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by Dr_HendIbrahim on Jul 11, 2023

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كل حاجة ليها علاقة بالصحة والتوعية الجنسية والجسدية ممكن تلاقيها هنا. أنا دكتور هند وموجودة هنا عشان نحاول نوصل لمجتمع آمن وواع عن صحة المرأة الجنسية💁🏼

🫀 Health and Wellness
Feminine Health

دكتور انا مش متجوزه وحاسه اني دايما منجزبه جدا جنسيا لاي ذكر قريب مني حاسه ان ده مرض ومش عارفه اعمل اي انا نفسيتي تعبت حاسه اني حد مش تمام

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Rituals & Practicesanswered 26 days ago

اهلا بيكي يا جميلة❤️ انا مقدرة احساسك جدا وشكرا على صراحتك وثقتك انك تتكلمي في موضوع زي ده الانجذاب الجنسي احساس طبيعي بنمر بيه كلنا لأنه جزء مننا ماينفعش نستغنى عنه فا وارد تحسي بالاحساس ده خاصة في فترة التبويض من الدورة الشهرية لأن هرمونات الانوثة بتكون عالية اشجعك تكلميني في اللايڤ نتناقش في ايه اسباب مضايقتك من الانجذاب ده وازاي نتجاوز الضيق ده ونتحكم في انجذابنا الجنسي بطريقة صحية

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you shouldn't be thinking that way dear unless you have hurt him by any means or destroyed his Male ego. If you have hurt him then that's one thing but if it isn't the case then my dear there is not problem with you. Either he is stressed or there is something physical or mental glitch he is having
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Hi,You need to take care about your feelings and also need to counter those conflicts which bothers you.You can have a open discussion with your boyfriend.
ok thanks so much
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There is nothing wrong about it.This can happen due to certain changes like hormones and other chemicals.If you want yo can have a consultation with clinical psychologist.
Hello! Hope you are doing well. It’s totally normal to feel this way! At times, there might be a phase in which we just don’t want to get intimate and that’s okay. It can happen due to hormonal changes and the changing pattern of the menstrual cycle. Not being interested in sex doesn’t mean you are broken. Let me know if you want to connect to discuss this further! -Sampada Fotedar psychotherapist and intimacy coach
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Having clarity about your feelings and urges and having mutual understanding will be helpful.You can have a discussion with your partner.You can take professional help for discussing about your fantasies in detail.
Hey! Hope you are doing well. I feel that communication is an essential part of any relationship and you can definitely communicate your ideas to your boyfriend in an assertive manner. I also encourage you to explore your likes and dislikes and engage in self pleasure to understand your preferences better. If your sexual fantasies are scaring you, it’s always a good idea to talk about them to your partner and see what he thinks about it. Let me know If you want to connect with me to discuss this in further detail!
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Everyone has their own experience and like other things there are also some pons and cons.You have to care about your feelings and it's your choice how you want to move on.

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