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by Priti on Nov 4, 2022

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🌊🌈 Mumbai - I call it the "Sea City" which is worth "see"ing 🌊🌈 Priti Vilekar, coto City Ambassador @Mumbai Vibes, which will familiarize you with the beauty of Mumbai, its resilient nature, and most importantly what is it all about❣️❣️ 😇 Lets know Mumbai better 😇 👀 A city where people come with dreams in their eyes and hope in their hearts ♥️ 💲A city that is the financial capital of India, but tops the list for Asia’s largest slum 🤷‍♀️ ❤️A city with so large a heart that it encompasses people from all walks of life, embraces different cultures, and celebrates them🥳 😐 A city where affordability definitely acts like a speed breaker, but sees lakhs and lakhs of people navigating their way to try their luck 🚶‍♀️🚶🧍‍♀️👭🧎 🏥A city that offers advanced medical care, excellent job opportunities, education, and much more💪 🚊A city that has the lifeline of public transport be it railways, BEST, Metro, Cabs, Rickshaws, and very soon the coastal road🛺 😋A city that satiates the taste buds of its residents through famous five-star hotels as well as tapris (small roadside thelas or joints)😎 🤪A city that has a language of its own, “Kasa kai bara aahe, I am Mumbai”🤫 🎲A city that rolls the dice in different ways, but people are ready to gamble🎯

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How does nutrition play a role in maintaining heart health?

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answered 286 days ago

Good omega3 food can help heart health like salmon etxv

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answered 277 days ago

Heart needs very basic but certain important nutrients,starting from glucose to omega 3 fatty acids to maintain its health.

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Surrogacyanswered 143 days ago

Hello Nadia! I’m Shruti Shingvi a nutritionist with a masters in nutrition & dietetics. Maintaining a diet rich in fiber, whole grains, nuts, millets vegetables and fruits ensures better heart health by eliminating the buildup of plaque ( substance that clogs the arteries ) and protects our heart from diseases. If you have further queries please connect with me.

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Would anyone here recommend Ayurveda for heart blockages? 80% in LAD? or should one go for Angioplasty?
Hii kindly share the reports with us and connect with me on my live from 10-1pm and 2-4 pm everyday except on Mondays
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hey! hope you are all doing well. Just wanted to know if Alternative treatments like Ayurveda or Naturopathy work on Heart blockages of 80-90%. or should one opt for Angioplasty? All suggestions are appreciated, quite a crucial time since the Angioplasty is complex in this case. Of anyone is a doctor or knows ang doctor who has handled such cases, any help is appreciated. Thankyou in advance
Hey! Thank you for approaching. Please share the reports with us and we will discuss together. Connect with me on live from 10-1pm and 2-4 pm everyday.
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#WednesdayWellness Do you view your health routines as lifetime investments? What are the things you do for your health everyday?
Honestly this is a bad habit of mine that I don't look after my health.
Hi @docmfrank -Working out everyday or at least 6 times a week is what I dont miss out. - Also, my morning routine of having soaked nuts, and dates is something that I value a lot :)
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I have a family history of heart disease. What dietary changes can I make to reduce my risk factors?
Hi there, Hope you are doing well. My advice to reduce the risk factors of heart disease is reduce the amount of fats in your diet, avoid ghee, butter, fried foods and try to eat boiled and sauted vegetables instead, also stop taking dairy products as they have more fat content instead you can use tonned/skimmed milk. Points to remember : • Stay Active • Excercise regularly (10k steps/day) • We'll balanced low fat diet • Healthy Lifestyle • Stress Less. • Drink water to prevent dehydration Hope this will help you. Thank you! Stay Healthy
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