach is all about giving you the non-judgemental, unbiased, empathetic safe space to share. I have been practicing for the last 13 years and I take a person-centered approach and love doing therapy with individuals and their families to help them navigate and cope with challenges in their life. I am a working mother of a toddler, I really feel empathetic to the kind of challenges mothers go through and I am here to help you deal & cope with all the challenges of parenting. I use conscious breath work, meditative approaches and a lot of energy work in my therapeutic sessions. I speak English, Hindi & Bengali.more

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"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them." – Maya Angelou. Welcome! My name is Niharika Bisht and I have been a clinical psychologist for over a year with a strong foundational practice of over 2000 hours in evidence based therapy, in English and Hindi, which are always client centered, putting YOU as the priority. My compassion comes with the caliber of providing the tools for you to navigate their struggles and challenges. I would love to be a catalyst for an impact whether you're dealing with event-based or long-term depression, social or personal anxiety, neurological disorders such as autism or epilepsy, or relationship issues involving friends or in-laws. Building a therapeutic relationship on trust, empathy, and respect is my priority. Together, we'll explore your strengths, address challenges, and build resilience. I'm here to help you find clarity, develop healthy coping strategies, and create meaningful change. I fiercely look forward for you to join me in a live session so that we can understand how we can go forward together, gain new perspectives and be the best version of ourselves we always knew we could, please remember you're not alone and you alone are capable.Hope to see you soon.more

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Hey there, My name is Bhumika Sehra and I’m a Counselling psychologist with a passion for helping individuals overcome their challenges and improve their mental well-being. I have acquired my Masters in Clinical psychology from CMR University, Bangalore and have been trained to bring a compassionate and empathetic approach to my practice. With a focus on evidence-based therapies and a deep understanding of human behavior, I work with clients to address psychological issues, such as stress, anxiety, depression, relationship conflicts, mood disorders, body image issues, burnout and, life transitions amongst other things. With 1000+ sessions undertaken in Psychiatric Hospitals, my approach is tailored to your unique needs, making it a customised and effective treatment. Whether you're seeking support for yourself or a loved one, I am here to offer guidance, support, and cultivate mindfulness and a safe space for healing and growth with a perspective that resonates with the experiences and challenges unique to women. Join our Community "Untangled" for insightful discussions, live sessions, helpful tips, and a supportive community dedicated to mental health. Together, let's untangle life's challenges and grow stronger.more

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Hello people! This is a Mental Health community. I am Dr. Samadrita Saha; PhD, M.A. (CU); Consultant Psychologist & Lifestyle Influencer. I have worked with more than 10,000+ clients till now to heal and make their life better in terms of getting a better perspective of life, promoting intra-personal relationship & self-care. My expertise include anxiety management, stress management, coping depression, low self-esteem issues & self-confidence issues, familial relationship challenges, and trauma. I also seasoned in pre-marital counselling, gediatric or old age counseling and postpartum depression counseling. more


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🧠 Mental Health

Hey everyone, I am Nikita Dudani - practicing Psychotherapist and counselor. I specialise in working with children and adolscents and young adults. This group is a safe, warm, empathetic and understanding space where you are welcome to share, ask, and discuss anything related to mental health. Let us speak up, show up, and heal ourselves.more